About the Department
- The Department of Food Technology is established in the year 2019, offering a 4 Year B.Tech degree in Food Technology with an annual intake of 60 students. The importance of Food Technology lies in the fact that it has the capability to provide food to our population through scientific conservations, eliminating available losses and making available more balanced and nutritious food. The Department aims to stimulate the students to develop their skills and knowledge on selection, preservation, processing, packaging, distribution, and use of safe food. The Curriculum for the course has been designed to project proficiency by applying scientific disciplines including chemistry, engineering, microbiology, and nutrition to improve the safety, nutrition, and wholesomeness of food.
- B.Tech.(Food Technology) programme with a Choice based credit system provides institution, the ambience which is best suited for active learning with industry training, online courses, open electives and facility to go abroad for internships, etc. The state of the art labs provide the ample opportunity to innovate and research.
- A team of dedicated well qualified and experienced faculty members teach, guide and motivate the students to excel and come out with flying colors. Students graduating after completion of this programme have opportunities in industries, multinational companies, hospitality outlets and also they can turn out to be entrepreneurs. They also have the privilege to go abroad for higher studies, management and research areas. Of course Mahendra Engineering College is definitely the proposed destination for aspiring engineers.
Programmes offered
- Under Graduate: B.Tech. Food Technology
- Intake: 60
Vision & Mission
- The Department endeavours to develop globally competent Food Technologists/ Engineers capable of fulfilling the rapidly growing demands of food processing sector.
- To Develop vibrant, competent and ethical Food Technologists/ Engineers who can promote technical advancements in the field of Food Technology
- To produce graduates who can develop sustainable Food technologies for value addition and prevention of post-harvest losses
- To develop and extend technologies for nutritional safety and security
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
The graduates of Aeronautical Engineering will be able to
- PEO1: To integrate engineering and basic sciences to develop skills in engineering analysis and design and development of food processing and preservation systems for value addition in foods, agricultural resource utilization and environmental conservation.
- PEO2: To enable Graduates to go for start-up and grow their own new firms. They will become recognized experts working in government institutions, consulting firms and International organizations around the country and the world addressing challenging issues.
- PEO3: To prepare graduates who would pursue and succeed in advanced studies in disciplines such as Food Engineering and science, Food Technology, Food Packaging, Food Quality and Management etc.
- PEO4: To Equip graduates who would take up competent leadership roles, display professionalism and Industrious activity in their profession.
Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
The students will demonstrate the abilities
- PSO-1: To apply the basic knowledge of process engineering and technology in food formulation and new food products for developing commercial products
- PSO-2: To Develop techniques and tools for new food products/process at laboratory level and mass production.
- PSO-3: To implement food safety practices, quality control measures, quality assurance procedures and statutory and legal requirements in food processing industry.
Advisory Committee
Department Program Advisory Committee (DPAC)
S.No | Member | Designation |
1 |
Dr.G.Nandhini Devi |
Associate Professor, Centre for Food Technology |
2 |
Dr.S.Shahir |
Associate Professor,KARE |
3 |
Mr.E.Jayakumar |
Senior consultant, Agro Trade Link |
4 |
Mr.K.Karthikeyan |
NPDM, Big Basket |
5 |
Mr.S.Anandharaman |
Senior Executive, Modern Food Enterprise pvt, Ltd |
6 |
Dr.D.Subramaniam |
Professor & Head, Department of Aerospace Engg |
7 |
Dr.V.Muthuvinayagam |
ASP, Department of EEE |
8 |
Dr.V.Poonguzhali |
ASP, Department of Agricultural Engineering |
Board of Studies
Members of the Board of Studies
S.No | Name of the Member | Address | BoS Designation |
1. | Dr. D.Prabhakaran Professor |
Department of Chemical Engineering Coimbatore Institute of Technology (CIT) Civil Aerodrome Post, Coimbatore -641014 |
University Nominee |
2 | Dr.V.Dhineshkumar Associate Professor |
Department of Food Technology Mahendra Engineering College (Autonomous) Mallasamudram, Namakkal-637503. |
BoS Chairman |
3 | Dr.S.Shahir Associate Professor |
Kalasalingam School of Agriculture and
Horticulture, Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Krishnan kovil, Virudhunagar District. |
Academic Expert |
4 | Dr.Jusci Kumar Industry Technology Specialist |
Novazymes south Asia Pvt Ltd Bangalore |
Industry Expert |
5 | Mr.K.Karthikeyan New Product Development Manager |
Supermarket Grocery supplies private Limited
(Big Basket) , Fairyway business park, 8th floor, EGL, challaghatta,Domlur, Bangalore-560071 |
Industry Expert |
6 | Mr.S.Anandaraman Senior Executive Production |
Modern Food Enterprises Pvt Ltd 30, second stage, Industrial suburb, Yeshwanthpur, Bangalore-560022 |
Industry Expert |
7 | Dr.V.Muthuvinayagam Professor |
Department of Electronics and Instrumentation
Engineering Mahendra Engineering College (Autonomous) Mallasamudram, Namakkal-637503. |
Academic Expert (Allied Department) |
8 | Dr.K.R.Kalpana Associate Professor and Head |
Department of Agriculture Engineering Mahendra Engineering College (Autonomous) Mallasamudram, Namakkal-637503. |
Academic Expert (Allied Department) |
9 | Dr.N.Vinothkumar Associate Professor |
Department of Chemical Engineering, Mahendra Engineering College (Autonomous) Mallasamudram, Namakkal-637503. |
Academic Expert (Allied Department) |
Food Technology Laboratory
The Department has well-built infrastructure facilities with all necessary lab equipments. The Department laboratory is have very good infrastructure to cater to the requirements of students. The various laboratories such as Food Biochemistry, Food Microbiology, Fruit and Vegetable Processing, Dairy Technology, Food Process Engineering, Baking and Confectionary, Food Analysis and Food Packaging Technology Laboratory.
Food Biochemistry Laboratory
S.No. | Name of the Equipment’s |
1 | UV-Visible Spectrophotometer |
2 | Colorimeter |
3 | pH meter |
4 | Incubator |
5 | Hot Air Oven |
6 | Hot Water Bath |
7 | Refrigerator |
8 | Flame Photometer |
9 | Soxhlet Extractor Apparatus |
Food Microbiology Laboratory
S.No. | Name of the Equipment’s |
1 | Auto clave |
2 | Laminar air flow chamber |
3 | Microscope |
4 | Hot Air Oven |
5 | Hand refractometer |
6 | Dessicator |
7 | Water Bath |
8 | UV- Spectrophotometer |
9 | Refrigerator |
10 | pH meter |
11 | Analytical balance |
12 | Colony Counter |
Food Analysis Laboratory
S.No. | Name of the Laboratory |
1 | Soxhelet Extractor apparatus |
2 | UV Spectrophotometer |
3 | Hot Air Oven |
4 | Hand refractometer |
5 | Dessicator |
6 | Water Bath |
7 | Refrigerator |
8 | pH meter |
9 | Analytical balance |
10 | Milk Analyzer |
11 | Viscometer |
12 | Pycnometer |
Post Harvest Technology Laboratory
S.No. | Name of the Laboratory |
1 | Angle of repose apparatus- Round Type |
2 | Angle of repose apparatus- L Type |
3 | Bucket Elevator |
4 | Screw Conveyor |
5 | Hot Air Oven |
6 | Grain Moisture Meter |
7 | Groundnut Decorticator |
8 | Microwave Oven |
9 | Fluidized Bed Dryer |
10 | Tray Dryer |
11 | Soxhelet Apparatus |
12 | Extruder |
Food Process Engineering Laboratory
S.No. | Name of the Laboratory |
1 | Sieve shaker |
2 | Mini oil Expeller |
4 | Fluidized Bed Dryer |
5 | Hammer Mill |
6 | Ball Mill |
7 | Burr Mill |
8 | Pulveriser |
10 | Microwave Oven |
11 | Viscometer |
12 | Hot Air Oven |
13 | Tray Dryer |
Baking and Confectionary Technology Laboratory
S.No. | Name of the Laboratory |
1 | Deck Oven |
2 | Dough Mixer |
3 | Cake and Candy moulds |
4 | Analytical balance |
5 | Egg Beater |
6 | Refrigerator |
7 | Microwave Oven |
8 | Viscometer |
9 | Dough Fermentation Proofing Cabinet |
10 | Electrical whisk and Hand blender |
Dairy Technology Laboratory
S.No. | Name of the Laboratory |
1 | Milk Analyzer |
2 | Gerber Centrifuge |
3 | Lactometer |
4 | Thermometer |
5 | Analytical balance |
6 | Water Bath |
7 | Viscometer |
8 | Paneer Press |
9 | Butyrometer |
10 | pH meter |
11 | Cream Separator |
12 | Butter Churner |
Fruits and Vegetable processing Technology Laboratory
S.No. | Name of the Laboratory |
1 | Mixer |
2 | pH meter |
3 | Hand Refractometer |
4 | Jelly cups/moulds |
5 | Thermometer |
6 | Analytical balance |
7 | Strainer |
8 | Viscometer |
9 | Vegetable Chopper |
10 | Tray Dryer |
11 | Juice Extractor |
Food Packaging Technology Laboratory
S.No. | Name of the Laboratory |
1 | Puncture Resistant Tester |
2 | Tear Resistant Tester |
3 | Bursting strength Tester |
3 | Tray Sealing Machine |
4 | Drop Tester |
5 | Crown Cap Sealer |
6 | Vacuum Packaging Machine |
7 | Plastic Film Thickness Tester |
8 | Hand Operated Sealing Machine |
Faculty & Staff
Sl. No | Name of the faculty | Designation |
1 | Dr. DHINESHKUMAR V | Associate Professor & HOD |
2 | Mr. BRIGHTON JABEZ M | Assistant Professor |
3 | Mr. SUSENDRAN T S | Assistant Professor |
4 | Mrs. SUBRIYA S | Assistant Professor |
5 | Ms. RACHEL S | Assistant Professor |
6 | Ms. SURUTHI K | Assistant Professor |
7 | Ms. UDHAYAGANGA M | Assistant Professor |
8 | Ms. VASUNTHARA E | Assistant Professor |
9 | Ms. YAAMINI M | Assistant Professor |
Supporting staff
S.No | Name of the Supporting staff | Designation | Educational Qualification |
1 | Ms.T.Abirami | Lab Technician | M.Sc (BioTechnology) |
Short-Term Courses
Events organized by the Department
S.No | Date | Type of Event | Title | Guest speaker |
1 | 1.02.2023 | IIC -Webinar | Entrepreneurship in Bakery and Confectionery Products | Dr.Jusci Kumar, Ph.D Industry Technology specialist Food and Beverage Novozymes South Asia Pvt Ltd |
2 | 17.2.22 | IIC activity | Start up : A generation of nutraceutical and phytopharmaceutical entrepreneurs | Mr.G.Natarajan Managing Director Truzt Organic and Natural Products Bangalore |
3 | 24.05.22 | IIC activity (webinar) | Start up: India Empowerment | Mr.K.MANIKANDAN CEO Ivory gull candy company Salem 2 |
4 | 06.06.22 | webinar | Sustainable climate change and conservation, where do we go from here | Dr.Jigna Desai Principal Research and Head CEPT Research Development and Foundation Ahmedabad Gujarat |
5 | 16.10.22 | Institutions for Innovation Council Activity | Food Safety And Regulations | Mr. Prince Benedict Senior Manager Compass Group India Support services Bangalore |
6 | 1.11.22 | Webinar | Entrepreneurship Opportunities in Food Processing Sector | Mr.K.Manikandan CEO Ivory gull candy company Salem 2 |
7 | 26.11.22 | Institutions for Innovation Council Activity | “Startup: Indian Food Processing Industry and Opportunities | Dr.V. Arun Prasath Assistant Professor Department of Food Processing Engineering National Institute of Technology Rourkela |
Department of Food Technology
Mahendra Engineering College (Autonomous),
Salem- Thiruchengode Highway, Mahendhirapuri,
E-Mail id: hodfd@mahendra.info
Publication Details
- Jivanage Anirudh, Dhineshkumar, V. ,
Sangeetha, T,
“ Whey as crucial component in rejuvenating athlete health- a review ", Journal of Post harvest Technology ,
Volume No:10 Issue:4, pp: 135-155 (2022) -
Aiyaavoo preamnath manoharan, V.Dhineshkumar ,C.Vijayanand,
“Development, standardization, quality evaluation and shelf life studies of indigenous beverage – Jigarthanda", International Journal of Chemical Studies ,
Volume No:8 Issue:3, pp: 2006-2009 (2020) -
“A comparative study of pest attack on basmathi rice under different stored conditions and packaging", Journal of Entomology and zoological studies,
Volume No:8 Issue:3, pp: 482-485 (2020) - V.Dhineshkumar, Ramasamy.D, Jerish
“Effect of active: Modified atmosphere packaging material on biochemical and microbial characteristics of pomegranate arils during storage", International Journal of Chemical Studies,
Volume No: 6 Issue:2, pp: 95-99 (2018) - V.Dhineshkumar, Ramasamy.D,
“Influence of packaging material on quality characteristics of minimally processed Bhagwa Pomegranate arils during storage", Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry,
Volume No: 6 Issue: 6, pp: 74-83 (2017) - V.Dhineshkumar, Ramasamy.D, Jerish
“Effect of time and temperature on respiration rate of pomegranate arils ", International Journal of current Microbiology and Applied sciences,
Volume No: 6 Issue:4, pp: 1617-1626 (2017) - V.Dhineshkumar, Ramasamy.D, Jerish
“Physico-chemical properties and antioxidant activities of pomegranate fruit of different cultivars grown in India ", International Journal of Applied Agricultural & Horticultural Sciences (Green Farming),
Volume No: 8 Issue: 1, pp: 232-236 (2017) - V.Dhineshkumar, Ramasamy.D,
“Physical and Engineering properties of pomegranate fruit and arils ", International journal of Farm Sciences,
Volume No: 5 Issue: 3, pp: 89-97 (2015) - V.Dhineshkumar, Ramasamy.D,
“High Pressure Processing Technology in Dairy Processing: A Review”, Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research,
Volume 35(2), pp: 87 -95(2016)