About the Department

- Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering was established in the Year 1999 with a sanctioned intake of 30 students and in the Year 2009 intake of students was increased to 120.
- Department offers B.E.- Electrical and Electronics Engineering and M.E.-Control Systems Programmes.
- Department of EEE is recognized as Research Centre by Anna University, Chennai.
- Department of EEE charms the students to gain advanced knowledge and induces them with confidence to face the real time technical challenges and also provides the platform to improve their cognitive and psychomotor skills.
- Department is well equipped with laboratories with the state-of-the-art facilities to meet the curriculum requirement in making the student industry-ready.
- Department provides Hi-Tech Academic Exposure through Teaching Learning Process and Industrial Exposure through Internship Training to the young budding Engineers
- Department believes in serious academic pursuit and encourages radical and original thinking which paves the way for creativity and innovative ideas.
- All the cadres of students are molded through Outcome Based Teaching Learning (OBTL).
- Department of EEE has tie-ups with leading industries like National Instruments and an established LabVIEW academy in our campus. The Best Performing LabVIEW Academy Award for the Year 2017 conferred by National Instrument.
- Department has signed MoUs with various leading Core Industries for providing better industrial exposure to the Students and Faculty Community .
- Round the Clock students are motivated to do MOOC Courses and Mini Projects/Products for improving their technical skills and for building self confidence among them.
- Established 17.5 kWp grid connected solar power plant (Funded by AICTE) for enhancing the research activities.
Programmes offered
- B.E. - Electrical and Electronics Engineering - 4 years
- M.E. - Control Systems - 2 years
- Ph.D. - Programme (Full Time & Part Time)
Vision & Mission
- To produce globally competent Electrical and Electronics Engineers, entrepreneurs conversant with cutting edge technologies
- To impart good quality technical education through effective teaching-learning process
- To enhance the students' employability through mentoring and skill development
- To promote innovation and research activities with analytical skills to face global challenges
- To enable students imbibe ethical and enterprising characteristics to become socially-responsible engineers
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
The graduates of Electrical and Electronics Engineering will be able to:
- Excel in professional career by applying the knowledge and skills to meet the real-time challenges
- Apply Electrical and Electronics expertise and research to solve interdisciplinary problems
- Exhibit soft skills, professional ethics and an ability for life-long learning to resolve societal issues
Program Outcomes (POs)
Engineering Graduates will be able to:
- Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems
- Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences
- Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations
- Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions 5
- Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations
- The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice
- Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development
- Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice
- Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings
- Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions
- Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments
- Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change
Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
The students will demonstrate the abilities
- Apply specific domain knowledge of automation and control for industrial systems.
- Develop software skills requird for professional engineering practices leading to successful employment
- Apply innovative solutions in renewable energy for specific requirements.
Advisory Committee
Department Program Advisory Committee (DPAC)
S.No | Name of the faculty | Designation |
1 | Dr.R.Uthirasamy | Professor & Head |
2 | Dr.B.Ashokkumar | Associate Professor/Department of EEE ,Thiyagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai-625015 |
3 | Dr.Vimal Kumar Eswarlal | Mangla Smart Energy Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Tirupur |
4 | Dr.N.Viswanathan | Professor & Head/ECE |
5 | Dr.M.Kannan | Professor & Head/CSE |
6 | Dr.S.Umamaheswari | Professor |
7 | Dr.S.Sumathi | Professor |
8 | Dr.P.Umasankar | Professor |
9 | Dr.M.Muthuvinayagam | Associate Professor |
10 | Dr.S.Krishnan | Associate Professor |
11 | Dr.S.Gobinath | Assistant Professor |
12 | Mr.M.Sidheswaran | Assistant Professor |
13 | Mr.P.Parathraju | Assistant Professor |
14 | Mrs.M.Thenmoli | Assistant Professor |
15 | Mr.G.Dinesh | Assistant Professor |
16 | Mr. N.Anandhakumar | Assistant Professor |
17 | Mr.K.Karthikeyan | Assistant Professor |
18 | Mr.P C Sivakumar | Assistant Professor |
19 | Mr.K.Parventhan | Assistant Professor |
Board of Studies
Members of the Board of Studies
S.No | Name with full address of the members | Position in BoS |
1 | Name Dr.R.Uthirasamy Designation Professor and Head Department Electrical and Electronics Engineering Address Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal Phone 9788576425 Mail Id hodeee@mahendra.info | Chairperson |
2 | Name Dr.A.Vetrivel Designation Associate Professor Department Electrical and Electronics Engineering Address Government Engineering College (IRTT) Erode Phone 7010053199 Mail Id vetrivel@irttech.ac.in | Anna University Nominee |
3 | Name Dr. P.Raja Designation Associate Professor Department Electrical and Electronics Engineering Address NIT, Trichy Phone 9942680653 Mail Id praja@nitt.edu | Subject Expert |
4 | Name Dr.Anand Gurupatham Designation General Manager Department Power train CAE Address Renault Nissan Technology& Business Center, Chennai Phone 9962019023 Mail Id anand.gurupatham@rntbci.com | Subject Expert |
5 | Name Er.C.Baskar Designation Head Department Electronic Division Address Syrma Technology, Chennai Phone 9962470644 Mail Id anand.gurupatham@rntbci.com | Industry Expert |
6 | Name Dr.C.Sivakumar Designation Managing Director Department Ensafe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Address Salem Phone 9443428302 Mail Id infoensafetech@gmail.com | Industry Expert |
7 | Name Dr.B.Ashok Kumar Designation Associate Professor Department Electrical and Electronics Engineering Address Thiyagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai Phone 9095555066 Mail Id ashokudt@tce.edu | Academic Expert |
8 | Name Dr.D.Chitra Designation Professor Department Electronics and Communication Engineering Address Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal Phone 9894450495 Mail Id chitrad@mahendra.info | Allied Department |
9 | All the Faculty Members of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department | Members |
10 | Name Mr.C. S. Satheesh Designation Assistant Professor Department Electrical and Electronics Engineering Address Muthayammal Engineering College Phone 7373875316 Mail Id cssatheesh95@gmail.com | PG Alumnus/ Alumna |
11 | Name Er.K.Saravana kumar Designation Managing Director Department Frankinsteins Engineering Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. Address Tirupur Phone 9952153555 Mail Id k.saravanakumar.eee@gmail.com | UG Alumnus/ Alumna |
12 | Name Ms. V.Mala Year First Year Department Electrical and Electronics Engineering Phone 9820439542 Mail Id malagovind87745@gmail.com | PG Student |
13 | Name Mr.K.Saravanan Year Final Year Department Electrical and Electronics Engineering Phone 6369495536 Mail Id saravanankandasamy12@gmail.com | UG Student |
Board of Studies Meeting
Embedded Systems Laboratory:
Laboratory In-Charge : Mr.K. KARTHIKEYAN
Technical supporting staff: Mr. N.RAJASEKAR
Major Equipment:
- 8085 Microprocessor and 8051 Microcontroller
- 8085- Keyboard and Display Interface
- A/D and D/A Interface
- 8251,8254,8255,8259 Interface boards
- Traffic light Controller Interface
- Stepper Motor Control System
- ADC Interface Board- 8 Channel /2 Channel
- Input/output Interface
- 37 Sensors Module
- Cortex M4 Development Board
- Arduino – UNO,MEGA,NANO Board
- Raspherry Pi 3 Complete Module
- GSM/GPRS Module
- Wireless – ZIGBEE Module with Base
Major Experiments:
- Assembly Language Programming for 8051 microcontroller
- Developing Programs using Interface Boards for 8051
- Traffic Light Interface
- Keyboard Interface
- Display Interface
- DAC Interface
- ADC Interface
- Stepper motor controller interface
- LED blinking and LED fading using Arduino
- Interfacing LED and PWM using Arduino
- Implementation of Traffic light controller using Arduino Uno
- Making switching operation from analog input using Arduino
- RGB LED blinking of Arduino
- Making sounds using Arduino
- Interfacing DC motor and temperature sensor using Raspberrypi
- Writing and execution the 1 digit and 4 digit 7 Segment Displays using Arduino
- Finding the various distance using Ultrasonic sensor by Arduino
- Activate the DC Relay module by using Arduino
- Design of power amplifiers
- Design and fabricate a regulated power supply of 0-5V, 1
- Design and fabricate a regulated power supply of 0-12V, 1A
- Design and fabricate a gate driver circuit for DC to DC converters
- Design and fabricate a controller circuit for DC to DC converters
- Design and fabricate an isolation circuit using opto couplers
- Design and fabricate a charge controller for battery bank
- Design and fabricate an Electric Vehicles
- Design and Fabricate a Domestic UPS
Utilization of the Laboratory:
- Microcontroller Laboratory for Third Year EEE Students
- Embedded Systems Laboratory for Third Year EEE Students
- Project Design Laboratory for Third Year EEE Students
Engineering Practices Laboratory:
Laboratory In-Charge : Mr. K.PARVENTHAN
Technical supporting staff: Mr. N.RAJASEKAR
Major Experiments:
- Stair case wiring
- Fluorescent lamp wiring
- Residential house wiring using switches, fuse, indicator and lamp
- Fan Regulator wiring
- Measurement of DC and AC voltage, current and power(using Energy meter) in electrical circuits
- Study of CRO- Lissajous pattern
- VI characteristics of PN junction Diode
- Zener diode as voltage regulator
- Biasing LED
- Soldering practice using discrete components
- Choice of wire gauges, resistor color coding and fuses for a given circuit.
- Measurement of power factor, RMS, peak and frequency and measurement of inductance and capacitance.
- Speed control of ceiling fan and fan wiring
- V-I Characteristics of DC/AC generator and motor
- DC Machine wiring(12v, 24v)
- Small range transformer winding
- Induction motor winding
- Soldering and De-soldering Practices
- Inductor design
- Study of Clamp meter, Megger and Multimeter, Blue print(Electrical wiring diagram) and PCB Design
Utilization of the Laboratory:
- Basic Electrical and Electronic Laboratory for First Year Students
- Electrical Winding Practices LABORATORY for Second Year EEE Students
Power Electronics Laboratory:
Laboratory In-Charge : Dr. S. KRISHNAN
Technical supporting staff: Mr. R.PONKABILAN
Major Equipment:
- DC regulator dual variable power supply for (0-30v/0-2A) and (0-3v/0-2A)
- SCR trigger circuit using UJT trainer and linear IC trainer
- SCR and TRAIC phase control circuit trainer
- Switched mode power supply trainer
- Series & parallel counter trainer
- AC solid state relay using opto coupler trainer
- SCR ring counter /sequential timer trainer
- Sample & hold circuit trainer
- SCR trigger circuit using R & RC trainer
- Single phase fully controlled bridge converter
- SCR regulated power supply
- Voltage & current commutation trainer
- Speed control of DC shunt motor trainer
- 1 phase series inverter trainer
- IGBT & MOSFET characteristics
- IGBT chopper timer
- DC regulator dual variable powwer supply 30v/0-2A
- PRAGNA:1 phase cycloconverter
- PRAGNA:3 phase Voltage regulator
- Commutation (chopper)circuit module
- AC phase control using SCR,DIAC,TRAIC
- 1 phase parallel invertor
- 2MHZ function generator
- SCR base 1 phase AC voltage regulator
- Tempeerature control system
- APLAB : 2MHZ function generator
- IGBT based 1 phase and 3phase PWM inverter
- Step down & step up MOSFET based chopper
- Resonant DC to DC convertor kit
- Single half control converter
- Digital storage oscilloscope
- Function generator
Major Experiments:
- Verification of Logic Gates
- Realization of a Boolean function: To simplify the given expression and to realize it using Basic gates and Universal gate
- Code converters
- Parity generator and parity checking.
- Encoders and Decoders
- Multiplexer and Demultiplexer
- Verification of Flip Flops
- Conversion of one type of Flip Flop to another
- Counters: Design and implementation of 4-bit modulo counters as synchronous and Asynchronous types using FF IC’s and specific counter IC.
- Shift Registers: Design and implementation of 4-bit shift registers in SISO, SIPO, PISO, PIPO modes using suitable IC’s Using Virtual Instrumentation
- Characteristics of SCR ,TRIAC, MOSFET and IGBT
- Characteristics of AC to DC half controlled and fully controlled converter
- Characteristics of Step down and step up MOSFET based choppers
- Characteristics of IGBT based single phase and 3 phase PWM inverter
- Characteristics of AC Voltage controller
- Simulation on 1Φ & 3Φ semiconverter,1Φ & 3Φ full converter
- Simulation on dc-dc converters, AC voltage controller
- Simulation on Matrix converter
Utilization of the Laboratory:
- Digital Electronics Laboratory for Second Year EEE Students
- Power Electronics Laboratory for Second Year EEE Students
Electrical Circuits and Electronics Devices Laboratory:
Laboratory In-Charge : Mr. M. SIDHESWARAN
Technical supporting staff: Mr.M. SEKAR
Major Equipment:
- Kelvin double bridge, Anderson Bridge, Maxwell Bridge and Schering Bridge
- Thermo couple trainer
- LVDT trainer
- Oscilloscope with component tester 20MHZ and 30 MHZ dual trace
- Function generator counter -2MHZ
- Low distortion signal generator 1MHZ
- Load -lag network training system
- Synchro transmitter receiver pair
- Dual trace 30MHZ oscilloscope with component tester
- Function generator 1MHZ
- Digital lab trainer 10 bit version
- 1MHZ function generator(APLAB)
- Digital lab trainer 20 bit version
- 30MHZ Dual trace oscilloscope with component tester
- PID controller
- Potentiometer error detector
- Linear system simulator
- Torque measurement trainer(ITB019CE)
- Torque cell
- DC regulator single variable power suppy rating 0-30v/0-2A
- PLC based drive model no 2K11-435
- 20MHZ Power scope make :APLAB model no:33D5D
Major Experiments:
- Verification of ohm’s laws and kirchoff’s laws
- Verification of mesh and nodal analysis
- Verification of Thevenin’s and Norton’s Theorem
- Verification of superposition Theorem
- Verification of reciprocity theorem and maximum power transfer theorem
- Verification of series and parallel circuit’s characteristics
- Transient response of RL and RC circuits for DC input
- Frequency response of series and parallel resonance circuits
- Frequency response of single tuned coupled circuits
- Verification of three phases balanced and unbalanced star & delta connected networks
- PN junction characteristics, ii) Transistor(CE Configurations)characteristics
- JFET Characteristics
- Frequency response of transistor amplifier circuit
- Line and load regulation of Zener regulator
- UJT-relaxation oscillator circuit
- Wien bridge oscillator
- Transistorized Differential amplifier
- OPAMP based amplifier circuits
- Design of Adder-Subtractor circuits
- Square wave oscillator/ tri-angular wave oscillator
- OPAMP based RC -phase shift oscillator
- 555 - timer IC based astable multi-vibrator
- OPAMP based precision rectifier circuit/ clipper circuits
- Bridge Networks –AC Bridges and DC Bridges
- Transducers: (a) Temperature (b) Pressure (c) Displacement
- Instrumentation Amplifier
- Analog to Digital Converters and Digital to Analog Converters (ADCs and DACs)
- Measurement of three phase power and power factor
Utilization of the Laboratory:
- Electric Circuits Laboratory for First Year EEE Students
- Analog Electronics Laboratory for Second Year EEE Students
- Measurement And Instrumentation Laboratory for Third Year EEE Students
Electrical Machines Laboratory:
Laboratory In-Charge : Dr. MUTHUVINAYAGAM M & Mr. P. PARATHRAJU
Technical supporting staff: Mr.R.BOOPATHI
Major Equipment:
- DC Series motor with loading arrangement.
- DC Shunt motor with loading arrangement.
- DC Compound motor with loading arrangement.
- DC Series Generator
- DC Shunt Generator
- DC Compound Generator
- Three phase salient pole alternator
- Three phase cylindrical alternator
- Single phase induction motor
- Three phase Squirrel cage induction motor
- Three phase Slip ring induction motor
- Three Phase Synchronous motor
- Single Phase and Three phase transformer and Ideal transformer
- Three phase Auto transformer
- PID Controller
- Synchro-Transmitter& Receiver
- AC position and DC Position controller
- Lag, lead, lag-lead Compensator
- Rectifier (36V/10A)
- Loading Rheostats
- Linear Induction Motor
- Five phase Induction motor
- Brushless DC motor with Eddy current load set up
- Switched Reluctance Motor Power module
- 16 Channel USB based Data Acquisition system
- DSP controller
- IPM Power module
Major Experiments:
- Load test on DC shunt motor, DC series motor and DC Compound motor
- Swinburne's test and Speed control of DC shunt motor
- Open circuit and load characteristics of self and separately excited DC shunt generator.
- Load characteristics of DC compound generator with differential and cumulative connections.
- Open circuit and short circuit test on single-phase transformer
- Load test on single-phase transformer
- Sumpner's test on Transformers
- Regulation of three phase alternator by Electromotive Force, Magneto motive Force methods, Zero Power Factor and American Standard Association methods
- Regulation of three phase salient pole alternator by slip test
- Measurements of negative sequence and zero sequence impedance of alternators
- V and Inverted V curves of Three Phase Synchronous Motor
- Load test on three-phase induction motor
- No load and blocked rotor test on three-phase induction motor
- Separation of No-load losses of three-phase induction motor
- Study of dual core detail of DSP controller
- Study of IPM power module
- Load characteristics of switched reluctance motor
- Speed control of 1 HP 3 phase AC motor with IPM power module
- Speed control of 1HP brushless dc motor with eddy current load set up
- Load characteristics of 5-Phase Induction motor in open loop mode
- Speed control of 3 phase Linear Induction motor
- Microprocessor based stepper motor controller
- Simulation of load characteristics of PMSM motor
- Simulation of load characteristics of switched reluctance motor
Utilization of the Laboratory:
- Dc Machines And Transformers Laboratory for Second Year EEE Students
- Synchronous And Induction Machines Laboratory for Second Year EEE Students
- Control Systems Laboratory for Third Year EEE Students
- Special Electrical Machines Laboratory for Third Year EEE Students
- Electric Drives and Control Laboratory for Second Year Mechanical Students
Process Control Laboratory :
Laboratory In-Charge : Mrs. S. SUBA
Technical supporting staff: Mr.R.BOOPATHI
Major Equipment:
- Pressure Process Controller(VPPA-401-CE)
- Flow Process Station
- Level Process Controller(VLPA 101-CE)
- Interacting and Non Interacting Trainer (VINIT01)
- Process Control Stimulator
Major Experiments:
- Operation of interacting and non interacting systems
- Response of different order processes with and without transportation lag
- Response of ON-OFF controller
- Response of P+I+D controller
- Characteristics of control valves with and without positioned
- Operation of ON-OFF controller thermal process
- Closed loop response of flow control loop
- Closed loop response of level control loop
- Closed loop response of temperature control loop
- Closed loop response of pressure control loop
- Tuning of controllers
- Study of complex control system ( ratio / cascade / feed forward)
Utilization of the Laboratory:
- Process Control Laboratory for First Year ME Students
Simulation Laboratory:
Laboratory In-Charge : : Mr.M. MALUKANNAN
Technical supporting staff: Mr.R. PONKABILAN
Major Equipment:
- HP 18.5" TFT Monitor
- HP PRO 3090/E7500/2GB/320GB
- HP Procurve 1810-24G Gigabit Switch
- ETAP 16.2 Software - New License -10 User 50 Bus Educational LAN-Proposal # ETA-44697-C8M8
Major Experiments:
- Computation of transmission line Parameters
- Modeling of Transmission line for short ,medium and long transmission line
- Formation of Bus Admittance and Impedance Matrices
- Load Flow Analysis - I : Solution of load flow and related problems using Gauss-Seidel Method
- Load Flow Analysis - II: Solution of load flow and related problems using Newton Raphson
- Symmetrical and unsymmetrical fault analysis
- Transient Stability Analysis & Small Signal Stability Analysis: Single-Machine Infinite Bus System
- Load – Frequency Dynamics of Single- Area and Two area system
- Economic Dispatch in Power Systems
- Simulation on Solar PV Energy System
- Simulation on Wind Energy Generator
- Simulation on Hybrid (Solar-Wind) Power System
Utilization of the Laboratory:
- Power System Simulation Laboratory for Final year EEE Students
Faculty & Staff
S.No | Name of the faculty | Designation |
1 | Dr. SUMATHI S | Professor |
2 | Dr. UMAMAHESWARI A | Professor |
3 | Dr. UMASANKAR P | Professor |
4 | Dr. UTHIRASAMY R | Professor & HOD |
5 | Dr. KRISHNAN S | Associate Professor |
6 | Dr. MUTHUVINAYAGAM M | Associate Professor |
7 | Dr. GOBINATH S | Assistant Professor |
8 | Mr. DHARMALINGAM M | Assistant Professor |
9 | Mr. DINESH M | Assistant Professor |
10 | Mr. JAGAN T | Assistant Professor |
11 | Mr. KARTHIKEYAN K | Assistant Professor |
12 | Mr. MALUKANNAN M | Assistant Professor |
13 | Mr. PARATHRAJU P | Assistant Professor |
14 | Mr. PARVENTHAN K | Assistant Professor |
15 | Mr. PRABHAKARAN J | Assistant Professor |
16 | Mr. SIDHESWARAN M | Assistant Professor |
17 | Mr. SIVAKUMAR P C | Assistant Professor |
18 | Mr. SURESHKUMAR M | Assistant Professor |
19 | Mrs. ANITHA A | Assistant Professor |
20 | Mrs. JAYANTHI G | Assistant Professor |
21 | Mrs. NATHIYA M | Assistant Professor |
22 | Mrs. PRIYADHARSHINI S | Assistant Professor |
23 | Mrs. SUBA S | Assistant Professor |
24 | Mrs. SUGANYA I R | Assistant Professor |
25 | Mrs. THENMOZHI M | Assistant Professor |
26 | Mrs. VASANTHI S | Assistant Professor |
27 | Mrs. VIMAL A | Assistant Professor |
S.No | Name of the faculty | Designation | Qualification |
1 | Mr.N.Rajasekar | Lab Technician | DEEE |
2 | Mr.M. Sekar | Lab Technician | DEEE |
3 | Mr.R.Ponkabilan | Lab Technician | DEEE |
4 | Mr.R.Boopathi | Lab Technician | DEEE |
S.No | Name of the faculty | Number of Research Publications |
1 | Dr.R.Uthirasamy | 70 |
2 | Dr.S.Umamaheswari | 45 |
3 | Dr.S.Sumathi | 38 |
4 | Dr.P.Umasankar | 25 |
5 | Dr.M.Muthuvinayagam | 24 |
6 | Dr.S.Krishnan | 14 |
7 | Dr.S.Gobinath | 06 |
8 | Mr.M.Sidheswaran | 05 |
9 | Mr.P.Parathraju | 06 |
10 | Mrs.M.Thenmoli | 05 |
11 | Mr.M Dharmaningam | 05 |
12 | Mr.G.Dinesh | 06 |
13 | Mr. N.Anandhakumar | 05 |
14 | Mr.K.Karthikeyan | 07 |
15 | Mr.P C Sivakumar | 08 |
16 | Mr.J.Prabhakaran | 04 |
17 | Mr.K.Parventhan | 07 |
18 | Mrs.S.Suba | 09 |
19 | Ms.C.Nivetha | 04 |
20 | Mrs.R. Suganya | 02 |
21 | Mr.M.Dinesh | 04 |
22 | Mr.M.Malukannan | 06 |
23 | Mrs. Nathiya | 03 |
24 | Mrs. Priyadharshini | 02 |
25 | Mr.M.Sureshkumar | 03 |
26 | Mr.M. Sakthikumaran | 02 |
27 | Mr.R.Bashkaran | 01 |
28 | Mr.T.Jagan | 02 |
29 | Mrs.A. Anitha | 01 |
Credentials of the Department
- Department of EEE has been recognized as Research Centre by Anna University, Chennai
- Received a Funded Project of Rs.17 Lakhs from AICTE titled “Development of Smart Solar powered Irrigation using Artificial Intelligence” under Research Promotional Scheme (RPS).
- Recipient of fund of Rs 8.5 Lakhs from AICTE for Modernizing the “Special Electrical Machines” Laboratory under MODROBS scheme.
- Established with recognized LabVIEW Academy center for conducting Certified Labview Associate Developer (CLAD) and Certified Labview Developer (CLD) exam in association with National Instruments and Conferred with “Best Performing LabVIEW Academy” for year 2017.
- Faculty Members and students have appeared for more than 40 NPTEL online certification examinations and secured Elite Silver & Elite Ranking Certification.
- Four of the Faculty Members have been recognized as NPTEL Domain Scholar and Two of the Faculty Members has been recognized as NPTEL Discipline Star.
- Faculty Members have published more than 75 quality technical research papers in reputed International/National Journals and International Conferences.
- During the Academic Year 2022-2023, more than 120 students have undergone Internship in various Government / reputed Private Industries / Organizations for enriching their practical skills.
- Faculty Members have participated in more than 100 technical events such as webinars, International seminars, Workshops for enriching their technical and cognitive skills and Department have Organized more than 50 Events such as Workshops, Seminars, International Lectures et., during the Academic Year 2021-2022 & 2022-2023.
- Collaboration with Industries like Syrma Technology, Continental Automotive Components Pvt., Ltd., Wartsila India Private Limited, Mangla Smart Energy System Pvt.,Ltd, for providing better industrial exposure.
- Project sanctioned under Department of Science and Technology for the Improvement of S&T Infrastructure in Higher Educational Institutions (FIST).
LabVIEW Academy
Mahendra Engineering College jointly with National Instruments (India) has set up MEC-NI LabVIEW Academy for Mahendra Educational Institutions. This Academy is an initiative of NI under their Planet NI (Nurturing Innovation) framework which strives to increase the employability of Indian engineering graduates by creating 'Centre of Excellence' in Engineering Colleges and Universities which will provide cost effective access to world class latest technology through classroom teaching-learning.
The LabVIEW Academy is an acclaimed ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 29990:2010 certified training centre to provide hands on training in LabVIEW for engineering students, faculty and industrial personnel in south India.
ThThe Academy also provides facilities for students to carry out their under graduate and post graduate projects. The Academy is actively involved in conducting short-term training courses for faculty and students from various engineering colleges. The centre has highly skilled Faculty/Engineers duly trained by National Instruments, India and certified by National Instruments, US under 'Train the Trainer' program to conduct the classes under these training programs at the centre... View more
Short-Term Courses
Short-Term & Value-Added Courses organized
S.No. | Name of the Short-Term Courses / Value-Added Courses | Academic Year | Number of Students Benefited |
1 | KONARK : Students skill development training
Powered by National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE) an autonomous Institution of Ministry of Renewable Energy(MNRE) |
2016-2017 | 30 |
2 | SURYAMITRA: Students skill development training
Powered by National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE) an autonomous Institution of Ministry of Renewable Energy (MNRE) |
2016-2017 | 30 |
3 | Embedded System Design / Panel Board Design are conducted in association with Industry | 2016-2017 | 25 |
4 | Design and Analysis of Electrical Circuits using Matlab Simulink | 2017-2018 | 50 |
5 | PLC and SCADA | 2017-2018 | 50 |
6 | Electrical Machines winding practices | 2017-2018 | 55 |
7 | Labview Programming For Engineering Applications | 2018-2019 | 50 |
8 | Electrical Machines winding practices | 2018-2019 | 45 |
9 | PLC and SCADA | 2018-2019 | 55 |
10 | Hands on Training with PCB Design, Circuit Debugging Techniques | 2019-2020 | 50 |
11 | Installation usages of solar gadgets | 2019-2020 | 45 |
12 | Design and Analysis of Electrical Circuits using Matlab Simulink | 2019-2020 | 52 |
13 | Real time Embedded System Using Arduino | 2020-2021 | 54 |
14 | Hands on Training with PCB Design, Circuit Debugging Techniques | 2020-2021 | 60 |
15 | PoS Sponsored Five day Workshop on “ Installation of Usage of Various Solar Gadgets” Powered by TNSCST | 2021-2022 | 40 |
16 | Boot Camp on Solar Business Development Technical Training Powered by Mangla Smart Energy Solutions Private Limited,Tirupur In Association with Institute for Sustainable Communities India Pvt.Ltd., supported by Climate Works Foundation |
2021-2022 | 50 |
17 | Solar PV Technology for Power Generation Technical Training Powered by Mangla Smart Energy Solutions Private Limited, Tirupur In Association with Institute for Sustainable Communities India Pvt.Ltd., supported by Climate Works Foundation |
2021-2022 | 50 |
18 | Modelling and Simulation using MATLAB | 2021-2022 | 45 |
19 | Installation usages of solar gadgets | 2021-2022 | 52 |
20 | Real time Embedded System Using Arduino | 2021-2022 | 54 |
Seminars, Conferences & Workshops conducted through Professional Societies
Events organized in last three academic years:
2021-2022 (Even) – January 2022 to June 2022
S.No. | Name of the Event | Date of the Event | Chief Guest(s) & Affiliation |
Total Number of Participants | Title |
1 | Webinar | 23.11.2021 | Er.A.Sivaraman AEE/ Electrical TNEB /TANGEDCO Namakkal Electrical Distribution Circles Namakkal. |
150 | Problem Solving and Ideation Workshop |
2 | Webinar | 01.11.2021 | Dr.L.Ashok Kumar Professor & Associate HoD PSG College of Technology Coimbatore |
80 | IoT based Industrial Projects |
3 | Webinar | 04.02.2022 | Er. Abishek Selvaraj Teju Trading Company 66 Fort main road Salem |
80 | My Experience as an Entrepreneur |
4 | Symposium | 10.06.2022 | Er.A.Sivaraman Assistant Executive Engineer TNEB, Ulundhurpet |
150 | Electric Intelligenz 2022 |
2022-2023 (Odd) – July 2022 to December 2022
S.No. | Name of the Event | Date of the Event | Chief Guest(s) & Affiliation |
Total Number of Participants | Title |
1 | Seminar | 04.11.2022 | Dr.S.R. Sivarasu BEECertified Energy Auditor (EA-27299) Lead Auditor – ISO, Coimbatore |
100 | New dimensions In Electrical Energy Conservation |
2 | Workshop | 26.08.2022 | Er.D.Vidhya sagar Power Projects, Tirupur |
80 | Grid connected and Stand Alone PV Solar Design using PV System |
3 | IIC Activity | 11.11.2022 | Dr.T. Senthilvelan Professor and Dean-IQAC Department of Mechanical Engineering Puducherry Technological University Pondicherry - 605 014 |
100 | National Education Policy: Reforms in Higher Education |
4 | Guest Lecture | 27.10.2022 | Dr,I. Thangaraju, Assistant Professor Department of EEE GCE Bargur, Krishnagiri |
100 | Introductory Concepts of Electrical Science 1.0 |
5 | Seminar (International Lecture) |
16.09.2022 | Dr.Umashankar Subramaniam Electrical Engineering, Prince sultan University Saudi Arabia |
80 | Expectations from Industry and Opportunities for Electrical Engineering’s in India and Aborad |
6 | NIT Lecture Series | 29.09.2022 | Dr.S. Kumaravel Associate Professor Department of EEE, NIT Calicut |
100 | Green Energy Powered Micro Grid System: A Power Converter Perspectives |
7 | MAILS | 02.09.2022 | Er.A.Muthukumar Design and Development of ATEs,
(A&D) Private Ltd., Bengaluru |
80 | Automatic Test Equipment for Industrial Applications |
8 | Workshop | 22.07.2022 | Mr.Kumar Raju Asst. Controller of Patents and Design IPO Mumbai,Nagpur |
237 | IPR Awareness Program |
2018-2019( ODD)
S.No. |
Date of the Event | Date of the Event | Chief Guest/ Resource Person Details | No. of Participants | Title |
1 |
27.06.2018 |
Workshop |
Dr.T.Senthil Kumar, Asso.Prof./CSE, Amirta Viswa Vidyapeetham , Coimbatore. |
60 |
Hands on practice on " Art of Thesis writing using Latex" |
2 |
27.06.2018 28.06.2018 |
Seminar |
Mr.S.Karthikeyan, M.A (Yoga)
180 |
Temple of Consciousness |
3 |
13.07.2018 |
Seminar |
80 |
Transmission and Distribution |
4 |
01.10.2018 |
Seminar |
Mr.S.Shanmuganathan, Software Engineer, TCS, Chennai. |
60 |
Recent Trends in Big Data |
5 |
07.08.2018 |
Workshop |
Dr.A.Amarkarthick, Bannari Amman Institute
70 |
Patent Search Strategies and
6 |
Project Contest |
118 |
Project Contest |
7 |
19.09.2018 |
Guest Lecture |
80 |
Insights of Engineering |
8 |
29.06.2018 |
Guest Lecture |
Mr.T.Pradhamaraj, Electrical Engineer,
100 |
Industrial Electrical Applications |
2018-2019 ( EVEN)
S.No. |
Date of the
Date of the Event |
Chief Guest/
No. of
Title |
1 |
25.02.2019 |
Project Contest |
Dr.S.M.Kamali, Prof/EEE, Mahendra College of Engineering, Salem. |
308 |
(PDCON'19) |
2 |
28.01.2019 - 31.01.2019 |
Workshop |
Dr.V.R.Velmurugan, Mr.G.Rajagopal Centre of high skill training & Reserch SPCU,DOTE, Chennai. |
40 |
3 |
13.02.2019 14.02.2019 |
Guest Lectures |
Mr.S. Ashok Kumar, TCE,Madurai. |
116 |
Electrical Safety |
4 |
13.03.2019 |
Workshop |
Dr.M.Madheswaran |
100 |
Fire Safety |
5 |
27.02.2019 |
Workshop |
Dr.M.Madheswaran |
100 |
Road Safety |
6 |
22.03.2019 |
Mahendra Alumni Lecture Series |
Mr.K.Saravana Kumar, CEO |
100 |
PLC and Automation |
2019-2020 ( ODD)
S.No. |
Nature of the
Date of the Event |
Chief Guest/
No. of
Title |
1. |
21.06.2019. |
Workshop |
55 |
“Project Report and Paper Writing” |
2. |
06.08.2019 to 10.08.2019 |
Seminar |
Dr.Bhaskar Natarajan
50 |
Solar PV Technology for Power Generation |
3. |
07.01 2019
Workshop |
Dr.Vimal Kumar
Eswarlal, Dr.Albert Alexander
60 |
Role of Artificial Intelligence in Energy Sectors : Energy Prediction, Grid Balancing and Future of Energy |
4. |
05.12.2019 |
Mahendra Alumni Lecture Series |
Mr.K.Saravana Kumar
55 |
Power Electronics Drives and Application |
5. |
21.01.2020 to
Seminar |
Dr.Vimal Kumar Eswarlal |
30 |
Green Energy Technologies |
6. |
04.03.2020 |
Project Contest |
Dr.Albert Alexander
150 |
PDCON 2020 |
2020-2021 ( ODD)
S.No. |
Nature of the
Date of the Event |
Chief Guest/
No. of
Title |
1 |
Webinar- Mahendra Alumni Lecture Series |
13.06.2020 |
Mr.Lakshmanan Sridharan
60 |
Recent Trends in Engineering |
2 |
Webinar |
16.06.2020 to 18.06.2020 |
Mrs.S.N.Padmaja, CEO, Victory Insights, Chennai |
70 |
Women Power |
3 |
Webinar |
19.06.2020 |
Er.G.Karmegam, Director/ GATE Forum, Madurai. |
65 |
Enhanced Career Opportunities through GATE |
4 |
Webinar |
22.06 2020 |
130 |
Technical Quiz Contest on "Electrical Engineering" |
5 |
Webinar |
25.06.2020 |
Dr.Ashok Silamban BSMS., MBBS
72 |
Awareness Programe - "COVID" |
6 |
Webinar |
30.06.2020 |
Dr.J.Kavitha, Professor / Dept. of English, Mahendra Engineering College. |
22 |
JUST A MINUTE" - Talk Festival |
7 |
Webinar |
07.07.2020 |
Adv.B.Savitha, M.L., M.Sc,, Advocate , Erode. |
60 |
The ME that I Forgot |
8 |
Webinar |
09.07.2020 |
Er.K.Saravana Kumar (2011-15)
51 |
Distance Line Protection |
9 |
Webinar |
15.07.2020 |
42 |
MV and LV Switchgears |
10 |
Webinar |
22.07.2020 |
Er.SM.Saravanan, Executive, Baker, Hughes,GE, Malaysia. |
65 |
Career Planning and Developement |
11 |
Webinar |
01.08.2020 |
Mr.Ashok Kumar Ratnagiri,
70 |
Online Fraud and Harassment |
12 |
Webinar |
15.08.2020 |
Mr.K.G.Ramana, .
65 |
Verbal Ability for Competitive Examinations |
2020-21 (EVEN)
S.No. |
Nature of the Event |
Date of the Event |
Chief Guest/Resource Person Details |
No. of
Title |
1 |
Awareness Program |
29.03.2021 |
Dr.R.Ravi, Secretary- Manavalakai Mandram, TharamangalamThiru.Srinivasan, Professor, Manavalakalai Manram |
60 |
YOGA @ School Campus
for |
2021-2022 (ODD)
S.No. |
Nature of the
Date of the Event |
Chief Guest/
No. of
Title |
1 |
Workshop |
04.10.2021 to 08.10.2021 |
1.Dr.Vimal Kumar Eswarlal, Mangla Smart
20 |
Boot Camp on Solar Business Development |
2 |
Guest Lecture |
23.10.2021 |
Er.Diptin P.Thamaras
80 |
Basic thermal power plant operation and Engineering |
3 |
Webinar |
01.11.2021 |
Dr.L.Ashok Kumar
80 |
IoT based Industrial Projects" in association with the Institution of Engineers (India) -IEI |
4 |
Webinar |
10.11.2021 |
Dr.B.Ashok Kumar
60 |
Design Requirement in solar systems for Resident Applications |
5 |
Guest Lecture |
20.11.2021 |
70 |
Design and Implementation of Reliable Electrical Power System in Nuclear Power Plants" |
6 |
Webinar |
23.11.2021 |
150 |
Problem Solving and ideation Workshop |
6 |
Webinar |
11.11.2021 |
Dr. Gouri Gargate (Ph.D. IIT Bombay)
85 |
IP strategy |
7 |
Webinar |
14.12.2021 |
Dr.Vimal Kumar Eswarlal, Mangla Smart Energy Solutions, Tirupur. |
50 |
Practical Energy Efficiency Solutions |
Research Centre Approval letter
Department of Electrical and Electronics is approved as Research Centre by Anna University, Chennai (Code: 4260908 ) for carryout research activities in various domains
Details of the Supervisors & Research Scholars (Pursing Ph.D.)
S.No. |
Name of the Supervisor |
Area of Specialization |
Number of Research Scholar |
Progress |
Awarded |
2018-2019 |
1 |
Dr.S.Umamaheswari |
Control Systems, Adaptive Control |
1 |
- |
2 |
Dr.S.Sumathi |
Signal Processing, Computational Intelligence, Image Processing, Drives and Control |
3 |
- |
3 |
Dr.P.Umasankar |
Intelligent Systems, Power Electronics, Image Processing, Solar Energy |
1 |
- |
4 |
Dr.P.Sureshkumar |
Biomedical Radar Signal and Image Processing |
3 |
- |
2019-2020 |
1 |
Dr.S.Umamaheswari |
Control Systems, Adaptive Control |
2 |
- |
2 |
Dr.S.Sumathi |
Signal Processing, Computational Intelligence, Image Processing, Drives and Control |
4 |
- |
3 |
Dr.P.Umasankar |
Intelligent Systems, Power Electronics, Image Processing, Solar Energy |
4 |
- |
4 |
Dr.P.Sureshkumar |
Biomedical Radar Signal and Image Processing |
5 |
- |
2020-2021 |
1 |
Dr.S.Umamaheswari |
Control Systems, Adaptive Control |
3 |
- |
2 |
Dr.S.Sumathi |
Signal Processing, Computational Intelligence, Image Processing, Drives and Control |
5 |
- |
3 |
Dr.P.Umasankar |
Intelligent Systems, Power Electronics, Image Processing, Solar Energy |
7 |
- |
4 |
Dr.P.Sureshkumar |
Biomedical Radar Signal and Image Processing |
6 |
- |
2021-2022 |
1 |
Dr.S.Umamaheswari |
Control Systems, Adaptive Control |
4 |
- |
2 |
Dr.S.Sumathi |
Signal Processing, Computational Intelligence, Image Processing, Drives and Control |
6 |
- |
3 |
Dr.P.Umasankar |
Intelligent Systems, Power Electronics, Image Processing, Solar Energy |
8 |
- |
4 |
Dr.P.Sureshkumar |
Biomedical Radar Signal and Image Processing |
6 |
1 |
Details of the Supervisors & Research Scholars (Completed Ph.D.)
S.No. |
Name of the Supervisor |
Area of Specialization |
Number of Research Scholar |
1 |
Dr.P.Sureshkumar |
Image Processing |
Ms.G.Nirmala |
Details of the Supervisors & Research Scholars (Completed Ph.D.)
- Dr.S.Krishnan - Academic Year 2020-2021
- Dr.S.Gobinath - Academic Year 2020-2021
List of Research Scholars :
S.No |
Reg No |
Scholar(s) Name |
Faculty/ Dept. |
Supervisor |
Status |
1 | 19243691143 | S.Nagapavithra | Elec/ EEE | Dr.S.Umamaheswari | Confirmation completed |
2 | 21233697231 | M.Thenmozhi | Elec/ EEE | Dr.S.Umamaheswari | Confirmation completed |
3 | 21243691251 | R.Divya | Elec/ EEE | Dr.S.Umamaheswari | Confirmation completed |
4 | 22193691184 | K.Parvendhan | Elec/ EEE | Dr.S.Umamaheswari | Confirmation completed |
5 | 18143691267 | S.A.Ramsanjay | Elec/ EEE | Dr.S.Sumathi | Confirmation completed |
6 | 18144691196 | A.Vivekraj | ICE/ EEE | Dr.S.Sumathi | Confirmation completed |
7 | 18244697215 | S.Latha | ICE/ EEE | Dr.S.Sumathi | Confirmation completed |
8 | 19234697283 | K.Saranya | ICE/ EEE | Dr.S.Sumathi | Confirmation completed |
9 | 21244697443 | M.Sweetline sonia | ICE/ EEE | Dr.S.Sumathi | Confirmation completed |
10 | 22123691123 | M.Malukannan | Elec / EEE | Dr.S.Sumathi | Confirmation completed |
11 | 16143697282 | A.Venkatesh | ICE/ EEE | Dr.P.Sureshkumar | Confirmation completed |
12 | 17144691505 | E.Sathish Kumar E. | ICE/ EEE | Dr.P.Sureshkumar | Confirmation completed |
13 | 17184697527 | A.Barkathulla | ICE/ EEE | Dr.P.Sureshkumar | Confirmation completed |
14 | 17184697627 | A.Mohamad Yaseen | ICE/ EEE | Dr.P.Sureshkumar | Confirmation completed |
15 | 17244697633 | S.Suvitha | ICE/ EEE | Dr.P.Sureshkumar | Confirmation completed |
16 | 17234691362 | G.Nirmala | ICE/ EEE | Dr.P.Sureshkumar | Confirmation completed |
17 | 7082053102 | Anand V | ICE/ EEE | Dr.P.Umasankar | Thesis Submitted |
18 | 21133697223 | Parathraju P | Elec/ EEE | Dr.P.Umasankar | Confirmation completed |
19 | 21143697191 | Karthikeyan K | Elec/ EEE | Dr.P.Umasankar | Confirmation completed |
20 | 21243697218 | Prabha M | Elec/ EEE | Dr.P.Umasankar | Confirmation completed |
21 | 22244691118 | Fazilath M | ICE/ EEE | Dr.P.Umasankar | Course Work Completed |
22 | 22244691312 | Archana Vishveswari R S | ICE/ EEE | Dr.P.Umasankar | Course Work Completed |
23 | 22254691124 | Sivakami S | ICE/ EEE | Dr.P.Umasankar | Course Work Completed |
24 | 22144697217 | Thirumal L | ICE/ EEE | Dr.P.Umasankar | Course Work Appearing |
List of Faculty Members Pursuing Ph.D in the Department
S.No. |
Name of the faculty |
Specialization |
University |
1 | Mr.P.Parathraju | Renewable energy grid integration | Anna University Chennai |
2 | Mrs.M.Thenmoli | Power Electronics based Synchronous Generator for the integration of renewable energy | Anna University Chennai |
3 | Mr.K.Karthikeyan | Soft computing Techniques, Non Conventional Energy Sources | Anna University Chennai |
4 | Mr.K.Parventhan | Micro Grid | Anna University Chennai |
5 | Mr.M.Malukannan | Soft computing Techniques, Non Conventional Energy Sources | Anna University Chennai |
6 | Ms.M.Nathiya | Electric Vehicle | Anna University Chennai |
Books Publications
S.No. | Name of the Faculty | Title of the Book | Name of the Publisher | Year of Publication |
1 | Dr.S.Umamaheswari | Wireless Sensor Networks | Technical Publications | 2022 |
2 | Dr.S.Umamaheswari | Power Quality and FACTS | Technical Publications | 2021 |
Sponsored Research in last 5 Academic Years
List of Project under Government Funding Agency
Name of |
Project |
Project Type |
Funding |
Amount in |
Duration |
Academic Year |
Dr.S.Sumathi |
Development of solar powered irrigation system using artificial intelligence |
Research Promotional Scheme – AICTE |
All India Council for Technical Education |
17,01,960 |
36 Months |
2020-2021 |
Dr.S.Umamaheswari |
Special Electrical |
All India Council for Technical Education |
8,50,000 |
24 Months |
2020-2021 |
List of Programmes under Government Funding Agency
Name of |
Project |
Funding |
Amount in |
Duration |
Dr.P.Suresh Kumar |
Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing |
AICTE Training and Learning |
94,000 |
05 Days |
Dr.S.Umamaheswari |
Installation and Usage of Solar Gadgets |
Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology |
20,000 |
2 Days |
Dr.S.Umamaheswari |
YOGA Awareness @ School Campus For Adolescent Children |
Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology |
25,000 |
2 Days |
Dr.S.Umamaheswari |
Role of Artificial Intelligence in Energy Sectors: Energy Prediction, Grid Balancing & Future of Energy |
Council of Scientific & Industrial Research |
20,000 |
2 Days |
S.No. | Name of the Faculty | Application No. | Publication Date | Applicant / Inventor | Title | Status |
1 | Dr.R.Uthirasamy | 202241053364 | 20.09.2022 | Inventor | Power Generation using Hybrid Wind Energy and Bifacial Solar PV Systems | Published |
2 | Dr.S.Sumathi | 202241052976 | 20.09.2022 | Inventor | Early detection of atherosclerosis using Machine learning for prediction of cardiac and cerebral Issues | Published |
3 | Dr.S.Krishnan | 202241053367 | 20.09.2022 | Inventor | Self-Repairing Industry IoT-Based Automatic and Smart Solar Powered Egg Incubator | Published |
4 | Dr.P.Suresh Kumar | 202241028297 | 27.05.2022 | Applicant cum Inventor | Design and method of brain MRI analysis and early detection of brain diseases with deep learning | Published |
5 | Dr.S.Umamaheswari | 202141042609 | 20.09.2021 | Applicant cum Inventor | Helmet controlled home appliances for handicapped and aged people | Filed |
6 | Dr.S.Sumathi | 202141043883 | 28.09.2021 | Inventor | Height adjustable Stand for water Heating coil | Filed |
7 | Dr.P.Suresh Kumar | 202141040486 | 24.09.2021 | Applicant cum Inventor | Design and method of Bat Optimized Runlength Networks (BORN) classifier for detecting benign, malignant and micocalcification in mammogram images | Published |
8 | Dr.P.Suresh Kumar | 202141020113 | 14.05.2021 | Applicant cum Inventor | Design and method of efficient detection of structural similarity
in mammograms using SVM classifier |
Published |
9 | Dr.S.Sumathi | 202141008433 | 01.03.2021 | Applicant cum Inventor | Development of Smart Solar Powered Irrigation Using Artificial Intelligence | Provisional Specification |
10 | Dr.S.Sumathi | 330609-001 | 01.07.2020 | Applicant cum Inventor | Quick Witted cloth Cradle | Under Examination |
11 | Dr.S.Sumathi | 202041017580 | 29.05.2020 | Applicant cum Inventor | Quick – witted cloth cradle for newborn babies to reduce sleep disorders | Published |
12 | Dr.S.Umamaheswari Dr.S.Sumathi Mr.K.Karthikeyan |
202041011231 | 16.03.2020 | Applicant cum Inventor | Hybrid Solar Power Generation With Lighting Systems In Street Light | Published |
13 | Dr.P.Suresh Kumar | 202041007785 | 06/03/2020 | Applicant cum Inventor | Novel Switching Agent for Zigbee Wireless Sensor Network Using LAR | Published |
14 | Dr.P.Umasankar Dr.M.Muthuvinayagam |
202041010131 | 09.03.2020 | Applicant cum Inventor | IOT Based Letter Box and a Method Thereof | Published |
15 | Dr.P.Suresh Kumar | 202041003160 | 31.01.2020 | Applicant cum Inventor | System and method for segmentation and boundary detection of
fetal kidney images using kernel-based fuzzy clustering |
Published |
16 | Dr.P.Umasankar | 202041025188 | 15.06.2020 | Applicant cum Inventor | A Novel method for detection of quality of Apples using edge detection approach | Published |
17 | Dr.P.Umasankar | 201941003361 | 01.02.2019 | Inventor | Industrial induction heater power converting system and a method thereof | Under Examination |
18 | Dr.P.Suresh Kumar | 201841033956 | 28.09.2018 | Inventor | Horizontal Axis, Cam Guided, Telescopic Blade, Yaw Controlled Wind Mill | Published |
Name of the Faculty Consultant |
Name of the Consultancy Project/Corporate Training Program |
Consulting/Sponsoring Agency |
Revenue Generated |
Dr..S.Sumathi |
PID study drawing development and PLC sequence programming |
Frankinsteins Engineering Laboratories Private Limited |
1.55 |
Dr.S.Umamaheswari |
Energy Auditing |
Mangla Smart Energy Solutions |
1.8 |
Dr.P.Suresh Kumar |
Switchgear Maintenance |
Frankinsteins Engineering Laboratories Private Limited |
2.65 |
Dr.S.Sumathi |
Solid State Drives - Fault Identification |
Frankinsteins Engineering Laboratories Private Limited |
1.86 |
Dr.S.Umamaheswari Dr.S.Krishnan |
Energy Auditing |
Mangla Smart Energy Solutions |
1.6 |
Dr.P.Umasankar |
Energy Auditing |
Mangla Smart Energy Solutions |
1.3 |
Dr.P.Sureshkumar |
Harmonic Analysis of VFD based Process Industry |
Adithya Power Systems |
1.1 |
Memorandum of Understanding Signed
S.No. |
Date of MoU Signed |
Company Name& Location |
Guest Invited |
1 |
22.12.2022 |
NoobTron Pvt. Ltd., |
Balaji Ramachandran, |
2 |
13.07.2016 |
General Electrical and Electronics Solutions |
Mr.G.Kannan, |
3 |
15.05.2015 |
Mangla Smart Energy Solutions Pvt Ltd |
Dr.Vimal Kumar Eswarlal, |
4 |
27.04.2015 |
Live Wire |
Mrs.Hareni, |
5 |
27.04.2015 |
KCP Solar industry |
Mr.P.Ashok kumar, |
6 |
09.02.2012 |
Yokogawa India Ltd, Bangalore |
Mrs.R.Mahalakshmi, |
7 |
13.02.2012 |
NI Systems (India) Pvt.Ltd, Bangalore- 560 037 |
Shri.Solaikutty Dhanabal |
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Mahendra Engineering College (Autonomous),
Salem- Thiruchengode Highway, Mahendhirapuri,
Phone: 04288-238777
E-Mail id: hodeee@mahendra.info
Publication Count
S.No | Type of innovation in teaching and learning | Faculty Contributed | Description | Type of medium for public use |
1 | Lecture on Control Systems |
Dr.S.Umamaheswari | Open loop and Closed loop system with examples |
m/watch?v=BusXyoRK8jU &t=40s |
2 | Lecture on Transformer | Dr.S.Sumathi | Constructional details of transformer and its accessories |
m/watch?v=ZJ89AjZUy7o &t=103s |
3 | Lecture on Digital Systems | Dr.P.Sureshkumar | Number systems and Logic gates | https://www.youtube.co m/watch?v=a1YNqClgSX4 |
4 | Circuit making for Simple Transistor Switch | Dr.S.Krishnan | Demonstration of a circuit soldering for
switch in
name of TECH K Projects by the faculty |
https://www.youtube.co m/watch?v=HpPWLPTIifQ |
5 | Circuit making for Transistor Switching
Using LDR |
Dr.S.Krishnan | Demonstrates the circuit soldering practices for
switching using LDR |
https://www.youtube.co m/watch?v=Bes6dqb3AU U |
6 | Simple Automatic Night Lamp | Dr.S.Krishnan | Demonstrates the circuit soldering practices for
Automatic Night Lamp |
https://www.youtube.co m/watch?v=q7SYKlMgAFk |
7 | Lecture on Induction Motor |
Mr P.Parathraju | Starting methods and Starters for Induction
Motor |
m/watch?v=60BXt6EiYrA &t=26s |
8 | Circuit making for LED chaser using Arduino | Dr.S.Krishnan | Demonstrates the assembly of circuit components
testing with Arduino board |
https://www.youtube.co m/watch?v=DeDUJXeClz M |
9 | LED Blinking using BC547 transistor/ Multivibrator |
Dr.S.Krishnan | The video illustrates LED Blinking using BC547 transistor | https://www.youtube.co m/watch?v=vFDCAva77hs |
10 | Design of 12V DC power supply | Dr.S.Krishnan | Demonstrates the assembly of circuit components
12V DC power supply |
https://www.youtube.co m/watch?v=vlWzAfIiPIk |