About the Department
- Established in the year 2013 with the intent of raising qualified Mechatronics Engineers who can make substantial contribution to the field of Mechanical, Electronics, Computer and Electrical Engineering.
- Alumni strength of more than 220 and they are working in reputed National and International Organizations.
- Ph.D. with 20 years of teaching professional is heading the Department.
- 4 faculty members are pursuing Ph.D. program.
- Publications in many National and International indexed Journals.
- Specially designed skill development programmes with support of industrial experts.
- Placement in many companies.
- Various technical clubs such as Design club and Product development club are actively functioning to impart specialized knowledge and skills to the students in various domains.
Programmes offered
- B.E. - Mechatronics- 4 years
Vision & Mission
- To achieve academic excellence in the field of Mechatronics education, research and innovative product development.
- To offer high-quality application-oriented education and prepare our graduates to become innovators in their profession
- Exposure to latest technologies through industry institute interaction.
- Motivate the students towards interdisciplinary research to cater to the local and global needs.
- Achieve innovation in developing industrial products with social responsibility.
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
The graduates of will be able to
- PEO1: Apply analytical skills and modeling methodologies to recognize, analyze, synthesize and implement operational solutions to engineering problems, product design & development and manufacturing.
- PEO2: To make effective learning a pleasant experience through experiential and research oriented approach to delivery and learning by providing cutting edge facilities and equipment.
- PEO3: Lead and contribute in a team entrusted with professional, social and ethical responsibilities.
Program Outcomes (POs)
Engineering Graduates will be able to:
- Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
- Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
- Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
- Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
- Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
- The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
- Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
- Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
- Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
- Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
- Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
- Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
Engineering Graduates will be
- PSO-1: Ability to select appropriate sensors, actuators and control systems depending on application requirement in the domains such as industrial automation, process control , automotive electronics and MEMS.
- PSO-2: Ability to apply technological knowledge and theories for the development of new products.
Advisory Committee
Department Program Advisory Committee (DPAC)
S.No | Member | Designation |
1 |
Dr. T.Jesudas |
Professor & Head, Department of Mechatronics |
2 |
Dr.V.Shanmugam |
Dean – School of Mechanical Science, Mahendra Engineering College |
3 |
Dr.R.Arunachalam |
Assistant Professor, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman. |
4 |
Dr. Bernard W. Ikua |
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, |
5 |
Dr.P.K.Palani |
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Government College of Engineering, Bargur, Tamil Nadu, India. |
6 |
Dr.K.Venkatesan |
Assistant Professor, Government College of Engineering, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India. |
7 |
Dr.M.Pradeepkumar |
Associate Professor, College of Engineering, |
8 |
Dr.A.Parthiban |
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering |
9 |
Dr.T.Sekar |
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering |
10 |
Dr.C.Pandivelan |
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering |
11 |
Dr.S.Periyasamy |
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering |
12 |
Dr.T.Ramesh |
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering |
13 |
Dr.N.Amutha Prabha |
Associate Professor, Department of School of Electrical Engineering |
14 |
Dr.G.K.Rajini |
Associate Professor, Department of School of Electrical Engineering |
Board of Studies
Members of the Board of Studies
S.No. | Name of the Member | Communication Address of the members | BoS Designation |
1 | Dr.T.Jesudas | Professor & Head, Department of Mechatronics, Mahendra Engineering College, Mallasamudram, Namakkal. |
Chairman |
2 | Dr.K.Annamalai | Associate Professor, Department of Automobile, MIT Campus, Chrompet, Anna University, Chennai-600 044. |
University Nominee |
3 | Dr.K.Venkatesan | Assistant Professor Department of Metallurgical Engineering Government College of Engineering Salem - 636109 |
Academic Expert |
4 | Dr.M.Vairavel | Teja Tech Automation Pvt. Ltd. 16, Weekly Market Road, Anthyur Corner, Bhavani, Erode - 638301 |
Industrial Expert |
5 | Mr.S.Sathesh | Axis Global Automation, Near Mani's Theatre #33, 2nd Floor, Kathir Avenue, Aandal Street, Lakshmipuram, Hope College, Coimbatore -641004 |
Industrial Expert |
6 | Dr.V.Shanmugam | Dean / School of Mechanical Science, Mahendra Engineering College, Mallasamudram, Namakkal. |
Academic Expert |
List of Laboratories
- Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Laboratory
- Strength of Materials Laboratory
- Electrical Machines and Drives Laboratory
- Digital Electronics Laboratory
- Manufacturing Technology Laboratory
- Dynamics Laboratory
- Computer Aided Machine Drawing Laboratory
- Microprocessor and Microcontroller Laboratory
- PLC Laboratory
- Object Oriented Programming Laboratory
- Computer Aided Simulation and Analysis Laboratory
- Robotics Laboratory
Faculty & Staff
S.No. | Name of the Faculty | Designation |
1 | Dr. JESUDAS T | Professor & HOD |
2 | Dr. DINESHKUMAR J | Assistant Professor |
3 | Mr. BASKAR R | Assistant Professor |
4 | Mr. LAKSHMIKANTH B | Assistant Professor |
5 | Mr. NAGARAJAN G | Assistant Professor |
6 | Mr. PRABHAKARAN D | Assistant Professor |
7 | Mr. RANJITH M | Assistant Professor |
S.No. | Name of the Faculty | Number of Publications / Journals and Conference |
1 | Dr.T.Jesudas | 10 |
2 | Mr.D.Prabhakaran | 02 |
3 | Mr.J.DineshKumar | 03 |
4 | Mr.B.Lakshmikanth | 02 |
5 | Mr.M.Abith Sheriff | 02 |
6 | Mr.R.Baskar | 02 |
7 | Mr.G.Nagarajan | 02 |
8 | Mr.M.Malukannan | 04 |
9 | Mr.M.Ranjith | 01 |
SI.No. | Name of the Faculty | Award Name | Issuing Organization | Date of the Award Ceremony |
1 | Dr.T.Jesudas | Innovative Academician of the Year -2019 | Center for Education Growth & Research (CEGR) in New Delhi | 18.04.2019 |
2 | Dr.T.Jesudas | Young Scientist of the Year 2019 | Integrated Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ICCI) in New Delhi | 27.07.2019 |
3 | Dr.T.Jesudas | Innovative & Dedicated Technological Researcher Award | Innovative scientific research professionals Malaysia | 21.10.2018 |
4 | Mr.D.Prabhakaran | Innovative & Dedicated Technologist of Electronics and Communication Engineering Award | Innovative scientific research professionals Malaysia | 21.10.2018 |
5 | Mr.J.Dineshkumar | Innovative & Dedicated Technologist of Mechanical Engineering Award | Innovative scientific research professionals Malaysia | 21.10.2018 |
6 | Mr.B.Lakshmikanth | Innovative & Dedicated Technologist of Mechanical Engineering Award | Innovative scientific research professionals Malaysia | 21.10.2018 |
7 | Dr.T.Jesudas | Innovative & Dedicated Technological Researcher | Innovative Scientific Research Professional Malaysia & Kathir College of Technology - Coimbatore | 25.03.2018 |
8 | Mr.D.Prabhakaran | Innovative & Dedicated Researcher in Electronics Engineering | Innovative Scientific Research Professional Malaysia & Kathir College of Technology - Coimbatore | 25.03.2018 |
9 | Mr.J.Dineshkumar | Innovative Researcher in Mechanical Engineering | Innovative Scientific Research Professional Malaysia& Kathir College of Technology - Coimbatore | 25.03.2018 |
10 | Mr.B.Lakshmikanth | Innovative Scientific Research ( Mechanical Engg.,) & Dedicated Academician Award | Innovative Scientific Research Professional Malaysia& Kathir College of Technology - Coimbatore | 25.03.2018 |
SI.No. | Name of the Student | Award Name | Issuing Organization | Date of the Award Ceremony |
1 | Mr.M.Surenthar | ISTE National Convention | PSG Tech, Coimbatore | 18.12.2019 |
Credentials of the Department
- One faculty member has been approved as research supervisor for guiding Ph.D candidates under Anna University, Chennai.
- 4 faculty members are registered and pursuing Ph.D.
- More than 20 students have been trained and 5 students are Certified Lab VIEW Associate Developer (CLAD) examinations conducted by National Instruments.
- NPTEL Local Chapter is established for students and faculty members appearing for NPTEL courses online examinations.
- Faculty members are having membership with ISTE, ISME, IEEE, IE (I) and Robotics society chapters.
- Our Students have undergone more internship training in various Government / reputed Private Industries / Organizations.
- All the students are undergoing skill development programmes like soft skills, communication skills, aptitude and logical reasoning, group discussions and technical interview skills.

Mechatronics Pride Center
The department has a center of excellence in the name of “Mechatronics Pride Center” students creating innovative projects and products.
The following Products have been developed so far…
- Low cost portable Table Top Miniature Milling Machine.
- Low cost portable Laser Engraving Machine developed from Mechatronics Pride Centre.
- CNC Plotter developed from Mechatronics Pride Centre.
- Pick and Place Robot developed from Mechatronics Pride Centre.
- Dr.M.Madheswaran, Dr.T.Jesudas and students of Mechatronics are Demonstrating and Presenting the student Project to Professor Dr.Kurt Richard Ding, Senior Experten Service, Germany.
- Our students present their project in PDCON'19 National level project Design contest in associated with Institute of Engineers-IE(I) on 25/02/2019 at Mahendra Engineering College.
- Presenting our student innovative ideas through their project in the Technology Exhibition 2019 - South India's Biggest Entrepreneurship Festival organized by "Centre for Technology Development and Transfer", Anna University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
- Mechatronics department organize a seminar on "ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING AND PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT" by Dr.S.VINODH, Associate Professor, Department of Production Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Trichy, Tamil Nadu.
- Mechatronics Department students had undergone a workshop and seminar on "Arduino programming" and "Product Development using Aurdino".
- Department of Mechatronics organized seminar on "ELECTRICAL MACHINE AND DRIVES", by Dr. S. SENTHIL KUMAR Associate Professor, Electrical and Electronics, National Institute of Technology, Trichy, Tamil Nadu.
- Mechatronics department organized seminar on "ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS" by Dr. R.Vasudevan (NANO ROBOTICS- National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan).
- Our Mechatronics Department organized, Mahendra Alumni Lecture Series (MAILS) on the topic of "ENTERPRENEURSHIP SKIILS" By Er.P.DINESH KUMAR (HR TRAINEE, NITROWARE TECHNOLOGY, SALEM).
- Mechatronics Department organized a workshop on "SENSOR BASED INDUSTRY PARAMETER CONTROL USING IOT" by Mr.K. ILANCHEZHIAN, Assistant Manager, PROLIFIC SYSTEM & TECHNOLOGIES PVT.LTD, Coimbatore.
- Mechatronics department students actively participated in the event of "Robotic Parade and Karate Parade" organized by "MAHENDRA MACRO MIRACLES CLUB" in Mahendra institutions.
- Dr. T. Jesudas, Head of Mechatronics Department receiving the award of "INNOVATIVE ACADEMICIAN OF THE YEAR -2019" in CENTER FOR EDUCATION GROWTH & RESEARCH (CEGR) from Prof. A.P.MITTAL, Member Secretary, AICTE & Prof. K.K. AGARWAL, Chairman of NBA on 18th April at New Delhi.
- Mechatronics Department HOD Dr.T.Jesudas receiving the award of "YOUNG SCIENTIST OF THE YEAR 2019" in Integrated Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ICCI) from Shri. Dr.Arun Kumar, Former Member of Parliment and Shri.Rahul Kumar Sharma, Former Member of Parliment on 27th July at New Delhi.
- Mechatronics Department Dr.T.Jesudas, Head of the department receiving "Innovative & Dedicated Technological Researcher Award", from the Innovative scientific research professionals Malaysia held at Malaysia.
- Session chair in International Convention Executive Committee-University Technology MARA International Conference Session Chair (Singapore - Malaysia) Global Educationalist-Professional Meet in Solar Energy Research Institute, Singapore and National University of Singapore.
- Mechatronics Department Mr.B.Lakshmikanth, Assistant Professor is receiving "Innovative Technologist of Mechanical Engineering Award", from the Innovative scientific research professionals Malaysia held at Malaysia.
- Mechatronics Department Mr.J.Dineshkumar, Assistant Professor is receiving "Innovative & Dedicated Technologist of Mechanical Engineering Award", from the Innovative scientific research professionals Malaysia held at Malaysia.
- Mechatronics Department Mr.D.Prabhakaran, Assistant Professor is receiving "Innovative & Dedicated Technologist of Electronics and Communication Engineering Award", from the Innovative scientific research professionals Malaysia held at Malaysia.
- Mechatronics Department faculties are interacting with the professors of "University of Technology MARA" at Malaysia during foreign university visit.
- Mechatronics Department faculties visited and interacted with Solar Energy Research & Innovation centre, National University – Singapore during foreign university visit.
- Mr. M. Surenthar of final year Mechatronics receiving the best student award from ISTE National convention held at PSG Tech, Coimbatore on 18th December 2019.
- Our Mechatronics Department Alumni Mr. S.MOHANRAJ Started an own company at Karur, Tamil Nadu in the name of "ROYAL GLAZE" Head Light Restoration. Our department Head Dr. T.Jesudas, Mr. D. Prabhakaran, Assistant Professor and students had attended the inaugural function for congratulating and appreciating him.
- Our Mechatronics 2020 batch students got placed in "Pumo Technovation", Coimbatore, as Application Engineer through MoU.
- Department Mechatronics signed the MoU with "Pumo Technovation and SS Technovation", Coimbatore for Training and placement.
- Department Mechatronics signed the MoU with "AGIIT and Axis Global Automation", Coimbatore for Training and placement.
- Our Department Alumni students Pursuing Higher studies in "Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia".
- Faculty and Students Pooja Celebration at Mechatronics Department.
Short-Term Courses
- AutoCAD
- Lab View
- Creo
- PRO-Engineer
Seminars, Conferences & Workshops conducted through Professional Societies
Events organized in last three academic years:
S.No. | Type of Events [Conference/Seminar/Workshop] | Professional society | Date | Name of the Events |
1 | Seminar | IE(I) | 16.09.2022 | Importance of Product Lifecycle Management |
2 | MAILS | ISTE | 12.09.2022 | Robo Simulation Using LABVIEW |
3 | NIT Lecture Series | IE(I) | 28.06.2022 | IoT Based Mechatronics Manufacturing Systems |
4 | Seminar | IIC | 11.05.2022 | National Technology Day |
5 | Seminar | IIC | 28.04.2022 | Automation in Core Industries |
6 | Guest Lecture | IE(I) | 28.03.2022 | Future Trends in Industrial IoT with Data Mining |
7 | MAILS | ISTE | 26.03.2022 | Role of Mechatronics Engineer in Modern Industries |
8 | Webinar | IE(I) | 17.03.2022 | Industrial Automation Entry into the Future World |
9 | Workshop | IIC | 31.01.2022 | Design Thinking and New Product Development |
10 | Workshop | IIC | 28.01.2022 | Design Thinking, Critical Thinking and Innovation design |
11 | Guest Lecture | IE(I) | 23.11.2021 | Biologically and Naturally inspired system development for Mechanical Automation |
12 | MILES | ISTE | 22.11.2021 | An overview of Nanomaterials and their implications in renewable energy storage devices |
13 | Guest Lecture | IE(I) | 17.11.2021 | Impacts of Mechatronics in Solar Energy Conversion and its Storage Devices |
14 | MAILS | ISME | 29.10.2021 | Engineering Design in Modern Industries |
15 | Guest Lecture | ISME | 25.10.2021 | Electrical Drives and Control |
16 | Webinar | ISME | 13.10.2021 | Ergonomics and Human Postural Analysis using Ergonomics Assessment Tools |
17 | MAILS | ISTE | 11.10.2021 | Mechatronics Engineer to Android Developer |
18 | Workshop | ISME | 08.10.2021 | Advance PLC Programming using Allen Bradley |
19 | NIT Lecture Series | IE(I) | 25.09.2021 | Metal Additive Manufacturing - Challenges |
20 | Webinar | ISTE | 02.07.2021 | Product Design, Development and Validation |
21 | Webinar | IE(I) | 10.12.2020 | Rapid Prototyping and Industry 4.o |
22 | Webinar | IE(I) | 12.06.2020 | Corrosion and Surface treatment of Metallic Materials |
23 | Webinar | ISME | 11.06.2020 | The Role of Nanomaterials in Tribology |
24 | Webinar | IE(I) | 29.05.2020 | Role of Product Lifecycle Management in Digital Transformation. |
25 | Webinar | ISME | 15.05.2020 | Shape Memory Alloys for Mechatronics and Robotics Applications |
26 | MAILS | ISME | 12.03.2020 | Role of Mechatronics in IT Sector |
27 | Workshop | ISTE | 11.03.2020 | A Fasttrack course on Embedded System Using C++ |
28 | Seminar | ISME | 26.02.2020 | Smart Manufacturing with Machine Vision System |
29 | Technical Training | IE(I) | 11.02.2020 – 13.02.2020 | PLC, SCADA, HMI & VFD |
30 | Guest Lecture | ISME | 07.02.2020 | Engineering Materials and Metallurgy |
31 | NIT Lecture Series | ISME | 31.01.2020 | Additive Manufacturing and Industry 4.o |
32 | Workshop | IE(I) | 28.01.2020 | Industrial Robotics using Arduino |
33 | Seminar | ISME | 09.01.2020 | Industry 4.0 |
34 | Seminar | ISME | 27.09.2019 | Morphing Controls in Automated Drives |
35 | Symposium | ISTE | 19.09.2019 | PROBOT’19 |
36 | MAILS | ISTE | 03.09.2019 | Entrepreneurship Skills |
37 | Workshop | IE(I) | 28.08.2019 | Sensor Based Industry Parameter control using IOT |
38 | MILES | ISME | 26.08.2019 | Advanced Engineering Materials |
39 | NIT Lecture Series | ISTE | 22.08.2019 | Electrical Drives and Control |
40 | MAILS | ISME | 19.08.2019 | Scope of Design Engineer in Industries |
41 | Technical Training | IE(I) | 29.07.2019 – 02.08.2019 | Advanced Industrial Automation on PLC, SCADA and HMI |
42 | Seminar (Summer Camp) | ISTE | 22.04.2019 – 27.04.2019 | Design Thinking |
43 | Seminar | IE(I) | 05.03.2019 | Product Development Using Arduino |
44 | Workshop | ISTE | 04.03.2019 | Arduino Programming |
45 | NIT Lecture Series | IE(I) | 28.02.2019 | Additive Manufacturing and Product Development |
46 | Guest Lecture | ISME | 28.12.2018 | Furistic Engineering and Innovation Trend of Mechatronics |
47 | Guest Lecture | ISME | 06.12.2018 | Recent Trends in MEMS |
48 | Seminar | ISME | 26.11.2018 | Triptronic Automatic Gear Transmission |
49 | Seminar | IE(I) | 04.10.2018 | Applications of Industrial Automation |
50 | Guest Lecture | IE(I) | 29.08.2018 | Artificial Intelligence – A Real Application and Innovation Scope |
51 | NIT Lecture Series | ISME | 25.08.2018 | Overview of Micro Electro Mechanical Systems |
52 | Technical Training | IE(I) | 06.08.2018 to 10.08.2018 | PLC, SCADA, HMI & VFD |
53 | Seminar | IE(I) | 05.07.2018 | Session on Robotics, its Scopes and Opportunities |
54 | NIT Lecture Series | ISTE | 16.03.2018 | Career Opportunities in Core private Industries |
55 | Workshop | ISME | 02.03.2018 | Monitoring Engine Parameters Using Internet of Things(IOT) |
56 | Technical Symposium | IE(I) | 03.02.2018 | AGATHON’18 |
57 | Seminar | ISTE | 09.01.2018 | Advanced Manufacturing Technology |
58 | Guest Lecture | ISME | 02.01.2018 | Advanced Industrial Application |
59 | Seminar | ISME | 08.09.2017 | Automation and Industry 4.0 |
60 | Technical Training | ISTE | 21.08.2017 to 23.08.2017 |
Carrier trends in Industrial Automation |
61 | NIT Lecture Series | ISME | 17.08.2017 | Advanced Manufacturing Technology for Mechatronics Engineers |
62 | Guest lecture | ISME | 07.07.2017 | Industrial Trends and Innovation Scope |
63 | Seminar | ISTE | 05.07.2017 | Significance of Advanced communication protocol in industrial automation sectors |
64 | Workshop | ISME | 04.07.2017 | Sensors and Motion Controls |
65 | Workshop | ISTE | 15.02.2017 | Embedded System and Basic Electrical Instrumentation |
66 | Technical Seminar | ISME | 09.02.2017 | Oil and Gas industry and a Mechatronics Engineer |
67 | Workshop | ISTE | 01.09.2016 to 02.09.2016 | Industrial Robotics |
68 | Guest Lecture | IE(I) | 22.08. 2016 | Self Branding With Masterstroke Innovation Skill Test |
69 | Technical Workshop | ISTE | 27.06. 2016 | Applications Of Industrial Robotics – Yaskawa Motoman |
70 | Technical Workshop | IE(I) | 26.02. 2016 | SCADA Designing |
71 | Guest Lecture | ISME | 30.12.2015 | Getting Employable and Staying Employable |
72 | Guest Lecture | ISME | 23.09.2015 | Lean manufacturing |
73 | Workshop | IE(I) | 19.08.2015 | PLC & HMI |
74 | Seminar | ISME | 14.08.2015 | Innovative Cum Ignited Engineers |
Faculty members guiding Ph.D. research scholars
S.No | Name | Area of Specialization | Number of Research scholars | |
Progress | Awarded | |||
1 | Dr.T.Jesudas | Micro Machining | 11 | - |
List of Faculty Members Pursuing Ph.D
S. No. | Name of the faculty | Specialization | University |
1 | Mr.D.Prabhakaran | Wireless Sensors Networks & Robotics | Anna University |
2 | Mr.J.DineshKumar | Composite Materials | Anna University |
3 | Mr.B.Lakshmikanth | Composite Materials | Anna University |
4 | Mr.R.Baskar | Compressible Fluids | Anna University |
Product Developed during the academic year.
S.No. | Project Title | Status (Completed / In progress) | Number of Faculty involved |
1 | Table Top Miniature Milling Machine. | Completed | 2 |
2 | Low cost portable Laser Engraving Machine. | Completed | 2 |
3 | Hypercube 3D-Printer. | Completed | 2 |
4 | CNC Plotter. | Completed | 1 |
5 | Home Automation Kit | Completed | 1 |
6 | Mobile Gripper for Material Handling | Completed | 1 |
7 | Bluetooth Linked Follower Vehicle | Completed | 1 |
8 | Solar Powered Bluetooth operated Vehicle | Completed | 1 |
Memorandum of Understanding signed during last three academic years 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-2017
S.No. | Name of organization | Domain / Area of Activities | Contribution | Activities & Outcome |
1 | Axis Global Automation, Coimbatore. | Mechatronics and Automation field. | Consultancy Projects, Inplant training & Placement. | Opportunities are provided to the students to learn robotics and automation. |
2 | Blooming Institute of training centre and Blooming Automation Systems, Puducherry. | Mechatronics and Automation field. | Workshops, Seminars and Training | The students can update their Latest technology. |
3 | Pumo Technovation India Pvt., Limited. Coimbatore. | Mechatronics | Consultancy Projects, In plant training, FDP, Summer Internship, Projects & Placement. | Opportunities are provided to the students to learn Robotics, Mechanical and Automation field. |
Department of Mechatronics
Mahendra Engineering College (Autonomous),
Salem- Thiruchengode Highway, Mahendhirapuri,
Phone: 04288-288667,
E-Mail id: hodmctrs@mahendra.info