About the Department
- Established in the year 2020, conducts the programme B.E. Aerospace Engineering, with a vision to attain excellence and global reputation in Aerospace Engineering education and research.
- Aerospace Engineering is developing new technologies for use in aviation, defense systems, and spacecraft.
- Aerospace Engineering specializes in designing, construction, operation and maintenance of different types of aerospace products, such as commercial and military airplanes and helicopters; including launch vehicles and satellites; and military missiles and rockets.
- The curriculum of Aerospace Engineering is made up of maintenance as well as design aspects of the present day aviation and aerospace engineering.
- It Prepares graduates with knowledge, problem solving ability, hands-on skills to take up career in the design, installation, manufacturing, testing, evaluation, technical sales, or maintenance of Aerospace systems.
- Faculty members published papers in many National and International indexed Journals.
- Placement opportunities in core companies (Harita Serv Ltd, ASM Technologies Pvt Ltd, General Motors, TVS Motors, Honey Well Technologies), etc.
Programmes offered
- B.E., - Aerospace Engineering - 4 years
Vision Mission
- To be a Centre of Excellence in Aerospace Engineering to create outstanding graduates.
- To impart quality education in aerospace engineering to meet the present and future needs of industry.
- To enable students for innovative technology practice to work with aerospace industries.
- To encourage the faculty members and students to do research in emerging areas of Aerospace Engineering.
- To motivate the students develop leadership qualities, team spirit, ethical values and entrepreneurial skills.
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
The Graduates of Aerospace Engineering will:
- PEO1: Have expertise in advanced space technologies to become competitive Aerospace Engineers.
- PEO2: Develop attitude towards research and innovation to provide sustainable solutions for Interdisciplinary issues and societal problems
- PEO3: Communicate and Manage resources effectively as Professional Aerospace Team members and Entrepreneurs with ethical values
Program Outcomes (POs)
Engineering Graduates will be able to:
- Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
- Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
- Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
- Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
- Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
- The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
- Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
- Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
- Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
- Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
- Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
- Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
The students/Graduates :
- Apply concepts and principles of Aerodynamics, Propulsion of UAV and integration of flight and spacecraft systems.
- Employ modern software tools for the design and analysis of complex Aerospace systems.
Advisory Committee
Department Program Advisory Committee (DPAC)
S.No | Member | Designation |
1 | Dr.V.Anandhakrishnan | NIT Trichy |
2 | Dr.D.Subramaniam | Professor & Head, Aerospace Enginneering |
3 | Dr.V.Shanmugam | Dean, School of Mechanical Sciences. |
4 | Dr.P.Parthiban | Assistant Professor, Department of Production Engineering, NIT-Trichy-620015. |
5 | Dr.K.Suresh | Deputy Manager(stress group), Aircraft Research and Design Center, HAL, Bangalore-560037. |
6 | Shri.T.K.Sundaramurthy | Former Scientist, Mission Director for Indian Communication & amp, Meteorological Satellite System, Bangalore. |
7 | Mr.P.Dharmadurai | ASSISTANT PROFESSOR |
9 | Mr.R.Govindaraju | ASSISTANT PROFESSOR |
10 | Mr.R.Subhashchandrabose | ASSISTANT PROFESSOR |
11 | Mr.K.Anandhraj | ASSISTANT PROFESSOR |
12 | Mrs.M.Revathi | ASSISTANT PROFESSOR |
Board of Studies
Members of the Board of Studies
S.NO |
Name With full correct postal address |
BOS Designation |
:Dr. G. Suresh Kannan
Anna University Nominee |
:Dr.D.Subramaniam |
Chairman |
Name :
Dr.P.Parthiban |
Academic Expert |
Name :
Dr.V.Shanmugam |
Academic Expert |
Name :
Shri.T.K.Sundaramurthy, |
Industry Expert |
Name :
Dr.K.Suresh |
Industry Expert |
Name : Mr.A.Vijesh Kumar
Industry Expert |
Name :
Dr.C.Dhavamani |
Member |
Name : Mrs.G.Mohana
Priya |
Member |
10 |
Name :
Mr.K.Balakrishnan |
Member |
Aerodynamics Laboratory
Major Equipment
- Wind tunnel
- Various Airfoil
- Water flow channel
- Calculating various aerodynamic characteristics
- Verifying the flow over an airfoils
- Finding lift and drag force over an airfoils
- Finding the pressure over an airfoils
Propulsion Laboratory
Major Equipment
- Piston engine
- Jet engine
- Propeller test rig
- Free jet and Wall jet
Knows about the working and parts of an engines- Finding the propeller performance
- Free jet and wall jet performance
Aircraft structures Laboratory
Major Equipment
- Open and closed sections beams
- Wagner beam
- Constant strength beam
- Photo- elastic
- Bend test set up
- Finding the bending stress of various materials
- Finding shear centre of open and closed section beams
- Finding flexibility matrix for cantilever beam
Aero Engine Laboratory
Major Equipment
- Piston engine
- Jet engine
- NDT equipment
- Various engine component
- Knowing about the cleaning and visual inspection checks about engines
- Identifying and troubleshooting techniques
- NDT checks
Airframe Laboratory
Major Equipment
- TIG welding
- MIG welding
- Arc welding
- Patch repair using TIG,MIG and arc welding
- Riveting operation
- Sheet metal forming
- Patch working
Aircraft System Laboratory
Major Equipment
- Aircraft
- Jacking apparatus
- Leveling apparatus
- Knowing about aircraft ground run
- Aircraft jacking procedures importance
- Aircraft leveling procedures and importance
Faculty & Staff
1 | Dr. SUBRAMANIAM D | Professor & HOD |
2 | Mr. DHAYANIDHI C V | Assistant Professor |
3 | Mr. KARTHIKEYAN M | Assistant Professor |
4 | Mr. KARTHIKKUMAR P S | Assistant Professor |
5 | Mr. SANKAR S | Assistant Professor |
6 | Mr. SARAVANAN A | Assistant Professor |
7 | Mr. SRIGANAPATHY A J | Assistant Professor |
8 | Mr. VIGNESH S | Assistant Professor |
9 | Mrs. KOWSALYA V | Assistant Professor |
Supporting Staff Members:
S.No | Name of the Supporting Staff | Qualification |
1 | Mr.P.Michelraja | BE |
Short-Term Courses
Short-Term & Value-Added Courses organized in the last academic years:
S.No | Subject Code | Name of the Course | Academic year | Conduct hours | Semester | Students Benefited |
1 | AS2101 | Basic Design and Drafting by AutoCAD | 2021 – 2022 | 35 hours | Odd Semester | 16 |
2 | AS2101 | Basic Design and Drafting by AutoCAD | 2022 – 2023 | 35 hours | Odd Semester | 15 |
Events Organized During ODD Semester 2021-22
S.No | Date(s) of the Event | Name of the Event | Number of days | Chief guest(s)&Affiliation | Total Number of Participants |
1 | 06.10.2021 | Webinar- How to convert a Socio- Economic Challenges as Technical Publications. | 1 | Dr. R Kannan, Assistant Professor (SG) Department of Aerospace Engineering Amrita school of Engineering |
20 |
2 | 09.11.2021 | Webinar- CFD for new product for Thermal Management | 1 | Dr. M Piramanandhan, Senior Engineer Manager- Mech – R and D. ESAB India Limited Chennai |
20 |
3 | 11.11.2021 | Webinar- Industry 4.O: Convergence of Ethnological Development.(Free of Cost) | 1 | Shree. N. Asoka Founder and Managing Director, M/S. SPARK Engineers (P) Ltd., Salem. |
20 |
4 | 01.09.2021 - 04.09.2021 | Workshop- Drone Development | 4 | Mr. N. Sunderesan, CEO, Aerial Drobotics, namakkal |
20 |
5 | 01.11.2021 | Guest Lecture-- Emerging Opportunities in Indian Space Program. | 1 | Shri.K.Sundara Moorthy, Ex-Misson Director, ISRO, Bangalore. |
20 |
6 | 09.10.2021 | MILES- Sustainable Aviation | 1 | Mr.Manoj Matthias Sekar Research Associate Energy Rsearch InstituteNangyong Technological University Singapore |
20 |
7 | 28.10.2021 | NIT/IIT Lecture series- Additive Manufacturing and Powder Metallurgy Technology in Aerospace Industry. | 1 | Dr.V Anandakrishnan, Associate Professor, Department of Production Engineeringv NIT, Trichy. |
20 |
8 | 30.10.2021 | MAILS- Career opportunities for Design Engineers in Aviation. | 1 | Mr. Prince kumar Chauhan, CEO, Khabai Tech, Bihar. |
20 |
9 | 16.11.2021 | MAILS- Mining Machinery | 1 | Ms. M Anuratha, Design Engineer, EPIROC, Bangalore. |
20 |
Events Organized During EVEN Semester 2021-22
S.No | Date(s) of the Event | Name of the Event | Number of days | Chief guest(s)&Affiliation | Total Number of Participants |
1 | 25.06.2022 | Webinar- Aircraft Sensors: Design and Development. | 1 | Dr. Elbert Jayapaul, Senior Research Executive (CFD), Collins Aerospace, Bangalore |
20 |
2 | 08.02.2022 | IIC Activity - Incubation & Pre-Incubation | 1 | Mr. GAUTHAM PALANISWAMY, Chief Executive Officer, Periyar University, Salem. |
20 |
3 | 15.03.2022 | Guest Lectures- Biomimetic flow control techniques for Aerospace applications.(Free of Cost) | 1 | Dr. J BRUCE RALPHIN ROSE, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Anna University Regional Campus, Tirunelveli.. |
20 |
4 | 21.05.2022 | MILES - Innovation of Smart materials for thermoelectric energy harvesting in Aviation applications | 4 | Dr. A K VIVEKANANDAN, Post Doctoral Researcher, Department of Material Engineering, National T sing Hua University, Taiwan. |
20 |
5 | 13.05.2022 | IIT/NIT Lectures- Design thinking for waste to wealth Generation | 1 | Dr. M RAGURAM, Associate Professor, IITDM, Kanchipuram, Tamilnadu. |
20 |
6 | 31.03.2022 | MILES- Role of Aeronautical Engineer in Aviation Design Industries | 1 | Ms. A SORNA, , Junior Design Engineer, TRANE Technologies, Bangalore. |
20 |
7 | 20.04.2022 | MAILS - Guide to building a career in Aviation Industry | 1 | Mr. N M MOHAMMED FAYAS, Aircraft System Designer, Safran Engineering Services, Bangalore. |
20 |
Faculty members guiding Ph.D. Research Scholars:
S.No | Name | Area of Specialization | Number of Research scholars | |
Progress | Awarded | |||
1 | Dr.D.Subramaniam | Alternate Fuels | 1 | 0 |
List of Faculty Members Pursuing Ph.D :
S.No | Name of the faculty | Specialization | University |
1 | Mr.P.Dharmadurai | CAD | Anna University |
Publications of Faculty Members:
S.No | Name of the faculty | Number of Research Publications |
1 | Dr.D.Subramaniam | 25 |
2 | Mr.P.Dharmadurai | 01 |
Department of Aerosapce Engineering
Mahendra Engineering College (Autonomous),
Salem- Thiruchengode Highway, Mahendhirapuri,
E-Mail id: hodaspace@mahendra.info