Information Technology

About the Department

  • The Department of Information Technology was established in the year 1999 with the intake of 30 to produce capable engineers in the field of Information Technology.
  • The student intake was increased from 60 to 120 in the academic year 2008-2009.
  • The Department has evolved in terms of disseminate of knowledge and expanded beyond the curriculum and skill development activities.
  • The curriculum is updated and modernization of the laboratories is undertaken continuously to help the students are updated with the most recent trends at the global level.
  • Established Computer Society of India- Students Branch in the year of 2011.
  • The Department has outstanding and reliable placement record and most of the eligible students are placed in reputed companies.
  • The Department faculties have good no of Publications in Scopus indexed Journals.
  • Organize skill development programmes with support of industrial experts.
  • Alumni strength is more than 800 and they are working in top MNCs across the globe.
  • Most of the faculty members of professional bodies like ISTE, CSI, etc. and are enthusiastically participating in the activities of professional bodies.

Programmes offered

  • B.Tech. - Information Technology - 4 Years

Vision & Mission


  • To produce capable IT graduates conversant with latest technologies to contribute to national and international needs.


  • To impart technological education through effective teaching learning process.
  • To facilitate students excel in academic, technical and social activities to meet the industrial needs.
  • To develop the students as innovative, competent, efficient, disciplined and quality IT Technocrats.
  • To encourage research activities with analytical skills to face global challenges.


Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

The graduates of this program after three years will:

  • PEO1: Apply modern computational, analytical tools and techniques in IT and allied engineering streams.
  • PEO2: Develop innovative technology systems that are technically sound, economically feasible and socially acceptable to enhance Quality of life.
  • PEO3: Communicate effectively and enhance leadership skills.
  • PEO4:Exhibit ethical attitude and pursue lifelong learning to achieve career goals

Program Outcomes (POs)

Engineering Graduates will be able to:

Graduate Attributes Program Outcomes
1 Engineering Knowledge PO1: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization of the solution of complex engineering problems.
2 Problem Analysis PO2: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
3 Design and Development of Solutions PO3: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
4 Investigation of Problems PO4: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
5 Modern Tool Usage PO5: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
6 Engineer and Society PO6: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
7 Environment and Sustainability PO7: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
8 Ethics PO8: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
9 Individual & Team work PO9: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multi disciplinary settings.
10 Communication PO10: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
11 Project Management and Finance PO11: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multi disciplinary environments.
12 Lifelong Learning PO12: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

The students will demonstrate the ability to

  • PSO 1:: Apply the fundamental knowledge to develop IT based solution in the areas related to information management and networking.
  • PSO 2:Maximize the knowledge and skills in the emerging areas of IT to meet the requirements of the society and the industry.

Advisory Committee

Department Program Advisory Committee (DPAC)

S.No Member Designation
1 Dr. S. Raju Professor and Head,
Department of Information  Technology,
Mahendra Engineering College (Autonomous),
Namakkal Dt.
2 Dr. B.Vinoth kumar Associate Professor,
Department of Information Technology,
P.S.G.College of Technology,
Coimbatore-641 004
3 Dr.S.P.Shantharajah Professor & Head,
Dept. of Software and Systems Engineering,
School of Information Technology and Engineering
Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT),Vellore.
4 Mr.Sarath Chandar Sukumar General Manager,
Human Resources,
Vaken Technologies,
5 Mr. Vetrivendhan Voice President,
Softsquare Solutions India Pvt.Ltd.
6 Mr. Avinash Sakala Bhaktula Senior Architect,
Software and System Radisys India,
Reliance Industries Pvt Ltd,
7 Dr.N.Shanthi Professor and Head,
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering,
Kongu Engineering College,
Perundurai, Erode-60.
8 Dr. N.Viswanathan Professor and Head,
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Mahendra Engineering College (Autonomous), Namakkal Dt
9 Dr. S. Prema Associate Professor,
Department of Information  Technology,
Mahendra Engineering College, (Autonomous)
Namakkal Dt.
10 Prof. S. Latha Assistant Professor,
Department of Information  Technology,
Mahendra Engineering College, (Autonomous)
Namakkal Dt.
11 Prof. S. Rajeshwari Assistant Professor,
Department of Information  Technology,
Mahendra Engineering College, (Autonomous)
Namakkal Dt.

Board of Studies

Members of the Board of Studies

S.No Member Position in BoS
1. Dr.S. Raju
Professor and Head
Department Information Technology
Mahendra Engineering College (Autonomous),
Namakkal Dt.
2. Dr. B.Vinoth kumar
Associate Professor,
Department of Information Technology,
P.S.G.College of Technology,
Coimbatore-641 004.
Anna University Nominee
3. Dr.S.P.Shantharajah
Professor & Head,
Dept. of Software and Systems Engineering,
School of Information Technology and Engineering
Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT),
Academic Expert
4. Mr.Sarath Chandar Sukumar
General Manager,
Human Resources,
Vaken Technologies,
Academic Expert
5. Mr. Vetrivendhan
Voice President,
Softsquare Solutions India Pvt.Ltd.
Industry Expert
6. Mr. Avinash Sakala Bhaktula
Senior Architect,
Software and System Radisys India,
Reliance Industries Pvt Ltd,
Industry Expert
7. Dr.N.Shanthi
Professor and Head,
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering,
Kongu Engineering College,
Perundurai, Erode-60.
Academic Expert
8. Er. T.Loganathan
Senior Technical Engineer,
Acalvio Technologies,
Bangalore, Karnataka
Alumni Member
9. Dr. N.Viswanathan
Professor and Head /ECE,
Mahendra Engineering College,
Academic Expert
(Allied Department)
10. Dr. S. Prema
Associate Professor / IT,
Mahendra Engineering College,Namakkal
(Senior faculty)
11. Mrs. S. Latha
Assistant Professor,
Department of Information Technology,
Mahendra Engineering College, (Autonomous)
Namakkal Dt.
(Senior faculty)
12. Mrs. S. Rajeshwari
Assistant Professor,
Department of Information Technology,
Mahendra Engineering College, (Autonomous)
Namakkal Dt.
(Senior faculty)
13. Selvan. G.Harivignesh
Pre Final Year Student
Mahendra Engineering College (Autonomous)
Namakkal Dt.


The Department of Information Technology has a wide range of computing resources and laboratories available to support its educational and research missions. Students access this infrastructure through a number of laboratories.

List of Laboratories

  • Problem Solving Techniques in C Laboratory
  • Information Technology Essentials Laboratory
  • Data Structures and Algorithms Laboratory
  • Python Programming Laboratory
  • Database Technology Laboratory
  • Web Technology Laboratory
  • Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
  • Cloud Computing Laboratory
  • Big Data Analytics Laboratory
  • Mobile Application Development Laboratory

Faculty & Staff

Sl.No Name of the faculty Designation
1 Dr. RAJU S Professor & HOD
2 Dr. PREMA S Associate Professor
3 Mr. ARUL SANKAR M Assistant Professor
4 Mr. BALAMURUGAN R Assistant Professor
5 Mr. LENIN S T Assistant Professor
6 Mr. MANOJ K Assistant Professor
7 Mr. PREMKUMAR N Assistant Professor
8 Mrs. BHARATHI R Assistant Professor
9 Mrs. DEVI P Assistant Professor
10 Mrs. GOWTHAMI K Assistant Professor
11 Mrs. INDHUJA S Assistant Professor
12 Mrs. INDHUMATHI P Assistant Professor
13 Mrs. LATHA S Assistant Professor
14 Mrs. LAVANYAPRABHA M Assistant Professor
15 Mrs. PARASAKTHI V Assistant Professor
16 Mrs. RAJESHWARI S Assistant Professor
17 Mrs. SINDHUJA D Assistant Professor
18 Ms. MOHANAPRIYA M Assistant Professor
19 Ms. SOUNDARYA S Assistant Professor
S.NO Name of the faculty No. of research publication
1 Dr.S.Raju 14
2 Dr.S.Prema 19
3 Dr.K.Radha 21
4 Mrs.S.Latha 6
5 Mr.N.Premkumar 1
6 Mrs.S.Rajeshwari 7
7 Mrs.D.Sindhuja 5
8 Mr.V.Saravanakumar 7
9 Mrs.B.Bhuvaneshwari 3
10 Mr.M.Arul sankar 2
11 Mrs.R.Mekala 3
12 Ms.R.Manoja 4
13 Ms.N.Logeshwari 4
14 Mr.S.T.Lenin 2
15 Mr.Rajasekar.G 1
16 Mrs.E.Saranya 2
17 Mr.K.Venkatesan 1
18 Mrs.C.Anusuya 1
19 Mrs.C.Naveena 1
20 Mrs.M.R.Nithya 1
21 Mrs.B.Indhumathi 1
22 Mr.P.Dhanarasan 1
23 Mr. R. Prakash 1
24 Mrs.R.Priyadarshini 1
S.No Name of the Supporting Staff Qualification
1 Mr.K.Sasikumar M.Sc
2 Mr.S.Murugavel B.E
  • The department was incepted in the year of 1999 with the initial intake of 30 and it was upgraded in the year of 2001 as 60 again intake was increased as 120 in the year of 2008
  • The department was recognized by ISO, NAAC, and Autonomous since 2013onwards
  • NPTEL Local Chapter is established for students and faculty members appearing for NPTEL courses online examinations
  • Faculty members have published 27 Technical Papers in the last three academic years 2017-18 and 2018-19,2019-2020,2020-2021
  • For strengthening the students skills we are conducting the MAILS, MILES, Workshop, Seminar, Hands on Training, MToBs, MASTs, TASKs, Indel, Club activities
  • Faculty members are Faculty Advisors of ISTE, CSI chapters
  • Student members are student advisor of CSI and IEEE chapters
  • All the students are undergoing skill development programmes like soft skills, communication skills, aptitude and logical reasoning, group discussions and technical interview skills
  • To enhance their interdisciplinary knowledge among the engineering department in the current environment, open elective is being provided to the students
  • Intra college fest is organizing in our college in order to showcase the students extracurricular activities to the others and academic achievers also encouraged
  • To develop the students technical skills, certification courses are recognized in curriculum and provide credits instead of their regular curriculum. We are practiced NPTEL examination under this category
  • In order to develop the technical skills, separate training is given to interested students based on their interest in domain. Like java, C, Python etc.,
  • Our Students have undergone Internship in various Government / reputed Private Industries / Organizations
  • Regular meetings are held between mentor and mentee
  • Students are allowed to approach the mentor for both academic and personal problems
  • Personalized professional /career advice is given to the mentee
  • The department attains 70% placements consequently


Credentials of the Department

  • Anna University rank holder produced – 09 members (Before Autonomous). After Autonomous every year, two/four students were received rank certificate based on the strength in concern academic batch.
  • Accredited by NAAC and Autonomous.
  • NPTEL certificates received by our students and staff members.
  • 3 faculties of our department were awarded by Anna University Ph.D degree and 4 members were registered the research work under Anna University.
  • Two faculties were involved in Centre of Excellence – Artificial Intelligence.
  • We have counted number of prestigious alumnus working in National and International companies as well as central government agencies.


Infosys Campus Connect Foundation

  • The initiative was aimed at deepening the industry-academia bonds and building a strong foundation for the future needs of both academia and the growing IT industry.
  • Certificate will be issued by the Infosys and Mahendra Engineering College to the students on their successful completion of the training.

ICT Academy Initiatives

  • ICT academy has evolved a framework for course development, faculty training and student training with focus in making the transmission of knowledge from the faculty to students highly effective with all the tools associated with the same.
  • Having awarded ICTAcademy Innovation and Best Practices academy award for the year 2016, in association with ICT Academy, various skill development training is organized.

Dell EMC2 Academic Alliance

  • EMC Education offers cost effective, flexible IT training and IT certification programs for professionals looking to expand their skills in fields like data science, storage administration, and big data analytics.
  • The Dell EMC2 Academic Alliance provides faculty with free courseware to educate students on infrastructure technologies for information storage, cloud and big data.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

  • The centers of excellence in machine learning are part of a global initiative of the company, called Intel AI Academy, which aims to provide training in Artificial Intelligence for students of Computer Courses (Science, Engineering and related) and development of artificial intelligence applications.

Short-Term Courses

Short-Term & Value-Added Courses organized in the last three academic years 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17

S.No Name of the Short-Term Courses /Value-Added Courses Number of students benefited
1. Mobile application Development Training Program 77
2. Visual Media Technology Training Program 50
3. Software Testing using selenium Tool Training Program 60
4. Software Engineering Module Design-International Certification Training Program 65
5. DOT NET Training Program 55
6. Grid and Cloud Computing Training Program 72
7. C,C++,JAVA Training Program 35
8. Database Technology 45
9. Computer Networking 50
10. Mobile application Development Training Program 40


Seminars, Conferences & Workshops conducted through Professional Societies

Events organized in last three academic years:
S.No Type of Events
[Conference/ Seminar/ Workshop]
Professional society Date Name of the Events Name and Address of the Resource Persons
1. MAILS CSI 1.02.2019 Smart and Mobile Wearable Computing Mr.A.Vasantha kumar,
Process coach,
AGS Health care,
2. Guest Lecture CSI 8.02.2019 Software Product Design Dr.B.Surendiran,
Associate Dean(Academics) CSE,
NIT Puducherry,Thiruvettakudy,
3. Workshop CSI 21.02.2019
to 22.02.2019
App Development
1.Mr.Murali Selvaraj,
CEO & Founder,
visual Media technologies,
2. Mr.Khaleel Jageer ,
Mozilla firefox OS & Android Apps Developer,
4. Seminar CSI 5.03.2019 Machine Learning Dr.P.Natesan,Professor,
Dept.of CSE,
Kongu Engg College,
5. Guest Lecture CSI 11.03.2019 Big Data Analytics Er .A.T.Saravanan,
Technical Lead,
Nokia networks pvt Ltd.
6. MAILS CSI 18.03.2019 Awareness on social Networks Mr.YouvarajaSundararaman,
Technology Architect,
7 FDP CSI 22.04.2019
Machine Learning Mr. Baskar Kannian,
AUM People Operations,
Python Developer,
Mobiveil Communications,
8 Seminar CSI 15.07.2019 Big Data Analytics with R Mr.V.Sabarinathan,
Gateway Software Solution,
Technical Lead,Coimbatore.
9 Guest Lecture CSI 13.08.2019 IoT to IoE: Future for Intelligent Society and Industry Er.R.Ragunathan,
Senior Solution Integrator,
ERICSSON India Global Services Pvt Ltd,
10 MAILS CSI 09.08.2019 Cyber Security Er.R.Ragunathan,
Senior Solution Integrator,
ERICSSON India Global Services Pvt Ltd,
11 FDP CSI 29.08.2019
Machine Learning application using Smart Device Design Mr.A.Athif shah,
Chairman & Managing Director,
ABE Semiconductor Design,
12 Guest Lecture CSI 06.12.2019 Software Engineering Dr.G.Rajesh,
Assistant Professor/IT,
Madras Institute of Technology,
Anna University,Chennai.
13 Seminar CSI 20.12.2020 AI for Better Future Mr.A.Athif Shah,
Chairman and Managing Director,
ABE Semiconductor Designs,
14 MAILS CSI 20.01.2020 Empowering Young minds towards Excellence Mrs. S.Shama Parvana,
Manager in Zahras Collection,
Partnering with Affordable Leather boutique,
Entrepreneur as Mehandhi Artist,Salem.
15 Seminar CSI 18.10.2021 IOT and its Applications Dr.V. Berlin Hency,
Associate professor,
16 Seminar CSI 05.06.2021 Programming Essential in IT Industry Er.Baalaaji Manivannan,
Senior Data Analyst,
SagasIT Analytics Pvt.Ltd.,
17 Seminar CSI 29.10.2021 Cyber Security- A Practical Overview Dr.A.G.SreeDevi, Ass.Professor /CSE,
Amirta Vishwa Vidhyapeetam, Amirta University,
Chennai Campus.
18. Workshop CSI 27.09.2021
to 28.09.2021
Operating Systems P. Dhivya lakshmi, B.E, M.E, (Ph. D) Network Trainer,
Kaths Enterprises Pvt Ltd (IIHT),
19. Guest Lecture CSI 25.09.2021 Web Development Tools Er.R.Kalaiyarasan Technical Lead,
IBM India Pvt Ltd,
20. Seminar CSI 1.11.2021 Networking Essentials Er.S.Ajay kumar ,
Virtual Infrastructure Manager,
Wipro Software Solutions,
21. Seminar CSI 31.08.2021 Software Testing Automation Tools Er.Mrs.T.Vethanayage,
Software Development Engineer in Test,
IBM India Private Limited,
22. Seminar CSI 27.10.2021 An Ice Break on SAP & it's Technologies Er. T.Sundarram,
Consultant – Sap Technical,
Kaar Technologies,
23. Seminar CSI 29.01.2022 Tech Skills in Recent IT Industry Er.K.Sangeetha
Sr.Business Analyst,
Netcracker Technology,
IBC Knowledge park,
24. Seminar CSI 05.02.2022 R&D and Innovation Dr. A.Umamageswari,
Associate Professor & Deputy Head(Big Data Analytics)
Department of Science and Technology,
SRM Institute of Science and Technology,
Ramapuram campus,Chennai.
25. Seminar CSI 25.03.2022 Artificial Intelligence For Future Scope Mr.A.Athif shah,
Chairman & Managing Director,
ABE Semiconductor Design,Chennai.
26. Guest Lecture CSI 26.04.2022 Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Dr. Y. Nancy Jane
Assistant Professor (Sr.Gr),
Dept. off Computer Technology
Madras Institute of Technology
Anna University, Chennai.
27. Seminar CSI 02.04.2022 Keystoneof Data Science Er. RamPrasanthRajasekaran, B.E., M.S.(Aus,)
Testing Lead , Suncorp,
Infosys Technologies Pvt Ltd.
Sydney, Australia..
28. Guest Lecture CSI 05.05.2022 R&D and Innovation-IIC Dr.P.Sasikumar,
Associate Professor and Head,
Dept.of Embedded Technology,
School of Electronics Engineering [SENSE],
Vellore Institute of Technology,
29. Guest Lecture CSI 28.09.2022 Artificial Neural Networks Dr.Kathiroli Raja,
Assistant Professor,
Anna University ,MIT Campus
30. Seminar CSI 28.10.2022 Interview Skills Er. A.Arthanarisamy.,B.Tech
Senior Architect,
Sun Tec Digital Solutions Private Limited,
31. Workshop CSI 09.11.2022
Machine Learning and Data Science Essentials-Hands on using python Er.G.Mohan Shankar Yadav,
Project Engineer,
Pantech e-Learning,
32. IIC Workshop CSI 02.12.2022 Problem Solving and Ideation Prof. Dr. Bernhard Glück
Senior Expert Service (SES),
33. MAILS CSI 13.02.2023 Azure Services And Its Industry Trends Er. J.Brindha,
(2007-2011 Batch)
Software Engineer,
HCL Technologies Ltd,
34. IIC Workshop CSI 21.02.2023 Design Thinking, Critical thinking and Innovation Design Mr.L.Senthil Kumar,
Product Manager,
Infiniti Software Solutions,
35 Guest Lecture CSI 28.02.2023 Leveraging Natural Language Processing for Sentiment Analysis Dr.S.V.Kogilavani,
Associate Professor,
Department of Artificial Intelligence,Kongu Engineering College,Erode.
36. International Lecture CSI 11.03.2023 Power of Microsoft Products in Real World Mr.Soorya Annadurai
Developer & Researcher,
Software Development Engineer II,
Microsoft,Redmond, USA.
37. National Level Seminar CSI 13.03.2023 Web applications development tools Er. Saravanakumar Natesan
Software Development Manager
TESCO ,Banglore-66
38. MAILS CSI 30.03.2023 Opportunities and Challenges towards Banking sector Er. Himanshu,
Sr.Application Developer,
Bank of New York Mellon Technology,Chennai.
39. NIT Lecture CSI 04.04.2023 Data Analytics &Machine Learning Dr. V.Shanmuganeethi
Professor and Head,
Department of Computer Science & Engineering,
National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research,Taramani, Chennai
40. Technical Workshop CSI 09.05.2023 Open CV using Python Gaja manohar,
Project Engineer,
Pantech e learning,
Digital Learning Simplified,


List of Faculty Members Pursuing Ph.D

S. No. Name of the faculty Specialization University
1. Mrs.S.Latha Image Processing Anna University
2 Mr.S.T.Lenin Artificial Intelligence Anna University
3 Mrs.D.Sindhuja Wireless Sensor Network Anna University
4 Mr.M.Arulsankar Deep Learning Anna University
Consultancy work
S. No. Name of the faculty Title of the Project Funding Agency / Industries Amount received (in Rupees)
1. Dr.S.Raju E-commerce Mobile App Development for Intercity Bus Passenger Transport using Flutter Ezeeinfo Cloud Solutions Private Limited 2,94,000

Faculty members to whom Ph.D.  Degree awarded during the last three academic years 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-2017

  • Dr.R.P.Ramkumar- Academic year 2014-15
  • Dr.S.Sivakumar- Academic year 2015-16
  • Dr.S.Prema- Academic year 2016-17


Research Centre Approval letter


Department of Electrical and Electronics is approved as Research Centre by Anna University, Chennai (Code: 4260908 ) for carryout research activities in various domains

Details of the Supervisors & Research Scholars (Pursing Ph.D.)


Name of the Supervisor

Area of Specialization

Number of Research Scholar







Control Systems, Adaptive Control





Signal Processing, Computational Intelligence, Image Processing, Drives and Control





Intelligent Systems, Power Electronics, Image Processing, Solar Energy





Biomedical Radar Signal and Image Processing







Control Systems, Adaptive Control





Signal Processing, Computational Intelligence, Image Processing, Drives and Control





Intelligent Systems, Power Electronics, Image Processing, Solar Energy





Biomedical Radar Signal and Image Processing







Control Systems, Adaptive Control





Signal Processing, Computational Intelligence, Image Processing, Drives and Control





Intelligent Systems, Power Electronics, Image Processing, Solar Energy





Biomedical Radar Signal and Image Processing







Control Systems, Adaptive Control





Signal Processing, Computational Intelligence, Image Processing, Drives and Control





Intelligent Systems, Power Electronics, Image Processing, Solar Energy





Biomedical Radar Signal and Image Processing



Details of the Supervisors & Research Scholars (Completed Ph.D.)


Name of the Supervisor

Area of Specialization

Number of Research Scholar



Image Processing


Details of the Supervisors & Research Scholars (Completed Ph.D.)

  • Dr.S.Krishnan - Academic Year 2020-2021
  • Dr.S.Gobinath - Academic Year 2020-2021

List of Research Scholars :


Reg No

Scholar(s) Name

Faculty/ Dept.



1 19243691143 S.Nagapavithra Elec/ EEE Dr.S.Umamaheswari Confirmation completed
2 21233697231 M.Thenmozhi Elec/ EEE Dr.S.Umamaheswari Confirmation completed
3 21243691251 R.Divya Elec/ EEE Dr.S.Umamaheswari Confirmation completed
4 22193691184 K.Parvendhan Elec/ EEE Dr.S.Umamaheswari Confirmation completed
5 18143691267 S.A.Ramsanjay Elec/ EEE Dr.S.Sumathi Confirmation completed
6 18144691196 A.Vivekraj ICE/ EEE Dr.S.Sumathi Confirmation completed
7 18244697215 S.Latha ICE/ EEE Dr.S.Sumathi Confirmation completed
8 19234697283 K.Saranya ICE/ EEE Dr.S.Sumathi Confirmation completed
9 21244697443 M.Sweetline sonia ICE/ EEE Dr.S.Sumathi Confirmation completed
10 22123691123 M.Malukannan Elec / EEE Dr.S.Sumathi Confirmation completed
11 16143697282 A.Venkatesh ICE/ EEE Dr.P.Sureshkumar Confirmation completed
12 17144691505 E.Sathish Kumar E. ICE/ EEE Dr.P.Sureshkumar Confirmation completed
13 17184697527 A.Barkathulla ICE/ EEE Dr.P.Sureshkumar Confirmation completed
14 17184697627 A.Mohamad Yaseen ICE/ EEE Dr.P.Sureshkumar Confirmation completed
15 17244697633 S.Suvitha ICE/ EEE Dr.P.Sureshkumar Confirmation completed
16 17234691362 G.Nirmala ICE/ EEE Dr.P.Sureshkumar Confirmation completed
17 7082053102 Anand V ICE/ EEE Dr.P.Umasankar Thesis Submitted
18 21133697223 Parathraju P Elec/ EEE Dr.P.Umasankar Confirmation completed
19 21143697191 Karthikeyan K Elec/ EEE Dr.P.Umasankar Confirmation completed
20 21243697218 Prabha M Elec/ EEE Dr.P.Umasankar Confirmation completed
21 22244691118 Fazilath M ICE/ EEE Dr.P.Umasankar Course Work Completed
22 22244691312 Archana Vishveswari R S ICE/ EEE Dr.P.Umasankar Course Work Completed
23 22254691124 Sivakami S ICE/ EEE Dr.P.Umasankar Course Work Completed
24 22144697217 Thirumal L ICE/ EEE Dr.P.Umasankar Course Work Appearing

List of Faculty Members Pursuing Ph.D in the Department


Name of the faculty



1 Mr.P.Parathraju Renewable energy grid integration Anna University Chennai
2 Mrs.M.Thenmoli Power Electronics based Synchronous Generator for the integration of renewable energy Anna University Chennai
3 Mr.K.Karthikeyan Soft computing Techniques, Non Conventional Energy Sources Anna University Chennai
4 Mr.K.Parventhan Micro Grid Anna University Chennai
5 Mr.M.Malukannan Soft computing Techniques, Non Conventional Energy Sources Anna University Chennai
6 Ms.M.Nathiya Electric Vehicle Anna University Chennai

Books Publications

S.No. Name of the Faculty Title of the Book Name of the Publisher Year of Publication
1 Dr.S.Umamaheswari Wireless Sensor Networks Technical Publications 2022
2 Dr.S.Umamaheswari Power Quality and FACTS Technical Publications 2021

Sponsored Research in last 5 Academic Years

List of Project under Government Funding Agency

Name of
the Faculty


Project Type


Amount in


Academic Year


Development of solar powered irrigation system using artificial intelligence

Research Promotional Scheme – AICTE

All India Council for Technical Education


36 Months



Special Electrical


All India Council for Technical Education


24 Months


List of Programmes under Government Funding Agency

Name of
the Faculty



Amount in


Dr.P.Suresh Kumar

Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing

AICTE Training and Learning


05 Days


Installation and Usage of Solar Gadgets

Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology


2 Days


YOGA Awareness @ School Campus For Adolescent Children

Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology


2 Days


Role of Artificial Intelligence in Energy Sectors: Energy Prediction, Grid Balancing & Future of Energy

Council of Scientific & Industrial Research


2 Days


S.No. Name of the Faculty Application No. Publication Date Applicant / Inventor Title Status
1 Dr.R.Uthirasamy 202241053364 20.09.2022 Inventor Power Generation using Hybrid Wind Energy and Bifacial Solar PV Systems Published
2 Dr.S.Sumathi 202241052976 20.09.2022 Inventor Early detection of atherosclerosis using Machine learning for prediction of cardiac and cerebral Issues Published
3 Dr.S.Krishnan 202241053367 20.09.2022 Inventor Self-Repairing Industry IoT-Based Automatic and Smart Solar Powered Egg Incubator Published
Dr.P.Suresh Kumar 202241028297 27.05.2022 Applicant cum  Inventor Design and method of brain MRI analysis and early detection of brain diseases with deep learning Published
Dr.S.Umamaheswari 202141042609 20.09.2021 Applicant cum  Inventor Helmet controlled home appliances for handicapped and aged people Filed
Dr.S.Sumathi 202141043883 28.09.2021 Inventor Height adjustable Stand for water Heating coil Filed
Dr.P.Suresh Kumar 202141040486 24.09.2021 Applicant cum  Inventor Design and method of Bat Optimized Runlength Networks (BORN) classifier for detecting benign, malignant and micocalcification in mammogram images Published
Dr.P.Suresh Kumar 202141020113 14.05.2021 Applicant cum  Inventor Design and method of efficient detection of structural similarity in
mammograms using SVM classifier
Dr.S.Sumathi 202141008433 01.03.2021 Applicant cum  Inventor Development of Smart Solar Powered Irrigation Using Artificial Intelligence Provisional Specification
10  Dr.S.Sumathi 330609-001 01.07.2020 Applicant cum  Inventor Quick Witted  cloth Cradle Under Examination
11  Dr.S.Sumathi 202041017580 29.05.2020 Applicant cum  Inventor Quick – witted cloth cradle for newborn babies to reduce sleep disorders Published
12  Dr.S.Umamaheswari
202041011231 16.03.2020 Applicant cum  Inventor Hybrid Solar Power Generation With Lighting Systems In Street Light Published
13  Dr.P.Suresh Kumar 202041007785 06/03/2020 Applicant cum  Inventor Novel Switching Agent for Zigbee Wireless Sensor Network Using LAR Published
14  Dr.P.Umasankar
202041010131 09.03.2020 Applicant cum  Inventor IOT Based Letter Box and a Method Thereof Published
15  Dr.P.Suresh Kumar 202041003160 31.01.2020 Applicant cum  Inventor System and method for segmentation and boundary detection of fetal
kidney images using kernel-based fuzzy clustering
16  Dr.P.Umasankar 202041025188 15.06.2020 Applicant cum  Inventor A Novel method for detection of quality of Apples using edge detection approach Published
17  Dr.P.Umasankar 201941003361 01.02.2019 Inventor Industrial induction heater power converting system and a method thereof Under Examination
18  Dr.P.Suresh Kumar 201841033956 28.09.2018 Inventor Horizontal Axis, Cam Guided, Telescopic Blade, Yaw Controlled Wind Mill Published


Name of the Faculty Consultant

Name of the Consultancy Project/Corporate Training Program

Consulting/Sponsoring Agency

Revenue Generated
(INR in Lakhs)


PID study drawing development and PLC sequence programming

Frankinsteins Engineering Laboratories Private Limited



Energy Auditing

Mangla Smart Energy Solutions


Dr.P.Suresh Kumar
Mr.G. Dinesh

Switchgear Maintenance

Frankinsteins Engineering Laboratories Private Limited



Solid State Drives - Fault Identification

Frankinsteins Engineering Laboratories Private Limited


Dr.S.Umamaheswari  Dr.S.Krishnan

Energy Auditing

Mangla Smart Energy Solutions



Energy Auditing

Mangla Smart Energy Solutions



Harmonic Analysis of VFD based Process Industry

Adithya Power Systems



Memorandum of Understanding signed during last three academic years 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-2017

S.No. Name of organization Domain / Area of Activities Contribution Activities Outcome
1. Infosys Technical skills and soft skills Technical Training Students are trained in Foundation Program designed by Infosys to enhance the industry specific basic Knowledge. Students are undergoing industry based elective courses to enhance the employability skills.
2. Oracle India Pvt Ltd Database Technical Training Students and Faculty members are provided an opportunity to expertise in database concepts.
3. Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffiled, England, UK. Software Engineering and design Thinking Technical Training

Students are trained in the field of Software Engineering to meet the needs of industries.

4. ABE Semiconductor Designs AI ML Technical Training Internship Students and Faculty members are provided an opportunity to expertise in AI ML concepts.
5. PANTECH e-LEARNING Technical skills and soft skills Technical Training Internship Students are trained in Foundation Program designed by PANTECH e-LEARNING to enhance the industry specific basic Knowledge.


Department of Information Technology

Mahendra Engineering College (Autonomous),

Salem- Thiruchengode Highway, Mahendhirapuri,


