About the Department
About the Department
- Established in the year 2014 with the intent of raising qualified Agricultural Engineers and Researchers who can make substantial contribution to the field of Agricultural Engineering.
- The nomenclature of B.E Agriculture Engineering
has been changed to
B.Tech Agricultural Engineering and this come into effect from the academic year 2022-2023 onwards. - The curriculum and syllabus is approved by the Board of Studies and Department Advisory Board in which the external expert members are from educational institutions, industries and research centres of repute the curriculum is periodically reviewed on pace with the global industrial scenario.
- The Department offers four major specializations
in Agricultural Engineering viz. Farm Machinery and Power
Engineering, Soil and Water Conservation Engineering and
Post-Harvest Process and Food Engineering. Each has its unique and wide scope for research work. - Well-equipped Farm Machinery and Power Laboratory, Post-Harvest Engineering Laboratory, Dairy Processing and Food Engineering Laboratory, Bio Energy Laboratory and Irrigation Laboratory facilities are available
- Specially designed skill development programs are organized with the support of industrial experts.
- To acquire the knowledge on crop cultivation aspects from seed to harvest, the Department has 5 acres of farm especially for students to practice along with well-equipped Crop Husbandry Laboratory, Agriculture Meteorology Observatory, and Soil Science Laboratory.
- A fully automated Polyhouse and Green shade net available in the Department for student’s project work under controlled environment
- Publication in NAAS index / Scopus indexed Journals
- Consultancy work and social interactions by faculty members.
- National and international conferences and courses are organised.
- Thirty-three percentage of faculty members have Ph.D., qualification
Programmes offered
- B. Tech - Agricultural Engineering- 4 years
Vision & Mission
- To attain excellence in Agricultural Engineering Education, Research and Extension activities for sustainable Agricultural development and harmonized livelihood of humans.
- To impart technical education through effective teaching-learning process.
- To enhance students’ employability through mentoring and skill based training.
- To educate and train the future professionals to face various agricultural challenges due to global changing scenario.
- To discover and improve new technologies for stakeholders based on integrated approach.
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
The graduates of will be able to
- PEO1: To provide a sound theoretical knowledge in engineering principles applied to agriculture.
- PEO2: To develop leadership qualities with responsibilities to provide ethical and technical solutions in Agricultural Engineering.
- PEO3: To Identification of bottlenecks in agriculture specific sectors to develop a sustainable Agricultural Engineering practice.
- PEO4: To maximal utilization of resources which are minimal and develop state of the art technologies in Agricultural Engineering.
Program Outcomes (POs)
Engineering Graduates will be able to:
- Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
- Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
- Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
- Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research- based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
- Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
- The Engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
- Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
- Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
- Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
- Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
- Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
- Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
The students will demonstrate the abilities
- PSO1: Survey, scrutinize, design and develop agriculture systems to promote a sustainable agriculture with high yield with less utilization of resources.
- PSO2: Execute innovation and excellence in Agricultural Engineering problem solving and design in global and societal contexts.
- PSO3: Commit to lifelong learning and professional development in the Agricultural Engineering field to stay updated in technology, research topics and contemporary issues.
- PSO4: Understand the fundamentals of Agricultural Engineering in commercial contexts and in expediting Irrigation projects.
Advisory Committee
Department Program Advisory Committee (DPAC)
S.No | Member | Designation |
1 | Dr.P.Venkatachalam | Professor & Dean, Department of Agricultural Engineering |
2 | Mr.Paul Raj | Head, ETDC, Bangalore |
3 | Mr.P.Sellamuthu | Director General, IIEM |
4 | Dr.V.Shanmugam., | Dean,SMS |
5 | Dr. T. Jesudas, | Professor, Dept of Mechatronics |
6 | Dr. R. Thanigaivelan, | Professor, Dept of Mechanical Engg |
7 | Dr. K. Vidhya,. | Professor, Dept of Civil Engg |
8 | Dr. S. Umamaheswari, | Professor, Dept of EEE |
Board of Studies
Members of the Board of Studies
Sl. No. | Name | full address of the members | Position in BoS |
1 |
Dr.KR. Kalphana |
Head of the Department, |
Chairperson |
2 |
Dr.C.Meiaraj |
Department of Civil Engineering, |
Anna University Nominee |
3 |
Dr.T.Senthilkumar |
ICAR-Central Institute of Agricultural
Engineering |
Subject Expert |
4 |
Dr.R.Murugesan |
Roots Irrigation Private Limited, |
Industry Expert |
5 |
Mr.K. Karthik Ram |
M/S Ramkumar Industries |
Industry Expert |
6 |
Dr. P. Venkatachalam |
Nandha Engineering College, Erode. |
Academic Expert |
7 |
Dr. V. Shanmugam |
School of Mechanical Sciences, |
Academic Expert |
8 |
Dr.K. Vidhya |
Department of Civil Engineering |
Allied Department |
9 |
Dr.V. Dhineshkumar |
Department of Food Technology, |
Allied Department |
11 |
Er.N.Mukilan |
Nandha Engineering College, |
Alumnus |
12 |
Mr.M.Lokesh, |
Department of Agricultural Engineering, |
UG Student |
Board of Studies Meeting
Bio energy laboratory
Major Equipment
- KVIC Biogas Plant Model
- Deenabandhu Biogas Plant Model
- Solar Water Heater
- Solar Water Distillation
- Solar Dryer
- Solar Water Pump
- Wind Mill Model
- Hot Air Oven
- Muffle Furnace
- Understanding of working principle of Solar water heater, Solar tunnel dryer, Hot air oven and Muffle furnace
- Understanding of components and working principles of Biogas plants through KVIC model and Deenabandhu model
- Bio energy Laboratory for third year Agricultural Engineering Students
Laboratory In-charges
- Dr.T.Kiruthika
Farm Power and Machinery Laboratory
Major Equipment
- Tractor
- Power tiller
- Disc Plough
- Cultivator
- Seed Drill
- Knapsack Sprayer
- Mower
- Weeder
- Power Sprayer
- Rotavator
- Screw Auger
- Ridger
- Bund Former
- Identification of components of tractor, their maintenance and study of safety aspects while operating the tractor and power tiller
- Identification, operation, maintenance and study of Primary and secondary tillage equipments
- Identification, operation, maintenance and study of sowing equipments
- Identification, operation, maintenance and study of Intercultural equipments
- Identification, operation, maintenance and study of Plant protection equipments
- Identification, operation, maintenance and study of harvesting equipments
- Agricultural Engineering practices laboratory for first year students
- Operation maintenance of farm machinery laboratory for third year students
- Testing and management of farm machinery for final year students
Laboratory In-charges
- B.Kailashkumar
- Dr.V.Poonguzhali
Post Harvest Engineering Laboratory
Major Equipment
- Angle of Repose Apparatus- Round Type
- Angle of Repose Apparatus- L Type
- Fluidized Bed Dryer
- Porosity Apparatus
- Coefficient of Friction Apparatus
- Bucket Elevator
- Screw Conveyor
- Rubber Roll Sheller
- Hot Air Oven
- Grain Moisture Meter
- Bucket elevator
- Groundnut Decorticator
- Maize Sheller
- Understanding the working principles of coefficient of friction, angle of repose, digital moisture meter and porosity apparatus.
- Understanding the working principles of Groundnut decorticator, Paddy thresher and Paddy winnower
- Understanding the working principles of grain dryers and Shellers
- Post harvest technology laboratory for second year students
- Food and Dairy engineering laboratory for third year students
Laboratory In-charges
- Mr.S.Anand
Agricultural Engineering Practices Laboratory
Major Equipment
- Meteorological instruments
- Automatic Weather station
- Soil EC, Ph, and TDS meter
- Digital Soil moisture meter
- Tensiometer
- Seed growth Germinator
- Drip and Sprinkler setup with all features
- To understand the concepts and working principles of Meteorological instruments, Automatic weather station, soil parameters and Modern Irrigation equipments
- Agricultural Engineering practices laboratory for first year students
Laboratory In-charges
- Mrs.C.N.S.Swathi
Strength of Materials Laboratory
Major Equipment
- UTM of minimum 400 KN
- Torsion testing machine for steel rods
- Izod impact testing machine
- Charpy/Izod impact testing machine
- Hardness testing machine Rockwell and Brinnel
- Beam deflection test apparatus
- Extensometer
- Demonstrating the basic principles in the area of strength and mechanics of materials and structural analysis to the undergraduate students through a series of experiments
- Strength of materials laboratory for second year students
Surveying Laboratory
Major Equipment
- Total station
- Theodolite
- Leveling instruments
- Plane table
- Pocket stereoscope
- Prism square
- Optical square
- Prismatic compass
- Dumpy level
- To find out the Cross section, Longitudinal section, length, height, angle and location of agricultural land.
- To draw the Contour mapping of agricultural field
- Surveying laboratory for second year students
Fluid mechanics and hydraulics Laboratory
Major Equipment
- Rotometer
- Venturimeter and Orifice meter
- Flow through variable duct area - Bernoulli‟s Experiment
- Flow through Orifice, Mouthpiece and Notches
- Centrifugal pumps
- Gear pump
- Submersible pump
- Reciprocating pump
- Pelton wheel turbine
- Francis turbine
- To understand the concepts and working principles of pipes, pumps and turbines.
- To calculate the efficiency of various Pumps and turbines
- Fluid mechanics and hydraulics laboratory for second year students
Food and Dairy Engineering Laboratory
Major Equipment
- Auto clave
- Laminar flow chamber
- Cream Separator
- Hot air oven
- Hand refractometer
- Dessicator
- Soxhlet apparatus
- Kjeldahl Apparatus
- Microwave oven
- Spectrophotometer
- Butter Churner
- Understanding the components and working principle of various food and dairy equipments
- Food and Dairy engineering laboratory for third year students
Laboratory In-charges
- Mrs.C.N.S.Swathi
Other laboratories
Design and drawing of agricultural equipments, machineries and structures
- CAD for Agricultural Machinery
Agricultural practices
- Crop husbandry Laboratory
Faculty & Staff
Sl. No | Name of the faculty | Designation |
1 | Dr. KALPHANA KR | Associate Professor & HOD |
2 | Dr. KIRUTHIKA T | Assistant Professor |
3 | Mr. ANAND S | Assistant Professor |
4 | Mr. KAMALAHASAN A | Assistant Professor |
5 | Mr. PRABHAKARAN V | Assistant Professor |
6 | Mr. VASANTHAKUMAR C | Assistant Professor |
7 | Mrs. SUMATHI S | Assistant Professor |
8 | Mrs. SWATHI C N S | Assistant Professor |
9 | Ms. RANJANI R | Assistant Professor |
S.NO | NAME OF THE FACULTY | No. of research publication |
1 | Dr. K R Kalphana | 8 |
2 | Dr. V .Poonguzhali | 5 |
4 | Mrs.M.Suganthi | 8 |
5 | B.Kailashkumar | 5 |
6 | Mr. S Anand | 1 |
7. | Dr. T Kiruthika | 16 |
8 | Dr.M.Angaleeswari | 11 |
S.No | Name of the Supporting Staff | Qualification | Designation |
1 | K.Priyadharshini | B.Sc (Agriculture) | Lab technician |
Credentials of the Department
- Three faculty members have completed Ph.D degree and 1 faculty is currently pursuing Ph.D in the last three academic years 2020-21,2021-22 and 2022-23
- Faculty members are life membership in
Professional Bodies like IE(I),IWA, ISTE & chapters and Anna
University Syllabus Subcommittee member for framing
Agricultural Engineering Syllabus. - Faculty members have Published 43 technical papers .
- NPTEL local chapter is established for students and faculty members appearing for NPTEL courses online examinations
- Faculties and students have submitted research proposal to various funding agencies like DST, TANSCST, MSME, YUKTI
- Students have developed various models of agricultural systems under sub categories namely Heritage, Kitchen gardening, Integrated Farming, Watershed management, Bio energy and Dream Agriculture
- Various technical training, workshops and seminar have been conducted in the department for the developing the technical skills and credentials of the students to become the successful agricultural engineers.
- Our students have undergone internship in various government / reputed private industries / organizations.
- All the students are undergoing skill development programmes like soft skills, communication skills, aptitude and logical reasoning, group discussions and technical interview skills
Agro Innovation

Soilless cultivation in Hydroponics

Short-Term Courses
S. No | Name of the Value Added Course | Duration | Date of commencement | Course Co-Ordinator |
1 |
IOT and Its Application |
35Hrs | 07-10-2022 |
Mr. Anand S |
2 |
Soil, Water and Plant Analysis |
35Hrs | 07.01.2023 | Mrs. C N S Swathi |
Academic year: 2021-22 (ODD Semester 2021-22)
S.No | Date(s) of the Event | Type of Event | Name of the Event | Resource Person Name &Designation |
1. | 9.10.2021 | Seminar | “Advanced Technology in Farm Mechanization – India” | Dr. T. SENTHILKUMAR Principal Scientist (Farm Machinery and Power) ICAR – Central Institute of Agri Engg, Regional Centre, Coimbatore. |
2. | 12.10.2021 | Webinar | “Career opportunities for agricultural engineers” | Dr. M.M.PRAGALYAASHREE,M.Tech PhD Assistant professor, Food processing Technology, Karunya Institute of Science and Technology Coimbatore |
3. | 11.11.2021 | Webinar | “The importance of hydraulics structures for society” | Mrs. K.KAVITHA RANI Assistant exrecutive Engineer PWD/Water resource Department ,Salem . |
4. | 6.10.2021 | Guest lecture | “Agricultural engineering – past, present and future” | Dr.P.VENKATACHALAM Director (R&E), MIT College of Agricultural Technology, Musiri And Former Dean and Professor Tamilnadu Agricultural University |
5. | 21.10.2021 | International lecture | “Applications of Novel and Emerging Non-thermal Processing Technologies” | DR. KATHIRAVAN Krishnamurthy, PhD Clinical Assistant professor Department of Food Science and Nutrition Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago, United States |
6. | 30.11.2021 | NIT / IIT Lecture Series | “Advancements, new challenging and novelty about the harvesting equipment” | Dr. P. SATHIYA Professor Department of production Engineering National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappali |
7. | 23.10.2021 | Mails | “Placement awareness in agricultural engineering” | Mr. R.GUNASEELAN Alumni (2014-2018) |
8. | 29.10.2021 | Mails | “Recent trends in micro irrigation system” | Er. A.ARIVANANTHAN, District Manager, Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd, |
Programmes Organized During EVEN Semester 2021-22
S.No | Date(s) of the Event | Type of Event | Name of the Event | Resource Person Name &Designation |
1 | 02.02.2022 | Webinar | Agri engineering start-ups – “The big Opportunity, Challenge and the Thrill” | RAJKUMAR ARUMUGAM, Founder &Director, Renaaissance Power Products Private limited, Coimbaore. |
2 | 18.03.2022 | MAILS | Career Guidance of Agriculture Technology for Agriculture Engineer | Mr.NirmalKaliannan Agtech Engineer Digiteinfotech Pvt Ltd Bangalore 8870880787 Nirmal.kaliannan@digite.com |
3 | 22.03.2022 | Guest lecture | Advanced technologies for manufacturing plant based dairy alternative. | Mr.SureshChander C.R. New Product Development and Applications Team Head, Arboreal Bioinnovations |
4 | 28.03.2022 | NIT / IIT Lecture Series | Ocean Engineering: An Introductory Overview | Dr.SrineashVijaya Kumar Room No:142, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai – 400076. |
5 | 29.03.2022 | Webinar | Agri Engineering Startups“ Energy saving opportunity in Domestic and Agri based equipments by using Solar power plant”. | Mr. Sivakumar. S Petroleum Conservation Research Association, Southern Region office, BSNL building Tower – 2, Ground Floor, No. 16, Greams road, Chennai - 600006 |
6 | 30.03.2022 | MAILS | Entrepreneurship Opportunities and Skills in Agriculture Sector | Mr. K. Sasikumar Lecturer Department of Agricultural Technology, Thiyagarajar Polytechnic College, Salem. 7402757517 sasikumar.agricultureengineer@gmail.com |
7 | 22.04.2022 | Webinar | World Earth Day 2022 – Invest in our planet | Dr. S. Chandran Associate Professor Department of Civil Engineering, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai . |
8 | 06.05.2022 | Webinar | Information Technology Application in Farm Mechanization | Mr. Ramesh Kumar Sahni Scientist (Farm Machinery &Power) ICAR-CIAE, Bhopal Research Scholar at Washington university, WA, USA |
Programmes Organized During ODD Semester 2022-23
S.No | Date(s) of the Event | Type of Event | Name of the Event | Resource Person Name &Designation |
1 | 12.10.2022 | Webinar | Cyber Security and Cyber Crime Awareness | Dr.R.Marshal Scientiest, Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In), New Delhi -110003 |
2 | 09.11.2022 | Webinar | Better Agriculture Nation Using Neotric Technology | Er. Prithiya, Managing Director, Galwin Technology, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu 620 02 |
3 | 28.12.2022 | Webinar | Energy Saving Opportunities in Agriculture and Career Development for The Engineering Students | Dr.KR.Ramela, Principal Ultra College Of Engineering and Technology, Madurai, Tamilnadu-625104 |
4 | 10.11.2022 | IIC-Webinar | New Generation Start-Up Business Model | Mr.A.Kesavan Chief Executive Officer, Quantanics Techserv PVT Ltd, Madurai -625016 |
5 | 06.12,2022 | IIC-Webinar | My Story - Motivational Session. | Dr. P.Venkatachalamn Retired Professor from Tamil Nadu Agricutural University, Coimbatore |
6 | 19.11.2022 | Guest Lecture | Innovation in Testing of Agricultural and Post Harvest Machinery | Dr.T.Senthil Kumar Director,Farm Machinerry and Power Engineering, Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers, New Delhi |
7 | 30.09.2022 | International Lectures | Bring out the Best in Yourself Always | Dr.Chithra Karunakaran, Science Manager, Canadian Light Source, Canada |
8 | 24.11.2022 | IIT/NIT Lectures | Design aspects for shafts and Couplings” |
Dr. Sathiya P, The Head of the Department & Professor Department of Production Engineering National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli Tamil Nadu – 620015. INDIA |
9 | 29.12.2022 | Alumni Lectures | MAILS on Career After Agricultural Engineering | Mr. N MUKILAN Assistant Professor Department of Agricultural Engineering, Nandha Engineering College Perundurai. |
10 | 31.12.2022 | Alumni Lectures | Entrepreneurship Opportunities after Agriculture Engineering |
Ms SRIVIDHYA A P Business Analyst at Smartedge Solutions, Hyderabad, Telangana. 7904052357 |
- Design of IoT Driven System for Identify Leaf Infection and Soil Property Prediction Using Deep Learning Technique funded by MSME.
- Development of Hydroponic System of Cultivation for Green Leafy and Horticultural Crops Under Polyhouse funded by MSME
Memorandum of Understanding signed during last three academic years 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-2017
S.No. | Name of organization | Domain / Area of Activities | Contribution | Activities & Outcome |
1 | ESCORTS Ltd, | Tractor and implements | Technical Training | Opportunities are provided to the students Internship, Training, Project works and Research for the Agriculture professional student |
2 | IMTI | Irrigation and Watershed management | Technical training | Students and faculties are trained in Irrigation and Watershed management |
Department of Agricultural Engineering
Mahendra Engineering College (Autonomous),
Salem- Thiruchengode Highway, Mahendhirapuri,
E-Mail id: hodagri@mahendra.info
Patent published in KAPILA
- Design of IoT Driven System for Identify Leaf Infection and Soil Property Prediction Using Deep Learning Technique.