About the Department
- The Department of Civil Engineering was established in 2002 with an intake of 30 students in B.E. Civil Engineering to produce competent engineers in the field of Civil Engineering. The student intake was increased to120 in the academic year 2020-2021.
- The Department offers postgraduate degree programme M.E. Structural Engineering from the academic year 2013-2014 and M.E. Construction Engineering and Management from the academic year 2014-2015.
- The Faculty members have good number of publications in international and national journals and conferences.
- The Civil Engineering Department has been recognized as a collaborative research centre by Anna University, Chennai.
- The Department is headed by an experienced Professor and supported by 30 dedicated faculty members. All the faculty members are Post Graduates in various disciplines. Six faculty members are pursuing Ph.D.
- Most of the faculty members are members in various professional bodies like ISTE, IE(I), ICI and ASCE etc., and are actively participating in the activities of those professional bodies.
- More number of students are active members in various professional bodies like ICI, IE(I), ASCE and EWB etc. ICI student’s chapter of Civil Engineering Department has received the Best Students Chapter award from ICI Salem Centre and ASCE.
- Our college signed MOU with L & T Construction Buildings and Factories and Department established Centre of Excellence in formwork engineering in association with esteemed industry L & T Construction, Buildings and factories. Larsen and Toubro and Department of Civil Engineering jointly organized a course on formwork engineering and concrete. The department signed MOU with L&T EduTech to upgrade the proficiency for students.
- The Department of Civil Engineering has signed MOU with more than 10 reputed core companies.
- The faculty members received research funding from UGC, AICTE, Anna University and MSME New Delhi.
- The Department has excellent and consistent placement record and most of the eligible students are placed in reputed organizations.
Programmes offered
- B.E. - Civil Engineering- 4 years
- M.E - Structural Engineering - 2 years
- M.E. - Construction Engineering and Management - 2 years
- Ph.D. - (Research Programme)
Vision & Mission
- To produce excellent Civil Engineers through quality technical education and research.
- To offer quality education with state–of-the-art infrastructure in Civil Engineering.
- To produce graduates for lifelong learning with ethics to meet intellectual and career challenges.
- To enhance industry-institute interaction and establish centers of excellence in emerging areas of research.
- To promote research and consultancy for industrial and societal needs to solve real-time problems.
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
The Graduates of Civil Engineering will be able to
- Progress in professional career by applying the technical knowledge gained to provide solutions to society and industry
- Analyze and design various real time issues and provide a sustainable solution in core and interdisciplinary domains
- Exhibit excellence and ethics in professional career
Program Outcomes (POs)
Engineering Graduates will be able to:
- Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
- Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
- Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
- Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
- Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
- The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
- Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
- Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
- Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
- Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
- Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
- Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
The Graduates of Civil Engineering will be able to
- Apply the engineering concepts in the domains of concrete, transportation, environmental, geotechnical, structures and formwork elements.
- Design and formulate the sustainable solutions to address the challenges in civil engineering industry.
Advisory Committee
Department Program Advisory Committee (DPAC)
S.No | Member | Designation with affiliation |
1 |
Dr.K.Vidhya |
Professor and Head / Civil, Mahendra Engineering College |
2 |
Dr.C.T.Sivakumar |
Professor/ Civil, Mahendra Engineering College |
3 |
Dr. G. Vimala Rosaline |
Former Principal, Government College of Engineering, |
4 |
Dr. S. Thenmozhi |
Professor & Head, |
5 |
Er.T Jaganath |
DGM -Civil, |
6 |
Dr. A. Sudhahar |
Managing Director, Dimensions Structural Design, |
7 |
Dr.Y.Shantharam |
Associate Professor/Civil, Mahendra Engineering College |
8 |
Dr.S.Revathi |
Assistant Professor/Civil, Mahendra Engineering College |
9 |
Mr.S.Mohan |
Assistant Professor/Civil, Mahendra Engineering College |
10 |
Mr.S.Manishankar |
Assistant Professor/Civil, Mahendra Engineering College |
11 |
Mrs.M.Suganthi |
Assistant Professor/Civil, Mahendra Engineering College |
12 |
Mr.M.Arun |
Assistant Professor/Civil, Mahendra Engineering College |
13 |
Mr. Manirasu.R |
Assistant Professor/Civil, Mahendra Engineering College |
14 |
Ms.B Nithya |
Assistant Professor/Civil, Mahendra Engineering College |
15 |
Mr.P.Dhamodharan |
Assistant Professor/Civil, Mahendra Engineering College |
16 |
Mr.C.Senthilkumar |
Assistant Professor /Civil, Mahendra Engineering College |
17 |
Mr.M.Dewakar |
Assistant Professor/Civil, Mahendra Engineering College |
18 |
Mr.M.Vignesh |
Assistant Professor/Civil, Mahendra Engineering College |
19 |
Ms.M.Devi |
Assistant Professor/Civil, Mahendra Engineering College |
20 |
Ms.P.Saradha |
Assistant Professor/Civil, Mahendra Engineering College |
Board of Studies
Members of the Board of Studies
Sl. No | Name with full address of the members | BoS Designation | |
1 | Name Designation Deparment Address Phone Mail Id |
Dr.K.Vidhya Professor and Head Civil Engineering Mahendra Engineering College 9842022047 hodcivil@mahendra.info |
Board Chairperson |
2 | Name Designation Deparment Address Phone Mail Id |
Dr.C.Meiaraj Professor Civil Engineering Government College of Technology, Coimbatore. 9994233428 cmeiaraj@gct.ac.in |
Anna University Nominee |
3 | Name Designation Deparment Address Phone Mail Id |
Dr. J.M.Chandra Kishen Professor Department of Civil Engineering Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. 9844601830 chandrak@iisc.ac.in |
Subject Expert |
4 | Name Designation Deparment Address Phone Mail Id Mail Id |
Er.T.Jagannathan Deputy General Manager COE- Formwork Engineering L&T Construction , Chennai. 9677011005 tj@lntecc.com gcerajkumar@gmail.com |
Subject Expert |
5 | Name Designation Deparment Address Phone Mail Id |
Dr. V.Rajkumar Professor and Head Civil Engineering Government College of Engineering, Dharmapuri 9942031396, 9677384264 gcerajkumar@gmail.com |
Academic Expert |
6 | Name Designation Deparment Address Phone Mail Id |
Dr. M.P.Muthuraj Associate Professor Civil Engineering Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore. 70944 64001 muthuraj@cit.edu.in |
Academic Expert |
7 | Name Designation Company Address Phone Mail Id |
Dr. A. Sudhahar Proprietor & Chief Consultant DIMENSIONS, Coimbatore No 1, Arockiasamy Street, Nsr Road, Saibaba Colony, Coimbatore 9843153400 constructeasy@yahoo.com |
Industry expert |
8 | Name Designation Company Address Phone Mail Id |
Er.Pandian Kalaimani Regional Head RMC Division Ultra Tech Cement –South TamilNadu, Coimbatore. 9092023806 pandian.kalaimani@adityabirla.com |
Industry expert |
9 | Name Designation Deparment Address Phone Mail Id |
Dr.V.Shanmugam Dean- School of Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mahendra Engineering College 7373961999 shanmugamv@mahendra.info |
Allied Department |
10 | Name Designation Deparment Address Phone Mail Id |
Dr.KR. Kalphana Prof & Head Agricultural Engineering Mahendra Engineering College 9940704367 hodagri@mahendra.info |
Allied Department |
11 | Name Designation Deparment Address Phone Mail Id |
Dr.C.T.Sivakumar Professor Civil Engineering Mahendra Engineering College 9442130662 sivakumar@mahendraorg |
Internal Senior Faculty |
12 | Name Designation Deparment Address Phone Mail Id |
Dr. Y. Shantharam Associate Professor Civil Engineering Mahendra Engineering College 9944770961 shantharamy@mahendra.info |
Internal Senior Faculty |
13 | Name Designation Deparment Address Phone |
Er.Thamaraiselvan Senior Engineer Civil Engineering L & T constructions, Uttarpradesh 7502288089 |
PG Alumni |
14 | Name Designation Deparment Address Phone Mail Id |
Er.A.P.Anshad Formwork Engineer Civil Engineering L & T constructions, Delhi 7356789678 anshadap111@gmail.com |
UG Alumni |
15 | Name Designation Deparment Address Phone |
S.S.Harismitta Final Year Civil Engineering Mahendra Engineering College,Namakkal 8903226515 |
UG Student |
16 | Name Designation Deparment Address Phone |
Soumya Jose II Year M.E.Structural Engineering Mahendra Engineering College,Namakkal 7025739507 |
PG Student |
Board of Studies Meeting
Surveying laboratory
Major equipment
S.No | Name of the instruments |
1 | Total station |
2 | Theodolite |
3 | Level instruments |
4 | Pocket stereoscope |
5 | Prism square |
6 | Optical square |
7 | Prismatic compass |
- Study of chain accessories and chain traversing
- Determination of included angle by Compass traversing
- Determination elevation by Fly leveling and check leveling
- Determination of angle using Theodolite surveying
- Determination of linear measurement Trigonometrical levelling
- Determination of distance measurement by Tacheometric surveying
- Study of the total station
- Study of the GPS
- Surveying laboratory is used for Agricultural and Civil engineering students of II and III year.
Laboratory In-charges
- Mr.R.Manirasu
Strength of material laboratory
Major equipment
S.No | Name of the equipments |
1 | Universal tensile testing machine |
2 | Torsion testing machine for steel rods |
3 | Izod impact testing machine |
4 | Hardness testing machine brinell |
5 | Beam deflection test apparatus |
6 | Double shear test setup box |
7 | Spring testing machine ( tension & compression ) |
- Determination of hardness of the given specimen using Brinell hardness Rockwell hardness testing machine.
- Determination of Impact strength on given specimen using Izod test and Charpy test method.
- Determination of Tensile strength of Mild Steel using a Universal Testing Machine.
- Determination of deflection of simply supported beam with Single point load and Two point load.
- Verification of Maxwell Reciprocal Theorem on simply supported beam.
- Determination of Shear strength on given specimen using Universal Testing Machine.
- Determination of Compression strength on open coiled Helical Spring and Closed coiled Helical Spring.
- Determination of Torsion shear properties of given specimen using Torsion Testing Machine
- Strength of Materials Laboratories is used for all Non-circuit Branch students (Mechanical, Civil, Agriculture, Mechatronics and Mechanical and Automation engineering)
Laboratory In-charges
- Mr.M.Vignesh
Soil Mechanics laboratory
Major equipment
S.No | Name of the equipments |
1 | Hydrometer |
2 | Liquid and plastic limit apparatus |
3 | Shrinkage limit apparatus |
4 | Proctor compaction apparatus |
5 | UTM of minimum of 20KN capacity |
6 | Direct shear apparatus |
7 | Field density measuring device |
8 | Triaxial shear apparatus |
9 | Three gang consolidation test device |
10 | Pycnometer |
11 | Standard Penetration Test |
- Determination of Special gravity of soil solids by pycnometer method.
- Determination of particle size distribution sieve analysis.
- Determination of liquid limit and plastic limit of soil by casagrande apparatus.
- Determination of moisture content and water content of soil sample by oven drying method.
- Determination of In-situ and Field density of soil by sand replacement method and using core cutter method.
- Determination of optimum moisture content and maximum dry density using standard Proctor compaction test.
- Determination of moisture – density relationship using Heavy Proctor compaction test.
- Determination of shear strength parameters of cohesionless soil by using direct shear test.
- Determination of shear strength parameters of cohesive soil by using unconfined compression strength of soil.
- Soil mechanics laboratory is used for III year students of civil engineering. .
Laboratory In-charges
- Mr.Y.Shantharam
Concrete and Highway laboratory
Major equipment
S.No | Name of the equipments |
1 | Crushing test Apparatus |
2 | Concrete Mixer |
3 | Slump Cone apparatus |
4 | Flow Table apparatus |
5 | Vee Bee consistometer |
6 | Impact Testing Machine |
7 | Compression Testing Machine |
8 | Elongation Index and flakiness apparatus |
9 | Vicat Apparatus |
10 | Penetrometer Tester |
11 | Viscosity tester |
12 | Ductility tester |
13 | Lee Chatlier Apparatus |
- Determination of properties of cement ( setting time, fineness soundness)
- Determination of fresh concrete properties (slump cone, flow table and compaction factor)
- Determination of hardened concrete properties (compressive strength , flexural strength and split tensile strength )
- Determination of properties of bitumen ( penetration, viscosity and ductility)
- Determination of properties of aggregate (fine and coarse aggregate)
- Mix design for various grade of concrete.
- Concrete and highway laboratory is used for final year students of civil engineering.
Laboratory In-charges
- Mr.S.Manishankar
Hydraulic laboratory
S.No | Name of the equipments |
1 | Rotometer |
2 | Venturimeter and Orifice meter |
3 | Flow through variable duct area - Bernoulli‟s Experiment |
4 | Flow through Orifice, Mouthpiece and Notches |
5 | pipes and pipe fittings |
7 | Centrifugal pumps |
8 | Gear pump |
9 | Submersible pump |
10 | Reciprocating pump |
11 | Pelton wheel turbine |
12 | Francis turbine |
- Determination of coefficient of discharge of a venturimeter
- Determination of coefficient of discharge of an orificemeter
- Determination of coefficient of discharge of an orifice by constant head method
- Determination of coefficient of discharge of an orifice by falling head method
- Determination of coefficient of discharge of a mouthpiece by falling head method
- Determination of coefficient of discharge of a triangular and rectangular notch
- Determination of coefficient of friction of a pipeline
- Performance test on a centrifugal, gear oil and submergible pump
- Performance test on a pelton wheel and francis turbine
- Hydraulic Engineering Laboratories is used for all Non-circuit Branch students (Mechanical, Civil, Aeronautical, Mechanical and Mech and Automation engineering)
Laboratory In-charges
- Mr.P.Dhamodharan
Environmental Engineering Laboratory
S.No | Name of the equipments |
1 | PH & Turbidity meter |
2 | Conductivity meter |
3 | BOD incubator |
4 | Desicator |
5 | Jar test apparatus |
6 | COD apparatus |
7 | Kjeldale apparatus |
8 | Calorimeter |
9 | Chlorine comparator |
10 | Spectrophoto meter |
11 | Flame Photometer |
- Determination of PH & Turbidity in the given sample of water.
- Determination of Hardness in the given sample of water.
- Determination of suspended, volatile, fixed and settle able solids in the given sample of water and waste water
- Determination of Chlorides in the given sample of water.
- Determination of Sulphates in the given sample of water.
- Determination of Alkalinity and Acidity in the given sample of water.
- Coagulation and Precipitation process for treating waste water- Jar test
- Determination of Calcium, Potassium and Sodium the given sample of water.
- Coagulation and Precipitation process for treating waste water- Jar test
- Determination of Ammonia Nitrogen in wastewater.
- Determination of Dissolved oxygen in the given sample.
- Determination of Nitrate and Phosphate in wastewater
- Determination of oxygen by BOD and COD test
- Environmental Engineering laboratory is used for Third year students of civil engineering.
Laboratory In-charges
- Mrs.M.Suganthi
Major equipment
S.No | Name of the equipments |
1 | Table formwork |
2 | Kwikstage beam & slab formwork |
3 | Airodek composite panel formwork |
4 | Duo column formwork |
5 | Multiflex beam & slab formwork |
6 | Scaffolding system |
- Describe the various formwork anchor systems with neat sketch.
- Illustrate and explain the formwork couplers (Tie systems).
- Describe the formwork design basics with prescribed formula.
- Explain the erection procedure for Duo column formwork system.
- Explain the erection procedure for Multiflex Slab and Beam formwork system.
- Explain the erection procedure for Airodek composite panel formwork system.
- Explain the erection procedure for Kwikstage Slab formwork system.
- Explain the erection procedure for Table formwork system.
- Describe the various Scaffolding Techniques and explain any three frame systems.
- Design the Column Formwork.
- Formwork engineering laboratory is used for all the civil engineering.
Laboratory In-charges
- Mr.M.Dewakar
Major equipment
S.No | Name of the equipments |
1 | Loading Frame with capacity 50tonnes |
2 | Ultrasonic pulse velocity |
3 | Rebound Hammer |
4 | Cover meter |
5 | Permeability apparatus |
6 | Flow Table apparatus |
7 | Compression Testing Machine |
8 | SCC apparatus |
- Determine the compressive strength of concrete by using rebound hammer.
- Determine the ultimate load on concrete column with concentric loading.
- Determine the ultimate load on concrete column with eccentric loading
- Determine the natural frequency of dynamic test on cantilever steel beam.
- Determine the workability with various grades of concrete.
- Determine the compression strength & tensile strength of concrete.
- Determine the modulus of elasticity of concrete.
- Determine the quality of concrete using Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity.
- Determine the Ultimate moment of resistance of simply supported reinforced concrete beam and compare theoretical calculation.
- Advanced Structural Engineering laboratory is used for P.G students of civil engineering.
Laboratory In-charges
- Mr.M.Arun
Research Centre Approval letter
CFR - Research Centre Approval letter
Faculty & Staff
S.No | Name of the faculty member | Designation |
1 | Dr.K.Vidhya | Professor |
2 | Dr.C.T.Sivakumar | Professor |
3 | Dr.Y.Shantharam | Associate Professor |
4 | Dr.S.Revathi | Asst. Professor |
5 | Mr.S.Mohan | Asst. Professor |
6 | Mr.M.Dewakar | Asst. Professor |
7 | Mr.P.Deepan | Asst. Professor |
8 | Mr.L.Vijayan | Asst. Professor |
9 | Mr.S.Manishankar | Asst. Professor |
10 | Mrs.M.Suganthi | Asst. Professor |
11 | Mr.M.Arun | Asst. Professor |
12 | Mr.G.Varadarajan | Asst. Professor |
13 | Mr.R.Ashok Kumar | Asst. Professor |
14 | Mrs.P.Suvitha | Asst. Professor |
15 | Mr. Manirasu.R | Asst. Professor |
16 | Ms.B Nithya | Asst. Professor |
17 | Mr.P.Dhamodharan | Asst. Professor |
18 | Mr.R.Lingeswaran | Asst. Professor |
19 | Mrs .S.Arulmozhi | Asst. Professor |
20 | Ms.A.Sindupriya | Asst. Professor |
21 | Mr. Jeeva.S | Asst. Professor |
22 | Ms.M.Devi | Asst. Professor |
23 | Mr.C.Senthilkumar | Asst. Professor |
24 | Mrs. K.Jothimani | Asst. Professor |
25 | Mrs. S.Karthika | Asst. Professor |
26 | Mrs S.Manimekalai | Asst. Professor |
27 | Mr.M.Vignesh | Asst. Professor |
28 | Ms.P.Saradha | Asst. Professor |
29 | Ms.Ramya.B | Asst. Professor |
30 | Mr.Elumvaluthi.N | Asst. Professor |
S. No | Name of the Faculty member | No. of Research Publication |
1 | Dr.K.Vidhya | 133 |
2 | Dr.C.T.Sivakumar | 55 |
3 | Dr.Y.Shantharam | 35 |
4 | Dr.S.Revathi | 11 |
5 | Mr.S.Mohan | 40 |
6 | Mr.S.Manishankar | 21 |
7 | Mr.M.Dewakar | 13 |
8 | Mrs.M.Suganthi | 15 |
9 | Mr. Manirasu.R | 11 |
10 | Mr.M.Arun | 12 |
11 | Miss.B Nithya | 12 |
12 | Ms.M.Devi | 10 |
13 | Mr.P.Dhamodharan | 11 |
14 | Mr.C.Senthilkumar | 9 |
15 | Mr.M.Vignesh | 11 |
16 | Ms.P.Saradha | 10 |
S. No | Name of the Supporting Staff | Qualification |
1 | A.E.Tamilselvan | Diploma |
2 | M.Durisamy | Diploma |
3 | S.Boopathi raja | BE |
Faculty Award
Sl.No | Name of the teacher | Name of the Award | Year of Award | Awarding Agency |
1 | Dr.K.Vidhya | Outstanding Master Thesis Award | 2021-2022 | Indian Concrete Institute |
2 | Dr.K.Vidhya | Outstanding Master Thesis Award | 2022-2023 | Indian Concrete Institute |
Sl.No | Name of the mentor | Name of the Award | Year of Award | Awarding Agency |
3 | Dr.K.Vidhya | Letter of Honorable mention – Best students chapter ASCE | 03.04.2022 | America Society Civil Engineers |
4 | Dr.K.Vidhya | Letter of Honorable mention – Best students chapter ASCE | 29.03.2021 | America Society Civil Engineers |
5 | Dr.K.Vidhya P.Saradha |
Appreciation Outstanding ICI Student Chapter |
2016 | ICI(Salem Centre) – Ultra Tech Award - 2016 |
6 | Dr.K.Vidhya P.Saradha |
Outstanding ICI Student Chapter | 2018 | ICI(Salem Centre) – Ultra Tech Award - 2018 |
7 | Dr.K.Vidhya P.Saradha |
Outstanding ICI Student Chapter | 2020 | ICI(Salem Centre) – Ultra Tech Award - 2018 |
Faculty Recognization
Sl. No |
Name of the teacher | Name of the Award | Year | Awarding Agency |
1 | Dr.K.Vidhya | Treasurer | 2021-2023 | American Society Civil Engineers IS SR |
2 | Dr.K.Vidhya | Joint Secretary | 2021-2022 | Indian Concrete Institute |
3 | Dr.Y.Shantharam | Executive Committee Member | 2021-2022 | Indian Concrete Institute |
4 | Ms.P.Saradha | Executive Committee Member | 2021-2022 | Indian Concrete Institute |
5 | Er.L.Vijayan | Executive Committee Member | 2021-2022 | Indian Concrete Institute |
Credentials of the Department
- Department is recognized as Research Centre by Anna University, Chennai. Two Faculty members have been approved as Research Supervisor, for guiding Ph.D /MS candidates.
- Faculty Members and students have appeared for more than 80 NPTEL online certification examinations and secured Topper, Gold, Elite Silver & Elite Ranking Certification.
- Established L&T and Mahendra Center of Excellence in Formwork Engineering and L&T EduTech. More than 300 students and faculty members have been trained.
- Faculty members have published more than 250 technical papers in Journals and Conferences.
- Faculty members are Life Members in Professional Bodies like IE(I), ISTE, ICI chapters and ASCE chapters.
- Department established Indian Concrete Institute (ICI) in 2015 and American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE) in 2018.
- Students are members in Indian Concrete Institute (ICI) professional bodies and American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Professional Bodies.
- Best Students Chapter Award from ICI and Best Students Chapter Award from ASCE and Best Academic Department from Dr.Kalam Educational Trust.
- Our department received 3 Patent Grants in various civil engineering domain.
- Students undergone internship in various government / reputed private industries / organizations.
- Faculties and students received more than 5 Lakhs fund from UGC, TNSCST and MSME etc
- Department organizing more 120 National and International Lecture Series, workshop, Seminar and Technical Events to upgrade the proficiency for students and faculties.
- The Department is working with various organizations providing consultancy services.
- Department collaboration with L&T Formwork, L&T EduTech, Dimensional Structural Designs, Sigaram Construction, G.K. Construction for providing better industrial exposure.
1.L&T EduTech
Inauguration Date : Established on 19.09.2022
- Dr.K.Vidhya, Head/Civil
Faculty Coordinator:
- M.Dewakar, Asst. Prof./Civil
About the Centre
- Mahendra Engineering College has Signed MoU with Larsen & Toubro EduTech 19th September 2022. L&T is developing a solution to bridge the industry-academia gaps in present day curricula for making it more application oriented, and in tune with future skills. The core objective would be to enhance the employability of students as well as aspiring professionals across various Engineering and Technology sectors. L&T is set to launch a series of industry-led application-oriented courses under its product portfolio.

2.Mahendra and L&T EduTech Centre
Mahendra Engineering College and Larsen & Toubro EduTech signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on 12.05.2022 in the presence of Mrs.M.F Febin, Head-College Connect and team at Mahendra Engineering College. The aim of the COE is to enrich the technical skillsets of the student community to meet the industrial demand successfully.
- To create a platform for industry institute education bridging the Industry and academia gap.
- To provide courses to the students in various domains.
- To provide soft skill training to the students to enrich their problem solving skills and communication.
- To conduct several certification courses for faculty and students.
- To support placement training activities and offer placements to the students.
- Provide online technical courses for faculty members and students.
- Train the students in aptitude and communication for all the departments.
- Arrange Industrial visits for students and faculty.
- Organize various Faculty Immersion Program and Faculty Development Program.
- Enhance the students skill for placement activities.
- Offer placements to students in various domain.
- Arrange on going site visits for faculty members and students.

MOU Signing
Sl.No. |
Name of the Course |
Academic Year |
Number of Students Registered |
Students Course Status |
First Class |
Completed |
Participated |
1. |
Formwork Engineering Practices |
2022-23 |
70 |
19 |
46 |
5 |
2. |
Concreting Techniques and Practices |
2022-23 |
70 |
19 |
43 |
8 |
Sl.No. |
Name of the Course |
Academic Year |
Number of Students |
Registered |
Completed |
1. |
Quantitative Aptitude and Problem Solving Skills |
2022-23 |
1031 |
1031 |
2. |
Numerical, Logical and Visual Reasoning Skills |
2022-23 |
1031 |
1031 |




Session Photos
Our Civil Engineering students and faculty members have visited Athikadavu site on 2nd February, 2023. Students visited to pump houses and Athikadavu-Avinashi Linear Project. The students learned about the irrigation of surplus water from Bhavani river and its distribution through pipelines to ponds and lakes of nearby districts. The visit enchaned the students skills in water resource management. The students learned the recent techniques during visit.




Industrial visit at Athikadavu, Bhavani
The faculty immersion program was conducted by L&T-Edutech from 29.06.2023 to 03.06.2023 at L&T HQ- Chennai. From our institution six faculty members participated in the program. The primary objective of the program was to empower faculty participants with unique skill sets and specialized knowledge that are directly applicable in the industry. The faculty members had great experience at mega site visits; they learned the design thinking approach to complex solving problem and also acquire insights on recent developments in various core domains.




Faculty Immersion Program at L&T Construction, Chennai.
The faculty development program was conducted by L&T-Edutech on “Emerging Trends in Construction” from 28.09.2022 and 29.09.2022 at L&T HQ- Chennai. The FDP enriches the skill set on Digital Substation Concepts and its implementations, Evolving Technologies for Industry 5.0, Introduction to Industry Led Courses and also they learned about the Modern Trends in Renewable Energy and Energy Storage. The faculty members acquire knowledge in concrete technique, 3D- Printing technology and BIM in construction field.




Faculty Development Program at L&T Construction, Chennai.
3.L&T Center of Excellence in Formwork Engineering
Inauguration Date : Established on 09.11.2017
Faculty Incharge:
- Dr.K.Vidhya
Faculty Coordinators:
- Dr.Y.Shantharam
- Mr.M.Dewakar
About the Centre
- Larson & Tourbo is an industry-academia collaboration program to align engineering student competencies with industrial needs
- Provide hands on learning on various formwork components using formwork laboratory. Gain knowledge on various formwork systems used by different components. Provide information on the recent techniques and innovations done in formwork
- Various training programs are conducted for members of faculty members and students




Short-Term Courses
Short-term courses:
To enhance the technical knowledge of the students in addition to curriculum for industry needs.
ICOT courses are designed to facilitate for the transfer of the knowledge to the students by educating them with the support of industries.
Course Mentor : Dr.K.Vidhya, HOD/Civil
Course Incharge : Mr.Y.Shantharam, AP/Civil
Course name : Green Building Technologies
S. No | Modules | Title | No of registered | No of students cleared | Site visit date | Place of visit |
1 | Module I | E-materials | 72 | 72 | 01.09.2016 |
2 | Module II | Sustainable technology | 31 | 31 | 24.07.2017 |
Course Name : Formwork Engineering
S. No. | Title | No of registered | No of students cleared | Resource person |
1 | Recent trends in form work | 25 | 25 | L&T Construction Chennai |
2 | Special Concrete | 25 | 25 | L&T Construction Chennai |
3 | Planning of Form Work Engineering | 25 | 25 | L&T Construction Chennai |
4 | Design of Formwork Engineering | 25 | 25 | PERI Chennai |
5 | Formwork Engineering and Concrete | 45 | 45 | L&T Construction Chennai |
6 | Formwork Engineering and Concrete | 51 | 51 | L&T Construction Chennai |
Seminars, Conferences & Workshops conducted through Professional Societies
S. No. | Type of Events | Date | Name of the Events | Resource Person Name & Organization |
1 | IIC Activity-Webinar | 11.05.2023 | “Innovation in Renewable Energy” | Dr.K.PANDIAN, Former General Manager, Steel Authority of India(SAIL) Salem |
2 | Guest Lecture | 05.04.2023 | “Technological Advances: A Game Changer in Construction Industry” | Dr.R.THENMOZHI, Professor and Head, Department of Civil Engineering, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore. |
3 | Seminar | 01.04.2023 | “Self Healing Concrete-New Era in Construction Industry” | Dr.T.PALANISAMY Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering National Institute of Technology, Karnataka , Surathkal |
4 | IIC Webinar | 21.03.2023 | “International Women’s Day Celebration” | Tmt.KOVILPATTI ANNABHARTHI, Panel Speaker & TV Fame |
5 | Seminar | 10.03.2023 | “Concrete Innovations and Sustainable Development” | Er.NARSIMHA CHARY POLOJU, President, ASCE India Section Sothern Region, Corr.Member, BoG,Region10 Hyderabad, Telangana- 500 049 |
6 | Workshop | 09.03.2023 | “3D Modeling on Sketchup" | Er.UDHAYASANKAR RAMASAMY, Managing Director, BTR Construction, Bhavanisagar, Erode-638 451 |
7 | MAILS | 15.02.2023 | Innovations in formwork for bridges | Er. RAJ SEKAR M Senior Engineer- Civil, L&T Construction Formwork Department Incharge Dwarka expressway project pkg04, Gurugram,Delhi NCR. |
8 | Refresher Course | 23.01.2023 – 25.01.2023 | Formwork Engineering and Concrete (COOFEC) | Er.L S KANNAN JGM & Head Concrete Management L&T-Constructions, Chennai Er.T JAGANATH DGM -Civil , Center Of Excellence Formwork L&T-Constructions, Chennai |
9 | Short Term Course | 23.01.2023 - 24.01.2023 | Formwork Engineering and Concrete (COOFEC) | Er.L S KANNAN JGM & Head Concrete Management L&T-Constructions, Chennai Er.T JAGANATH DGM -Civil , Center Of Excellence Formwork L&T-Constructions, Chennai |
10 | IIT Lecture series | 25.01.2023 | Innovative techniques in Earthquake resistant design of structures |
Dr. G. APPA RAO Professor in Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering Division, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras. |
11 | MAILS | 19.01.2023 | Innovations on formwork systems | Er.THAMARAISELVAN R Assistant Construction Manager L&T Construction AIIMS Hospital Project, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh. |
12 | IIC Activity-Webinar | 22.12.2022 | Product Launch And Pricing Strategies | Dr.A.SUDHAHAR Managing Director, Dimensions Structural Design, Coimbatore |
13 | Seminar | 13.12.2022 | Concrete Innovations | Er.NARSIMHA CHARY POLOJU, President, ASCE India Section Sothern Region, Corr.Member, BoG,Region10 Hyderabad, Telangana- 500 049 |
14 | NIT Lecture Series | 08.12.2022 | Innovation of Machine Learning in Civil Platform | Dr.T.PALANISAMY Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering National Institute of Technology, Karnataka , Surathkal |
15 | MAILS | 04.11.2022 | Innovative Practice of Civil Engineer | Er.R.TAMILARASAN Senior Engineer, GAR Groups, Hyderabad |
16 | MAILS | 03.11.2022 | Innovative Practice of Civil Engineer | Er.V.NAGENDRAN Founder & CEO LPA & Corporations Registered Salem |
17 | IIC Workshop | 28.09.2022 | Innovation in BIM Industry | Er.K.S.DINESH AEC Consultant- Architecture/Engineering/ Construction, Salem |
18 | International Webinar | 15.09.2022 to 16.09.2022 | Advancements in Geoenviro-Structural Confluence | Ms.APRIL J LANDER ASCE Region 10 Director Founder & President of ASCE New Zealand Group, Mr.SILAS C.NICHOLAS, P.E Principal Geotechnical Engg, Office of Bridges & Structures, Washington D.C USA Prof.RAMANCHARLA PRADEEP KUMAR,Ph.D Head, Earthquake Engg, Research Centre, IIT-Hyderabad, Dr.SANJAY RANA, Ph.D Managing Director, PARSAN Overseas Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, India Dr.PANKAJ KUMAR, Ph.D Senior Policy Researchers, Institute for Global, Environmental Strategies (IGES) Kamiyamaguchi, Hayama, Kanagawa, Japan |
19 | Workshop | 15.09.2022 | How to Be An Entrepreneur | Er.S.RAMALINGAM, M.E FIV Chairman, Institute of Valuers, Registered Valuer & Consultant Civil Engineer, Aarvy Associate, Salem |
20 | Guest Lecture | 05.09.2022 | Teacher’s Day Celebration | Dr.G.VIMALA ROSALINE Former Principal, Government College of Engineering, Salem |
21 | IIC Workshop | 26.05.2022 | Startups - The First Few Innovative Steps | Dr.A.SUDHAHAR, Managing Director, Dimensions Structural Design, Coimbatore |
22 | Webinar | 11.05.2022 | Performance Based Specification of Concrete | Er.ELSON JOHN Department of Civil Engineering M.A. College of Engineering, Kothamangalam, Kerala |
23 | Refresher Course | 05.05.2022 to 06.05.2022 | Formwork Engineering Concrete | Er.L.S.KANNAN Joint General Manager, Head of Concrete Technology, L&T Construction Building & Factories, Chennai. Er.JAGANNATH T DGM, COE-FW, L&T Construction Building & Factories, Chennai |
24 | Short term Course | 05.05.2022 to 06.05.2022 | Formwork Engineering Concrete | Er.B.MURUGESAN Joint General Manager(F) Head Technology Centre, L&T Construction –Building Factories, Chennai Er.SASIKUMAR, Assistant Manager, Formwork Engineering, L&T Construction Building & Factories, Chennai. |
25 | Guest Lecture | 05.05.2022 | Challenging in Patent Filling | Dr.T.PALANISAMY Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Karnataka, Surathkal |
26 | NIT Lecture Series | 23.04.2022 | Application of Geospatial Techniques for Landslide Susceptibility Modeling | Dr.S.SARAVANAN Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tirchirapillai |
27 | MAILS | 19.03.2022 | Advancement In Formwork Elements | Er.V.KARTHIKEYAN Senior Engineer(Formwork) L&T Construction, Bangalore |
28 | International Lecture Series | 04.03.2022 to 05.03.2022 | Recent Advancements in Enviro-Structural Confluence | Dr.RAMANCHANDRA PRADEEP KUMAR, Registrar & Head of Earthquake Engg, IIT Hyderabad, Telangana. Dr.KRISHNA R REDDY, Prof/Civil and Environmental Engg, University of Illinois, USA Prof.GIUSEPPE CARLO MARANO, Deputy Director, Dept of Structural & Building Engineering, Politecnico Di Torino, Italy Prof.TOMONORI NAGAYAMA, Associate Professor, Dept of Civil Engineering, University of Illinois, Chicago, USA. Prof.VALLAM SUNDAR Professor Emeritus, IIT Madras. Prof.Thishan Jayasinghe, Senior Professor, Dept of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka |
29 | IIC Activity | 03.02.2022 | Awareness Programme on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) | Dr.S.THANGA PANDIAN Deputy Controller of Patents and Designs, Indian Patent office, Government of India, Chennai M.MADHANRAJ, Examiner of Patent & Designs, Government of India, Chennai |
30 | MAILS | 31.01.2022 | Innovative Techniques in Formwork Elements | Er.R.THARAMARI SELVAN Senior Engineer L&T Construction, Ghorakhpur. |
31 | International Seminar | 03.12.2021 | Structural & Geo-Confluence | Prof.RAMANCHARLA PRADEEP KUMAR Professor ,IIIT Hyderabad,Telangana. |
32 | International Seminar | 19.11.2021 | Structural & Geo-Confluence | Dr. DENNIS D TRUAX PhD, PE, BCEE, DWRE, F.NSPE, F.ASCE, ASCE President Mr.KEVIN LA MALWA , P.E, F.ASCE, Principal Fire Consultant, Warrington fire, USA. Dr. KEVIN W FRANKE PhD, P.E, M.ASCE Associate Professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering ,Brigham Young University |
33 | MILeS | 05.11.2021 | Recent Innovations in Admixture Based Self Compacting | Dr.SANJAY RANA Geophysicist, AFA Academy Chairman. Prof.KRISHNA R REDDY Distinguished Professor, University of Iilinois, Urbana |
34 | Workshop | 23.10.2021 | Novel analysis and design using Etabs | Er.SUDARSHAN R.PILLAI, Manager-Business Support, CADD Center, Training Services, Chennai. Mr.J.SAKTHIVELAN, Engineer-Business Support, CADD Center, Training Services, Chennai. |
35 | MAILS | 21.10.2021 | Innovative Geotechnical Design on Earthquake Resisting | Dr.A.R.PRAKASH, Managing Director, KESEE Associates, Salem. |
36 | Webinar Series-II | 08.10.2021 | Challenges to Secure Your Dream Job | Dr.S.NEELAMANI, Sr. Research Scientist, Coastal Management Programme, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait. |
37 | IIT Lecture Series | 07.10.2021 | Design of Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams | Dr.G. APPA RAO Professor /Civil Engineering Structural Engineering Division, IIT Madras. |
38 | International Seminar | 24.09.2021 to 25.09.2021 | Architecture, Civil and Earthquake Engineering | Dr. SUSHIL KUMAR DHAWAN, Former Chief Engineer, CPWD Dr. JIGNA DESAI, Asso. Professor, Faculty of Architecture, CEPT University, Ahmedabad. Dr.NESLIHAN OCAKOGLU GOKASAN, ITU, faculty of mines, Turkey. Prof. VALLAM SUNDAR Professor Emeritus, IIT Madras. Prof. KEMAL ONDER CETIN Professor /Civil, Middle East Technical University, Turkey. Dr. Niall, Sullivan, Asso. Director, Windtech Consultants Pvt Ltd, United Kingdom. Mr. UNNI BHASKAR, MD, UNO Technology Pvt Ltd, Kerala. |
39 | Webinar Series-I | 17.09.2021 | Patent Filing and Its Importance | Dr.T.PALANISAMY Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, NITK,Surathkal |
40 | MAILS | 09.09.2021 | Innovation in Formwork | Er.KARTHIKEYAN Senior Engineer (Formwork) L&T Construction, Bangalore. Er.R.THARMARI SELVAN Senior Engineer(Finishes) L&T Construction, Gorakhpur. |
41 | Guest Lecture | 10.07.2021 | Product Launch and Pricing Strategies | Dr.A.SUDHAHAR Managing Director, Dimensional Structural Design, Coimbatore |
42 | Short Term Training Program (STTP) |
14.09.2020 to 19.09.2020 | AICTE – AQIS Sponsored STTP on Low Carbon Energy Building (Phase – IV) | Dr.K.P. JAYA, Director, Centre for Research Department of Civil Engg , Anna University Chennai. Dr. A. SUDHAHAR Managing Director, Dimensions Structural Design, Coimbatore. SHU-QING YANG Former Director, Center for Coastal Reservoir Research, (CCRR), Co-Founder/ Executive Secretary, International Association for Coastal Reservoir Research, Univ. of Wollongong. Dr. N. GANESAN, Professor, Department of Civil Engg, NIT -Calicut, Kerala Dr. ASHOK KUMAR Chief Scientist and Head, Architecture & Planning Group, CSIR- Central Building Research Institute (CBRI), Roorkee Dr. J. PRABAKAR Sr. Principal Scientist Advanced Concrete Evaluation and Testing Laboratory, CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre, Chennai Er.PADMAPRIYA VIJAYAKUMAR Research Fellow, University of Arizona, United states of America Er.RAJENDRA RAO KALBAVI Executive Director at D.K. Nirmithi Kendra, NITK Surathkal Mr. K. VENKATARAMAN Regional Head – Technical Services, UltraTech Cement Limited, Vijayawada, Dr. KISHOR S. KULKARNI Scientist, Architecture & Planning Group, CSIR – Central Building Research Institute (CBRI), Roorkee Dr. S. SREENATH Engineering Manager (Civil) EDRC, Buildings & Factories, L&T Construction, Chennai |
43 | Short Term Training Program (STTP) |
02.11.2020 to 07.11.2020 | AICTE – AQIS Sponsored STTP on Low Carbon Energy Building (Phase – III) | Dr.N.GOPALAKRISHNAN, Director, CSIR- Central
Building Research Institute, Roorkee, Uttrakhand, India, Dr. PETER DEMAIN, Reader in Building Information Management, School of Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering, Laughborough University, England. Dr.C. M. RAVIKUMAR, Associate Professor, Dept of Studies in Civil Engg, University B.D.T College of Engineering, Hadadi Road, Davangere Dr. AJAY CHOURASIA Sr Principal Scientist and Group leader, 3D Concrete Printing, Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee. Dr. VINAY KUMAR JHA Professor, Central Department of Chemistry, Tribhuvan University, Kathmadu, Nepal. Er. T. P. MADHUSUDANAN Former Sr consultant and Chief Coordinator ,Habitat Technology Group, Trivandram, Kerala. Er. B. R. AJIT Chairman, IGBC, Cochin Chapter & Chief Executive Architect, Ajit Associates. Dr. SUMAN SHA Assistant Professor Department of Civil Engineering NIT, Calicut, Kozhikode, Kerala Dr.J. KARTHIKEYAN Associate Professor Dept of Civil Engineering NIT, Trichy, Tamilnadu Er.S.JAGADESAN Manager- Technical Services The Ramco Cements Limited Salem, Tamil Nadu Dr. R. KUMUDHA Professor and Head Dept of Civil Engineering Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Chennai Dr. BALAJI ANGAMUTHU Technical Head – Resilience Royal Haskoning DHV Green Boulevard, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India. |
44 | Engineers Day Celebration | 16.09.2020 | ENGINEERS DAY CELEBRATION | Er. S. ARUN KUMAR, Scientist "D", Civil Engineering Department, Bureau of Indian Standards, Bahadur Shan Zafar Marg, New Delhi |
45 | Short Term Training Program (STTP) | 17.08.2020 to 22.08.2020 | AICTE – AQIS Sponsored on Low Carbon Energy Building (Phase – II) | Dr. A.R.SHANTHAKUMAR, Emeritus Professor, Former
Dean of Civil Engineering, Anna University, Chennai, India. Dr. S. NEELAMANI, Sr. Research Scientist, Coastal Management Programme, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait. Dr. R. SIVA CHIDAMBARAM, Scientist, Div. of Advanced Structural Composites and Durability, CSIR-CBRI, Roorkee Dr. SUNITHA K NAYAR Assistant Professor, Palakkad. Dr.M.P.MUTHURAJ Assistant Professor CIT, Coimbatore, Er.S.RAJKUMAR, L&T Chennai. Dr.AJIT SABNIS, Principal Consultant, ASP-SDI, Bangalore. Dr.K.SUDALAIMANI Professor, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai. Dr.PETER DEMIAN, School of Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering, Loughborough University, England. Dr. D. SHOBA RAJKUMAR HOD / Civil, Government College of Engineering, Salem, Dr. S.K.SEKAR, Senior Professor & Dean, School of Civil Engineering, VIT University, Vellore. |
46 | Short Term Training Program (STTP) | 27.07.2020 to 01.08.2020 | AICTE – AQIS Sponsored on Low Carbon Energy Building (Phase – I) | Dr. SHEN-EN CHEN Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, United States. Dr.R.SENTHIL, Professor & Head, Division of Structural Engineering, College of Engineering, Guindy, Chennai, India. Dr.SUBHASH.C.YARAGAL, Dean and Professor, Department of Civil Engg, NIT Karnataka, Surathkal Dr. R.THENMOZHI Professor & Head Department of Civil Engg, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore Dr.T.PALANISAMY Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engg, NIT Karnataka, Surathkal, Dr. S. NEELAMANI Sr. Research Scientist, Coastal Management Programme, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait Dr.MUHAMMAD HADI S. Associate Professor in Civil Engg, School of Civil, Mining & Environmental Engineering, University of Wallongong, Australia Dr. J.M.CHANDRA KISHEN Professor in Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore Dr.G.APPARAO Professor in Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering Division, IIT Madras, Chennai Dr. K. JAYACHANDRAN Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engg, NIT, Calicut, India. Dr. S.SENTHIL KUMAR, Professor in Civil Engineering, KSR College of Engineering, Thiruchengode |
47 | Technical Competition | 18.07.2020 to 20.07.2020 | Design of Steel Structures- Online Quiz | Dr.A.SUDHAHAR, Managing Director, Dimensions Structural Design, Coimbatore |
48 | Technical Competition | 13.07.2020 to 15.07.2020 | Concrete Technology- Online Quiz | Dr.T.PALANISAMY , Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, NITK – Surathkal, Mangalore |
49 | Seminar | 20.05.2020 | Alkali Resistance (AR) Glass Fiber for Concrete With Special Focus | Mr.PRANAV PANDYA, Technical Sales Leader, Owens
Corning, India, Mr. SAMARTH MODI, Managing Director, SCM Nobel Agencies, Vadodara, Gujarat, India |
50 | Guest Lecture | 14.05.2020 | Micro Characterization of Concrete | Dr.T.PALANISAMY ,Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, NITK – Surathkal, Mangalore |
51 | Seminar | 14.05.2020 | Sustainability For Water | Dr. R.VIJAYA KUMAR, Former Chief Engineer, Commissioner ate of Municipal Administration, Chennai |
52 | MAILS | 13.05.2020 to 16.05.2020 | Revolution of Formwork in Construction | Mr.THAMARAI SELVAN , Senior Engineer, AIIMS Project – Gorakpur, Mr. SAIRAM KARTHIC M , Formwork Engineer Trainee ,Engineer Trainee-Graduate, Mr. NATARAJAN R, Engineer Trainee-Graduate, Delhi International Airport Limited, Ms.APNA. E, Engineer Trainee-Graduate, HIAL Expansion Project- Hyderabad. Mr. RAJ SEKAR. M, Engineer Trainee-Graduate, Dwarka Expressway Project, Delhi. Mr. KARTHIKEYAN. Senior Engineer, DLF Cyber park, Delhi |
53 | Workshop | 12.05.2020 | The Do’s and Don’ts of General construction | Dr.A.SUDHAHAR, Managing Director, Dimensions Structural Design, Coimbatore |
54 | Seminar | 12.05.2020 | The Roadway to Career Opportunities in Civil Engineering | Er.T. RAMPRASATH, Dubai Municipality - Post tension Engineer, Austral Prestressed Concrete LLC, Dubai UAE |
55 | Workshop | 06.05.2020 | Steel Structures Design Using Tekla | Er. K. R. SOWMYA , Cadd Center, Salem |
56 | Technical Training | 10.03.2020 to 14.03.2020 | Hands on training on Advanced Surveying | Er.G.BALAMURUGAN , Managing Director, To set land survey Institute, Salem . |
57 | Guest Lecture | 09.03.2020 | Novel Technologies on Identification of Groundwater Potential Zones for Water Resources Management | Dr.G.RAVIKUMAR, Professor in Civil Engineering Director, Centre for Entrepreneurship Development Anna University, Chennai-25. |
58 | Workshop | 03.03.2020 & 04.03.2020 | Demonstration of Various Formwork Systems | Er. G. Srinivasan , Manager(Formwork), L&T ECC Division, Chennai-89 |
59 | IIT Lecture Series | 21.02.2020 | Computational Simulation on Beam-Column Joints | Dr.G.APPARAO, Professor, IIT Madras, Chennai |
60 | MAILS | 31.01.2020 | L&T FORMWORK SYSTEMS AND DESIGN | Er.M.SAIRAM KARTHIC, Formwork Engineering Trainee, Buildings and Factories IC,L&T Raheja KRC Hetero Project, Hyderabad |
61 | IEI Seminar | 30.1.2020 | Novelty in Urban Waste Water Management Strategies | Er.J.HARSHA , Director, Monitoring Directorate, Central Water Commission Government of India, India and Dr.G.BASKAR , Associate Professor , Head of the Department , Department of Civil Engineering, Institute of Road and Transport Technology, Erode |
62 | MAILS | 27.01.2020 | Basics Concepts of Formwork Engineering | Er. R.THAMARAI SELVAN , Senior Engineer (Civil), L& T Construction , Aiims Project, Gorakpur, Uttar Pradesh |
63 | Short Term Course | 20.01.2020 to 23.01.2020 | Formwork Engineering and Concrete | Er. B. MURUGESAN, Joint General Manager, Head Technology Centre, L&T Construction – Building Factories, Chennai. Er. G. SRINIVASAN, Assistant Manager, Formwork Engineering, L& T Construction Building & Factories, Chennai, Er.V.UMAMAHESWARAN, Assistant Manager, Formwork Engineering, L& T Construction Building & Factories, Chennai |
64 | MAILS | 13.01.2020 | Basic Design Concepts And Formwork Systems | Er. M.RAJ SEKAR, Designation Form Work Engineer Trainee, L & T Construction Transportation Infrastructure IC, Dwarka Expressway Project, Gurugram Sector 88, Delhi. |
65 | Guest Lecture | 13.01.2020 | Enhancement of Concepts in Strength of Materials | Dr. R. SENTHIL, Professor and Head, Department of Civil Engineering, CEG Campus, Anna University, Chennai. |
66 | MAILS | 11.01.2020 | Formwork Resource Planning | Er. R. DEENADHAYAL, Formwork Engineer Trainee, Waste Water Bu Water And Effluent Treatment Ic, L&T Constructions, Chennai |
67 | Refresher Course | 09.01.2020, 10.01.2020, 20.01.2020, 21.01.2020. | FORMWORK ENGINEERING & CONCRETE | Er. B. MURUGESAN Joint General Manager, Head Technology Centre, L&T Construction – Building & Factories, Chennai. Mr.L.S.KANNAN, Sr.Deputy General Manager, Head Technology Centre, L&T Construction – Building & Factories, Chennai. Er.S.PRABAKARAN,DGM, Formwork Engineering, Heavy-Civil, L&T Construction, Chennai, Er.T.JAGANNATH Senior Manager, Formwork Engineering, L&T Construction- B & F, Chennai. |
68 | MAILS | 11.01.2020 | Formwork Resource Planning | Er. R. DEENADHAYAL, Formwork Engineer Trainee, Waste Water Bu Water And Effluent Treatment Ic, L&T Constructions, Chennai |
69 | Seminar | 20.09.2019 | Applications of Prestressing Technology and Lastest Trends | Er.B.V.NAGARAJ KUMAR, Technical Head, TeampT, Consultant & Engineers, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh |
70 | Guest Lecture | 19.09.2019 | Repair and Strengthening of Concrete Structures | Dr.J.M.CHANDRA KISHEN , Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore |
71 | Technical Competition | 19.09.2019 | Paper, Poster and quiz | Dr.J.M.CHANDRA KISHEN , Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore |
72 | Engineer’s Day Celebration | 19.09.2019 | Engineer’s Day Celebration | Dr.J.M.CHANDRA KISHEN , Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore |
73 | MAILS | 16.09.2019 | Design of Formwork Engineering | Er.R.THAMARI SELVAN, Senior Formwork Engineer, L&T Construction, Gurgaon, Haryana. |
74 | MAILS | 16.09.2019 | Exploring on Formwork Engineering | Er.V.KARTHIKEYAN, Senior Formwork Engineer, L&T Construction, Gurgaon, Haryana. |
75 | Concrete Day Celebration | 06.09.2019 | Code Cracking and Quiz | Dr.A.SUDHAHAR, Managing Director, Dimensions Structural Design, Coimbatore. |
76 | Technical Training | 03.09.2019 to 05.09.2019 | Structural Detailing of Reinforced Concrete Structures | Dr.A.SUDHAHAR, Managing Director, Dimensions Structural Design, Coimbatore. |
77 | Workshop | 30.08.2019 | Durability of Concrete Structures | Er.A.P.MURUGAN, Regional Head, Technical Services , Ultra Tech Cements, Chennai |
78 | MAILS | 29.08.2019 | Innovative Techniques in Construction Field | Er.D.RAMESH, Managing Director, R.R. Consultancy & Contractors, Tiruchengode. |
79 | Technical Training | 27.08.2019 to 28.08.2019 | Estimation and Valuation | Er.V.SRIRAMAN, Founder and CEO, Er.P.B.SUDHA Associate Director, Prayojana group, Salem. Dr.BASIL NANAPPAN, Secretary, American Society of Civil Engineering, Southern Region |
80 | NIT/IIT Lecture | 22.08.2019 | Strengthening Of Civil Structures Using Advanced Technologies | Dr.J.M.CHANDRA KISHEN , Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore |
81 | MILeS | 09.08.2019 | Coastal Reservior Concepts for Water Shortage Problem | Dr.SHU QING YANG, Director, Centre For Reservoir Research, University of Wollonong, Australia & Er.P.RAJAYOGAN, President , American Society of Civil Engineering, Southern Region |
82 | Workshop | 09.08.2019 | Funding Oppurtunities and Collaborative Research Proposal Between University of Wollongong Australia and Mahendra Educational Institutions | Dr.SHU QING YANG, Director, Centre For Reservoir Research, University of Wollonong, Australia |
83 | Technical Training | 07.08.2019 to 08.08.2019 | Application of Total Station in Survey | Er.S.RAJKUMAR, CEO & FOUNDER, Salem Construction Skill Development Training Centre , A Unit of SS group of Institutions & Companies, Salem |
84 | Technical Training | 30.07.2019 | Global Trends On 10D BIM | Mr.SUDARSHAN.R.PILLAI, Manager- Business Supoort, CADD Centre Training Services, Pvt.Ltd., Chennai |
85 | MAILS | 26.07.2019 | Impressive Interior and Exterior Design of Building | Er.E.VIGNESH, Interior Designer, Tripoly Studio, Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore. |
86 | Technical Training | 26.07.2019 | Application of Vasthu and Software in Construction | Dr.A.S.MADHESWARAN, Managing Director, UCS Pvt Limited, Salem & Er.S.S.KUMAR, Jay Vetri Builders, Salem |
Faculty Members guiding Ph.D. Research scholars
S. No | Name of the supervisor | Area of specialization | Number of research scholars | |
Pursuing | Awarded | |||
1 | Dr.K.Vidhya | Civil Engineering Concrete Structural Engineering | 10 | 02 |
2 | Dr.C.T.Sivakumar | Geographic Information System | 3 | - |
Faculty member to who Ph.D. Degree awarded during 2022-2023 academic year
S. No | Name of the supervisor | Name of the Faculty | Area of specialization | University |
1 | Dr.K.Vidhya | Ms.S.Revathi | Application of Eco-friendly Materials in Brick | Anna university |
2 | Dr.K.Vidhya | R.A. Shivasakthivadivelan | Sustainable Materials in Brick Masonry | Anna university |
List of Faculty Members Pursuing Ph.D
Sl.No | Reg No | Name | Faculty | Reg Year | Supervisor | Status |
1 | 17141691110 | P.Gopalakrishnan | Civil | 2017 | Dr.K.Vidhya | Course work completed |
2 | 17241697141 | E.Kavitha | Civil | 2017 | Dr.K.Vidhya | Thesis Submitted |
3 | 21141691155 | M.Vignesh | Civil | 2021 | Dr.K.Vidhya | Course work completed |
4 | 21121691142 | R.Vetturaya sudharsanan |
Civil | 2021 | Dr.K.Vidhya | Course work completed |
5 | 21131691134 | G.Balaji | Civil | 2021 | Dr.K.Vidhya | Course work completed |
6 | 21141697136 | S.Manishankar | Civil | 2021 | Dr.K.Vidhya | Course work completed |
7 | 21141697135 | K.Mohan | Civil | 2021 | Dr.K.Vidhya | Course work completed |
8 | 21241697114 | S.Paramathmeka | Civil | 2021 | Dr.K.Vidhya | Course work completed |
9 | 22131691134 | P.Dhamodharan | Civil | 2022 | Dr.K.Vidhya | Course Work |
10 | 22131697107 | P.Govintharaj | Civil | 2022 | Dr.C.T.Sivakumar | Coursework |
11 | 23141691119 | C.Senthil kumar | Civil | 2023 | Dr.C.T.Sivakumar | Coursework |
12 | 232911095 | U.G. Arunrajan | Civil | 2023 | Dr.C.T.Sivakumar | Coursework |
List of Faculty Members Pursuing Ph.D
Sl. No | Reg No | Name | Faculty | Reg Year |
1 | 17231697163 | M.Suganthi | Civil | 2017 |
2 | 17137691110 | S.Mohan | Civil | 2017 |
Sponsored Research in last 5 Academic Years
Name of the faculty | Title of the Project | Applied agencies | Amount | Status |
Dr. K. Vidhya Mr.S.Manishankar |
Design and Fabrication of Coir tile Making Machine | MSME | 3,00,000 | Sanctioned |
Dr. K. Vidhya | Miniature Scale Industrial Ash Aggregate Plant | MSME | 3,00,000 | Sanctioned |
Dr.K.Vidhya | Quantum Leap in low cost construction Techniques with usage of Compash Brick Masonry for Rural Housing | UGC | 2,88,000 | Completed |
Dr.K.Vidhya | A Novel Approach on Manufacturing Light Emitting Brick | TNSCST | 7,500 | Completed |
Dr.K.Vidhya | Short Term Training Programme on Low Carbon Energy Buildings | AICTE | 4,00,000 | Completed |
Dr.K.Vidhya Ms.B.Nithya |
Water Replant Road | TNSCST | 7,500 | Completed |
Dr. K. Vidhya Dr.Y.Shantharam |
Stabilization Process of Cohesionless Soil by adding the Cementitious by-Products |
MSME | 14,75,000 | Submitted |
Dr. K. Vidhya Mr.M.Vignesh |
Manufacturing of Unburnt Ecofriendly Bricks Inbuilt with Water Repellant Properties and Enhanced Durability |
MSME | 14,60,000 | Submitted |
Dr. K. Vidhya Ms .P. Saradha |
Comparability of Strength and Properties of Self-Healing Concrete using Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus pseudofirmus. | TNSCST | 7,500 | Completed |
Dr.S.Revathi | Development and characterization of high performance brick masonry using ecosustainable materials |
SERB - SRG | 25,28,000 | Submitted |
Dr. K. Vidhya Dr.C.T.Sivakumar Dr.Y.Shantharam |
Professional Training on Formwork Engineering and Concrete Technology | TNSDC | 1,44,79,000 | Submitted |
S. No | Title of the Invention | Application Number | Name of the Inventor | Publication Date | Filed/ Published/ Granted |
1 |
Biomass grinder cumstirrer for biomethanation of food waste |
372218-001 | Mr.S.Mohan Dr.K.Vidhya Dr.Y.Shantharam Dr.C.T.Sivakumar |
08.10.2022 | Granted |
2 |
Ultrasonic Concrete Mixer |
379894-001 | Dr.K.Vidhya Dr.S.Revathi Mrs.E.Kavitha Mr.R.A.Shivasakthivadivelan |
22.02.2023 | Granted |
3 |
Manual Cement Unfired Porus Brick Making Machine |
6278362 | Dr. K.Vidhya, Mr.RA.Shivasakthivadivelan, Dr. S.Revathi, Mrs E. Kavitha, Mr.S. Manishankar, Mr.P. Dhamodharan |
10.05.2023 | Granted |
4 |
Transmission Power and Frequency based Network Selection Scheme for minimizing the harmful Radiation from Gsm mobiles |
202041035566 | Dr.C.T.Sivakumar | 04.09.2020 | Published |
5 |
Manufacturing Process and Development of CO emission Controlled Material for application of road |
202241053899 | Dr.K.Vidhya Dr.C.T.Sivakumar B.Nithya Dr.N.Vinothkumar Harismita.S.S Heemaafrin.E Kalaiarasan.E Nandhakumar.P |
18.11.2022 | Published |
6 |
Manufacturing process of delayed volatility compound for bio-binder applications |
202241053920 | Dr.K.Vidhya M.Vignesh S.Mohan Lal M.Dhanish |
18.11.2022 | Published |
Consultancy work
Academic Year | Name of the faculties involved | Name of the Concern | Amount | Name of the consultancy work |
2022-23 | Dr.K.Vidhya, S.Manishankar, P.Dhamodharan | G.K. Construction, Erode-638002 | 1,20,000 | Soil testing |
2022-23 | Dr.K.Vidhya, S.Manishankar, P.Dhamodharan | Dimensions, Coimbatore - 641002. | 90,000 | SPT and Concrete mix design |
2022-23 | Dr.K.Vidhya, S.Manishankar, P.Dhamodharan R.Manirasu M.Vignesh C.Senthilkumar M.Arun S.Mohan |
Highway Department, Thiruchengode | 22,500 | Traffic Survey |
2021-22 | Dr.K.Vidhya, S.Manishankar, P.Dhamodharan | G.K. Construction, Erode-638002 | 1,20,000 | Non-destructive testing on hotel building |
2021-22 | Dr.K.Vidhya, S.Manishankar, P.Dhamodharan | Dimensions, Coimbatore - 641002. | 90,000 | Non-destructive testing on concrete slabs |
2020-21 | Dr.K.Vidhya, S.Manishankar, P.Dhamodharan | G.K. Construction, Erode-638002 | 1,20,000 | NDT on concrete slabs |
2020-21 | Dr.K.Vidhya, S.Manishankar, P.Dhamodharan | Dimensions, Coimbatore - 641002. | 90,000 | NDT on hotel gowri krishna building |
2019-20 | Dr.C.T.Sivakumar Y.Shantharam S.Manishankar |
G.K. Construction, Erode-638002 | 145000 | Standard Penetration and UCC of different soil |
2018-19 | S.Manishankar, | Er.Senthil kumar, SM Associates | 1200 | Compressive strength |
2018-19 | D.Mathiarasu | Mahendra Engineering College, Mallasamudraum |
- | Paver Block Testing |
2018-19 | R.Manirasu | Balaji Fly ash Brick, Rasipuram |
300 | Compressive strength |
2018-19 | Dr.K.Vidhya, S.Manishankar, P.Dhamodharan C.Senthilkumar P.Deepan |
Dimensions, Coimbatore - 641 002 | 60,000 | Non-destructive testing |
2018-19 | Dr.K.Vidhya, S.Manishankar, P.Dhamodharan C.Senthilkumar R.Manirasu P.Deepan |
Dimensions, Coimbatore - 641002 | 85,000 | Non-destructive testing |
2018-19 | Dr.C.T.Sivakumar, Y.Shantharam S.Manishankar, P.Dhamodharan R.Manirasu |
G.K. Construction, Erode | 73,000 | SPT and UCC |
2018-19 | Dr.K.Vidhya, Y.Shantharam S.Manishankar, P.Dhamodharan R.Manirasu |
G.K. Construction, Erode | 72,500 | SPT and Concrete Mix design |
2017-18 | Dr.K.Vidhya L.Vijayan P.Dhamodharan P.Deepan S.Manishankar |
Mukesh and Associates, Salem | 15,000 | Non-destructive testing |
2017-18 | Dr.K.Vidhya L.Vijayan P.Dhamodharan P.Deepan S.Manishankar |
Chitteinadu Vidhya manthir School, karur | 68,000 | Non-destructive testing |
Memorandum of Understanding signed during last Five academic years
S.NO | Name of Organization | Domain / Area of Activities | Contribution | Activities & Outcome |
1 |
L&T Construction - Buildings &
Factories, L&T Construction Campus, |
Training and Placement | Training and Placement in Formwork Engineering | Students improve the technical ability towards placement |
2 |
L&T Edutech |
Education | Aptitude Training and Soft Skill Training | Students are trained to improve their soft skill and aptitude skill. |
3 |
R R Consultancy & Contractors |
Valuation | Consultancy, In Plant Training & Placement | Students are trained in the site and various field experience |
4 |
Dimensions Structural Designs, |
Structural Design | Project Work & Placement | Placement opportunities are provided to the students to work in design field |
5 |
Sigaram Construction Pvt. ltd.,. |
Construction | Consultancy, In Plant Training & Placement | Students and Faculty members are provided an opportunity to expertise in ICOT based real time projects in construction |
6 |
GK Construction |
Structural Design | Consultancy, In Plant Training & Placement | Seminars, Workshops, awareness programmes, short-term refresher courses and training and placement for the students |
7 |
JPG Housing & Projects (P) Ltd 9/196,V.S.Complex,East Car Street, Cheyur road, <>Avinashi-641654, Tiruppur (Dt), Tamilnadu. |
Project Planning | Consultancy, In Plant Training & Placement | Students are trained in various kind of project |
Department of Civil Engineering
Mahendra Engineering College (Autonomous),
Salem- Thiruchengode Highway, Mahendhirapuri,
Ph. No : 04288 288575