TANCAM Centre of Excellence

Taminadu Centre of Excellence for Advanced Manufacturing (TANCAM) is created by Tamilnadu Industrial Development Corporation (TIDCO) in association with Dassault Systemes. The facility is located at TIDEL park with state of art technologies and first of its kind in India.
TANCAM will provide a dedicated design driven engineering solution to support the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) especially Industries such as Aerospace, Defense, Automotive and Electric Vehicles. Also TANCAM aims at upskilling graduates with state of art design and simulation technologies, in order to bridge the gap between Industry and Academics ..
Design, Simulation, Digital Manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing (3D printing), Virtual Twin Technology (VR)... Readmore
TVS Harita Techserve

Harita Tech Serv has Signed MOU with Mahendra, for set up Mahendra -Harita Research Center for New Product Development and Manufacturing Technologies was inagurated at MEC campus on 11th March 2014. The main objective is to create a Pool of Strong Industry Ready Talent from the Students undergoing Engineering. Bridge the GAP BETWEEN INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTS AND SKILLS TAUGHT IN ACADEMIC COURSE. Groom Engineers who are highly conversant with Design processes involving need-finding, ethnographic field work, rapid prototyping and testing. So far more than 40 students were placed in reputed companies like VOLVO, Atlas Copco, SCL, Honey well, TVS motors, based on this Tie-up.
MEC-NI LabVIEW Academy

Mahendra Engineering College jointly with National Instruments Bangalore (India) has set up MEC-NI LabVIEW Academy on 13.02.2012. This Academy is an initiative of NI under their Planet NI (Nurturing Innovation) framework that strives to increase the employability of Indian engineering graduates by creating 'Centre of Excellence' in Engineering Colleges and Universities which will provide cost effective access to world class latest technology through classroom teaching-learning. The LabVIEW Academy is an acclaimed ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 29990:2010 certified.
The LabVIEW Academy is an acclaimed ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 29990:2010 certified... Readmore

The Centre of Excellence on Formwork Engineering was established on 9th November 2017 at Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal. It was inaugurated by Er.B.Murugesan, Joint General Manager, Mr.L.S.Kannan Sr.Deputy General Manager, and Er.C.N.V.S.Rao Sr.Manager, Head Technology Centre, L&T Construction - Building & Factories, Chennai, in the presence of our Honorable Chairman, Executive Director, Principal and Head of the Department. From the Centre of Excellence students gain valuable information on various formwork systems, tools and components used in formwork, different bonds of brick masonry and reinforcement details of various elements. Through this Centre of Excellence we provide training to masons, mazdoor and engineers about various formwork systems and new technologies used as recent trends, we regularly conduct certified courses in formwork engineering, inviting participants from various institutions. We also planned to organize several workshops and seminar programs to explore knowledge in formwork engineering, also around 36 students are placed so far in this concern.
Siemens Centre of Excellence in Manufacturing

To provide skill excellence through Training, R&D and Consultancy for robust Industry relevant technical education eco-system. Siemens CoE has 12 sophisticated Laboratories for Design and Validation, Advanced Manufacturing, Test and Optimization, Automation, Electrical and Energy savings, Process Instrumentation, Mechatronics, CNC Machines, CNC Controller, Robotics, Rapid Prototyping and Internet of Things through which different services are offered to Academic Institutions and Industries. Siemens CoE will offer certified skill development programmes for enhancing placement opportunities and engage in Research and Development. Through this centre so far more than 100 students got internship opportunity at NIT Trichy and gain the knowledge.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Our College in collaboration with Intel, Next wealth, Mind Tree, and Happiest Minds established the Centre of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. The Centre is inaugurated on 06.06.2019 by Mr. NS. Parthasarathy, Executive Vice Chairman & CO, Mind Tree Limited. Special address was delivered by Dr.Sridhar Mitta, Founder and Managing Director Next Wealth Entrepreneurs Private Limited to the students and faculty members. Many students have shown interest in these emerging areas. The objective of the Centre of Excellence is to impart knowledge on latest trends in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and train the interested students so that they will be industry ready. In order to fulfill this objective a 3 credit course 15CS15808 - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is designed by industry experts from Intel, Nex twealth, Mind Tree and Happiest Minds. Around 40 students are shortlisted and facilitated to undergo this unique course. Intel has sponsored 40 users of Intel® Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition to conduct hands-on training for the students in the Centre of Excellence laboratory. The facilities in the Centre of Excellence and details of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning course are described here.
Centre for Renewable Energy

This Memorandum of Understanding initiative by the Mahendra Engineering College with Mangla smart energy solution private limited on 13.07.2016, bridge the industry and academia gaps. The company is involved in the research and development, manufacturing and installation of concentrated solar thermal technology based industrial process heating solutions, solar water heaters, solar cookers, solar air driers, VAM based solar cooling systems and solar water desalination systems, due to these activities students increased their employability skills and entrepreneurship development. Also, currently we are working on biomass boiler and concentrated solar thermal integrated solutions for industrial process heating. We provide consultancy services in the renewable energy and energy efficiency sector from technological, policy, socio-economic and collaboration perspectives. In addition to that, training provider of Surya mitra training program the company is involved in the renewable energy training segment. The company is managed by the students which gives the experience and research expertise in the solar energy, bio-energy, energy efficiency and other renewable energy sectors. Solar thermal technology based industrial process heating solutions aims to bring economically viable, environmentally friendly and energy efficient solutions to industries, commercial establishments and households. Konark Training Programme 15 students are attended and suryamitra training programme 10 students are attended. Programme of training for trainer are conducted where as 8 trainers are attended and Energy conservation day programme 2 numbers also conducted through this centre.
Smart India Hackathon

Our College provides technology awareness to all students in various fields. One of them is to involve the students in Hackathon since it will improve the student courage, technological thinking to face the challenge of project completion in given deadlines, increase cooperation among team members and collaborate with other external bodies like industry or government departments. During 2017, one team of students got selected in Grand Finale of Smart India Hackathon 2017 and got participation certificate. Consequently an event was organized in our college in association with IE, Salem during Sep 2017 where more than 10 teams participated. The response for the competition was note-worthy and out of 20 registered teams, 14 teams were selected and they presented their ideas in Internal SIH 2022. These 14 teams of students from Mahendra Engineering College, submitted their proposals and participated in Idea Submission to SIH 2022 organized by AICTE, Ministry of Education Govt. of India.

NPTEL LOCAL CHAPTER established in February 2017 and started its activity from even semester of the academic year 2017-18. From the NPTEL (LOCAL CHAPTER) we gain valuable information on various Outcomes based pedagogic principles for effective teaching and learning. About these courses globalization, changing demographics and technological advancements are some of the key driving forces of the future. In Twenty-first Century Learning, students use educational technologies to apply knowledge to new situations, analyze information, collaborate, solve problems, and make decisions. We are an Active Local Chapter Ranked 38 out of 217 Institutions.
Row Labels |
Count of Certificate type |
Faculty |
Elite + Gold |
15 |
Elite + Silver |
94 |
Overall attended Faculty |
693 |
Students |
Elite + Gold |
6 |
Elite + Silver |
55 |
Overall attended Students |
2133 |
Aerial Drobotics

Aerial Drobotics has signed Memorandum of Understanding with Mahendra Engineering College Aerospace Centre on 19th of August 2021. Under this MoU, Mahendra Engineering College has setup the incubation center with the required infrastructure, workstations and the recommended equipment to enable the faculty members and students to learn, and have hands on practice for product development on the Drone and UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) Technologies. It is possible to bring live projects, products, design and research activities to be executed by research faculty and student researchers and also exploring areas for co-operation on continuous basis. It provides on-site training to students on high-end technologies, which are commonly used in industry through workshops and courses. It provides opportunity for training/internship to students of Mahendra Engineering College. Basic level Drone Pilot training was given to the final year 2022 batch Aeronautical Engineering Students.
Barola Aero sports

This Memorandum of Understanding initiative by the Mahendra Engineering College and Barola Aero Sports is bridging the gap between industries and Academia. It Provides opportunity for training / internship to the students of Mahendra Engineering College. It provides on-site training to the students on high end technologies which are commonly used in industry through workshops and courses. So far 32 students are attended the internship in this concern and 3 workshops also conducted for increasing the knowledge in the field of Aeronautical Engineering.
Larsen & Toubro EduTech
Mahendra Engineering College has Signed MoU with Larsen & Toubro EduTech 19th
September 2022. L&T is developing a solution to bridge the industry-academia
in present day curricula for making it more application oriented, and in tune with
future skills. The core objective would be to enhance the employability of students
well as aspiring professionals across various Engineering and Technology sectors.
L&T is set to launch a series of industry-led application-oriented courses under
product portfolio.

Mahendra Engineering College has Signed MoU with Larsen & Toubro EduTech 19th September 2022. L&T is developing a solution to bridge the industry-academia gaps in present day curricula for making it more application oriented, and in tune with future skills. The core objective would be to enhance the employability of students as well as aspiring professionals across various Engineering and Technology sectors. L&T is set to launch a series of industry-led application-oriented courses under its product portfolio.

Mahendra Engineering College has Signed MoU with Infosys Ltd. Bangalore since Feb 2009 regarding campus Connect Programme. It's an Initiative by Infosys to bridge the gap between Industry and Academic institutions. Renewal of MoU- since our Institution has met the expectations of Infosys ltd. in the Campus connect program Partnership; The MoU between Infosys and Mahendra Engineering College was further extended up to Jan2025. Campus connect is an industry-academia partnership initiative launched by Infosys. The campus Connect initiative aims to enhance the education level of engineering students, nationwide and thus increase the employability of these engineers. The Campus Connect program has several program components weaved together to create synergy for effective, fast-paced learning. Namely - Conclaves, Road Shows, Faculty Enablement Programs (FEP), Sabbaticals, Foundation Programs, Soft Skills Capsule Roll-out, Inspire - The faculty contest series, Sponsored. As a part of Campus connect program students are permitted to visit the Infosys campus located in Chennai and Bangalore. Our Students visited the Bangalore campus on 2016 and Chennai campus on 2017. Many faculties received the “Inspire faculty award” from this centre. Infosys springboard digital learning platform is particularly well-suited to the students grow vocational skills in addition to soft skills. It provides Master classes, programing challenges, practice areas to the students.
Escorts Training and Development Center (ETDC)

The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Escorts Training and Development Centre (ETDC), Escorts Limited and the Mahendra Educational Institutions (MEI) was held on 27th February 2017 in the presence of Mr. Paul Raj, HEAD, ETDC and Dr.Samson Ravindran, Executive Director of MEI. This MoU facilitated the connection between ETDC and Mahendra Engineering College through technical programs such as Internship, Training, Project works and Research for the Agriculture professional students in the way of encouraging and supporting them in their training and project work. Technical training held for the benefit of the students, 16 students of Agriculture Engineering got trained. Readmore
AUTODESK Fusion 360

AUTODESK Fusion 360 is 3D CAD/CAM design software in which the third and final year students of Mechanical engineering of Mahendra Engineering College were trained and AUTODESK has been conducting various All India competitions such as AUTODESK Design Now Platform, 3D Student Design and National Level Monthly competitions since 2015 for building their design skills. The student of Mahendra Engineering College have participate and won prizes in All India level competitions.
Intel Intelligent Systems Laboratory
- Established in 2016-2017 with the support of Intel Fice Foundation, Bangalore.
- Training provided to the students in the area of IoT and Embedded Systems
- Many projects related to IoT are submitted at various competitions through this centre and academic projects also were carried out. Around 56 students got benefited through this training and improved their knowledge.
Texas Instruments Analog Integrated Laboratory Centre
- Mahendra Engineering College Established Texas Instruments Analog Integrated Laboratory in collaboration with Steps Knowledge Services Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore, a partner of Texas Instruments India University program in the academic year 2015 -2016. Students are trained for using TI analog ICs for various applications and Web based ICs design contents have been conducted frequently. So far 45 students got benefited through this training and improved their knowledge