About the Department
- This department was established in the Year 1995. It has 9 Laboratories for imparting practical training to the students. These Laboratories will help the students to undertake project works, fabrication works, maintenance works, etc. The Department got accreditation from National Board of Accreditation in the year 2006.
- Alumni strength of more than 2,700 and they are working various industry.
- Recognized as Research Centre by Anna University, Chennai, Tamilnadu.
- Government and industry sponsored projects
- Industry sponsored laboratories
- Specially designed skill development programs in support of industry experts
- National and international conferences and courses
Programmes offered
- B.E. - Mechanical Engineering - 4 years
- M.E. - Computer Aided Design - 2 years
- M.E. - Manufacturing Engineering - 2 years
- Ph.D. - (Research Programme)
Vision & Mission
- To enable Mechanical Engineering Graduates excel in engineering education, research and innovation with ethical values as global practitioners.
- To impart quality education, enhance student’s skills and make them to compete globally
- To provide State-of-the-Art technologies and enhance students problem solving skills in Mechanical Engineering
- To prepare graduates to pursue lifelong learning, intellectually with ethical values in Mechanical Engineering as professionals and entrepreneurs
- To expand students’ knowledge in the Mechanical Engineering domain to conduct research and innovate for a sustainable development.
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
The graduates of Mechanical Engineering will be able to
- PEO1: Apply the mathematical and scientific concepts necessary to formulate, solve and analyze engineering problems.
- PEO2: Conceptualize and synthesize data, carry out product design and development.
- PEO3: Work in teams on multidisciplinary projects.
- PEO4: Observe professional ethics and develop successful careers globally
Program Outcomes (POs)
Engineering Graduates will be able to:
- Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
- Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
- Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
- Conduct investigations of complex problems:Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
- Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
- The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
- Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
- Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
- Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
- Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
- Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one's own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
- Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
Develop ability to
- PSO1: Identify, understand, apply and solve problems in Mechanical Engineering Design.
- PSO2: Identify, understand, apply and find solutions for problems in Manufacturing Engineering.
- PSO3: Identify, understand, apply and provide solutions for problems in Thermofluid Industrial Applications.
Advisory Committee
Department Program Advisory Committee (DPAC)
S.No. |
Name of the member | Address |
1 | Dr. M.Srinivasan | Professor and Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal. |
2 | Dr.V.Shanmugam | Dean, School of Mechanical Sciences Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal. |
3 | Dr. G.Suresh Kannan |
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore. |
4 | Dr. S. Venkatachalapathy |
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli. |
5 | Mr. N.Lakshminarasimhan | General Manager(Personnel & HR), Brakes India Private Limited, Chennai. |
6 | Mr. S. Arun Kumar | Senior Manager, Production CRI Pumps, Coimbatore |
7 | Dr. T. Velmurugan | Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore. |
8 | Dr.R.Uthirasamy | Professor Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal. |
9 | Dr.M.Kannan | Professor and Head,
Department Computer Science and Engineering, Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal.. |
10 | Dr. R. Boopathi | Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering , Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal. |
11 | Dr. R. Prabu | Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering , Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal. |
12 | Dr. R. Sasikumar | Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering , Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal. |
Board of Studies
Members of the Board of Studies
S.No. | Members | Position in BoS |
1. | Name
: Dr. M. Srinivasan Designation : Head of the Department, Mechanical Engineering Address : Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal |
Chairperson |
2. | Name
: Dr. G. Suresh Kannan Designation : Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering Address : Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore |
Anna University Nominee |
3. | Name
: Dr. S. Venkatachalapathy Designation : Professor, Mechanical Engineering Address : National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli |
Subject Expert |
4. | Name
: Mr. N. Lakshminarasimhan Designation : General Manager, Human Resource Address : Brakes India Private Limited, Chennai. |
Subject Expert |
5. | Name
: Mr. S. Arun Kumar Designation : Senior Manager, Production Address : CRI Pumps, Coimbatore |
Industrial Expert |
6. | Name :
Dr. D. Gnanaraj Designation : Assistant Engineer , Coal Handling Plant – Div. Address : Mettur Thermal Power Station - II, Salem |
Industrial Expert |
7. | Name :
Dr. V. Shanmugam Designation : Dean, School of Mechanical Sciences Address : Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal |
Academic Expert |
8. | Name :
Dr. M. Kannan Designation : Professor and Head, CSE Address : Mahendra Engineering College |
Academic Expert Allied Department |
9. | Name :
Dr. R. Uthirasamy Designation : Professor and Head, EEE Address : Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal |
Academic Expert Allied Department |
10. | All the faculty members of the MECH Department Members | Members |
11. | Name :
Mr. Rajesh kumar Designation : Group Manager , Design Address : ASM Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru, Karnataka |
PG Alumnus (2015-17) |
12. | Name :
Dr. T. Velmurugan
Designation : Assistant Professor (Sl. Grade), Mechanical Engg. Address : Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore |
UG Alumnus (2000-04) |
13. | Name :
P. Manikandan Designation : M.E. Manufacturing Engineering - Year I Address : Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal |
PG Student |
14. | Name : Mr.
S. Thameem Designation : B.E. Mechanical Engineering - III Year Address : Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal |
UG Student |
Engineering Practices Laboratory
Major Equipment
- Arc welding transformer with cables and holders
- Welding accessories like welding shield, chipping hammer, wire brush.
- Oxygen and acetylene gas cylinders, blow pipe and other welding outfit.
- Hearth furnace, anvil and smithy tools
- Welding:
(a) Preparation of butt joints, lap joints and T- joints by Shielded metal arc welding.
(b) Gas welding practice - Basic Machining:
(a)Simple Turning and Taper turning
(b) Drilling Practice - Sheet Metal Work:
(a) Forming & Bending:
(b)Model making - Trays and funnels.
(c)Different type of joints. - Machine assembly practice:
(a) Study of centrifugal pump
(b) Gas welding practice - Demonstration on:
(a) Smithy operations, upsetting, swaging, setting down and bending.
(b) Foundry operations like mould preparation for gear and step cone
(c)Fitting - Exercises - Preparation of square fitting and V - fitting models.
- Engineering Practices laboratory for all branch of engineering Students
- Engineering Practices Laboratory for second year mechanical students
Laboratory In-charges
- Dr.R.Boopathi
- Mr.Muthukrishnan
Manufacturing Technology Laboratory
Major Equipment
- Centre Lathe with accessories
- Moulding boxes, tools and patterns
- Turret Lathe
- Capstan Lathe
- Horizontal Milling Machine
- Vertical Milling Machine
- Surface Grinding Machine
- Cylindrical Grinding Machine\
- Centreless Grinding Machine
- Gear Hobbing Machine
- Shaper
- Slotter
- Radial Drilling Machine
- Lathe Tool Dynamometer
- Drilling Tool Dynamometer
- Tool Makers Microscope
- Tool and Cutter grinder
- Upright Drilling Machine
- To measure the cutting force, tool temperature and shear angle during orthogonal cutting (on Lathe).
- To study the effects of grinding variables on grinding forces, specific energy and surface finish.
- To study the EDM machine and determine material removal rate and tool wear rate during machining of EN8 steel.
- To study the various features of surface roughness measuring instrument also measure the parameters of the specimen.
- To study the integrated multi process (µ-milling, µ-turning, µ -drilling, µ-EDM, µ-ECM, µ-wire cut, µ-EDG) on micromachining machine DT-110.
- Investigation of wear and cutting processes (Fx, Fy, Fz and Mz) near the tool age during milling and drilling by Rotating 4-Component Dynamometer (RCD) on EMCO Mill concept 250.
- To obtain the measurement of a given component using coordinate measuring machine (CMM).
- To fabricate micro channel through epilog laser fiber mark fusion engraving machine.
- To measure the axial force, with tool speed for different diameters, if the feed is constant on HMT Radial Drill Machine.
- Workshop Laboratory for second year Mechanical Students.
Laboratory In-charges
- Dr.R.Boopathi
- Mr.G.Muruganantham
Thermal Engineering Laboratory
Major Equipment
- Steam Boiler with turbine setup
- I.C Engine – 2 stroke model
- I.C Engine – 4 stroke model
- Red Wood Viscometer
- Apparatus for Flash and Fire Point
- 4-stroke Diesel Engine with mechanical loading
- 4-stroke Diesel Engine with electrical loading
- Multi-cylinder Petrol Engine
- Single cylinder Petrol Engine
- Be able to conduct experiment on IC engine to study the characteristic and performance of IC engines
- Estimate energy distribution by conducting heat balance test on IC engines
- Evaluate methods for improving the IC engine performance.
- Conduct constant speed and variable speed tests on IC engines and interpret their performance.
- Thermal Engineering Laboratory for second year Mechanical Students
Laboratory In-charges
- Mr.L.Periyannan
- Mr.C.Samiappan
Heat & Mass Transfer Laboratory
Major Equipment
- Guarded plate apparatus
- Natural convection-vertical cylinder apparatus
- Forced convection inside tube apparatus
- Thermal Conductivity of Insulating Powder
- Pin-fin apparatus
- Composite Wall Apparatus
- Stefan-Boltzmann apparatus
- Emissivity measurement apparatus
- Parallel/counter flow heat exchanger apparatus
- Two stage reciprocating air compressor.
- Refrigeration test rig
- Air-conditioning test rig
- Shell and Tube Exchanger
- Bomb Calorimeter
- Orsat Apparatus
- Determine the valve timing diagram of SI engine & CI engine.
- Analyze the influence of variations in TDC and BDC operations
- Calculate the IP, BP, brake thermal efficiency.
- Calculate & Compare the performance characteristics.
- Experiment on IC engine load variations with Air fuel ratio.
- Apply the concept of Morse test on SI engine.(multi cylinder).
- Analyse the efficiency of reciprocating air compressor
- Determine the principle of various parameters in boilers.
- Heat & mass transfer Laboratory for third year MECH Students
Laboratory In-charges
- Dr.R.Boopathi
- Mr.C.Samiappan
Dynamics Laboratory
Major Equipment
- Cam analyzer.
- Motorised gyroscope.
- Governor apparatus - Proell governor.
- Whirling of shaft apparatus.
- Dynamic balancing machine.
- Static and dynamic balancing machine
- Vibrating table
- Vibration test facilities apparatus
- Gear Model
- Kinematic Models to study various mechanisms
- Multi Degree System
- Spring Mass System
- Gear Reducers
- Kinematics of 4 bar mechanisms – Slider crank and Crank Rocker Mechanism - Determination of velocity and acceleration.
- Kinematics of Universal Joints – Determination of velocity and acceleration
- Kinematics of Gear Trains – Simple, Compound, Epi-cyclic and Differential :Determination of velocity ratio and Torque
- Governors - Determination of sensitivity, effort, etc. for any one of Governors -Watt, Porter, Proell
- Motorized Gyroscope-Verification of laws -Determination of gyroscopic couple.
- Whirling of shaft-Determination of critical speed of shaft with concentrated loads.
- Determination of moment of inertia by oscillation method for connecting rod.
- Vibrating system - Spring mass system - Determination of damping co-efficient of single degree of freedom system
- Determination of natural frequencies of compound pendulum.
- Dynamics Laboratory for third year MECH Students & Second Year Medtronic Students.
Laboratory In-charges
- Mr.P.Senthikumaran
- Mr.N.Thangaraj
Metrology and Measurements Laboratory
Major Equipment
- Micrometer
- Vernier Caliper
- Vernier Height Gauge
- Vernier depth Gauge
- Slip Gauge Set
- Gear Tooth Vernier
- Sine Bar
- Floating Carriage Micrometer
- Profile Projector
- Mechanical Comparator
- Electrical Comparator
- Autocollimator
- Temperature Measuring Setup
- Displacement Measuring Setup
- Force Measuring Setup
- Torque Measuring Setup
- Vibration / Shock Measuring Setup, Optical Comparator
- Gear Tester, Flange Micrometer
- Depth Micrometer, Limit Gauge Center
- Calibration of Vernier / Micrometer/Dial gauge.
- Checking Dimensions of part using slip gauges.
- Measurements of Gear Tooth Dimensions using Gear Tooth Vernier.
- Measurement of Angle using sine bar / sine center / tool makers microscope.
- Measurement of straightness and flatness using Autocollimator
- Measurement of thread parameters using Tool makers Microscope/Floating carriage Micrometer.
- Checking the limits of dimensional tolerances using comparators (Mechanical / Pneumatic).
- Measurement of Temperature using Thermocouple.
- Measurement of Displacement using LVDT.
- Measurement of Force using Load Cell.
- Measurement of taper angle using profile projector
- Metrology and Measurements Laboratory for Final year MECH Students Laboratory In-charges
Laboratory In-charges
- Mr.J.R.Vinodkumar
- Mr.P.Muthukrishnan
CAD/CAM Laboratory
Major Equipment
- A3 size plotter
- Trainer CNC Lathe
- Trainer CNC Millis
Creation of 3D assembly model of following machine elements using 3D Modeling software
Introduction of 3D Modeling software
- Plummer Block
- Screw Jack
- Lathe Tailstock
- Universal Joint
- Machine Vice
- Connecting rod
Manual part programming using G and M codes for Facing, Turning, Step turning, Taper turning, multiple turning, multiple facing, and thread cutting operations.
CNC Milling program involving linear motion and circular interpolation method.
CNC Milling program involving contour motion and canned cycles.
- CAM Laboratory for third & final year Mechanical Students.
Laboratory In-charges
- Mr.V.Sugan
- Mr.T.Balasubramianiam
Mechatronics Laboratory
Major Equipment
- Basic Pneumatic Trainer Kit with manual and electrical controls
- PID Controller
- Basic Hydraulic Trainer Kit
- Design and testing of direction control circuit using single acting cylinder and to demonstrate the working of the circuit.
- Design and testing of direction control circuit using double acting cylinder and to demonstrate the working of the circuit.
- Design and testing of pneumatic circuit with double acting cylinder using multiple sequences and to demonstrate the working of the circuit.
- Design and testing of pneumatic circuit with double acting cylinder using push button in electro pneumatic trainer kit and to demonstrate the working of the circuit
- Design a circuit using timer for controlled retracted motion of a double acting cylinder and to demonstrate the working of the circuit.
- Design and testing of hydraulic circuit with double acting cylinder by using Hydraulic trainer kit to demonstrate the working of the circuit.
- Design and demonstrate a Pneumatic / Hydraulic circuit using Fluid SIM software.
- Control a steeper motor speed control of full step resolution by interfacing with 8051 micro controller.
- Design and demonstrate the sequential circuit using PLC.
- Control the speed of PMDC motor using PID controller interfacing
- Mechatronics Laboratory for Final year MECH Students
Laboratory In-charges
- Mr.A.Krishnaraju
- Mr.N.Thangaraj
Faculty & Staff
S.No | Name of the Faculty Member | Qualification |
1 | Dr. SHANMUGAM V | Principal |
2 | Dr. SRINIVASAN M | Professor & HOD |
3 | Dr. KALAIMEGAM D | Associate Professor |
4 | Dr. POONGUZHALI V | Associate Professor |
5 | Dr. PRABU R | Associate Professor |
6 | Dr. PERIYANNAN L | Assistant Professor |
7 | Dr. BABU M | Assistant Professor |
8 | Mr. ANNAMALAI P | Assistant Professor |
9 | Mr. ARUL KUMAR T | Assistant Professor |
10 | Mr. ARULRAJ R | Assistant Professor |
11 | Mr. DHANESHPRABU K | Assistant Professor |
12 | Mr. DINESH KUMAR P | Assistant Professor |
13 | Mr. JEYA KUMAR I | Assistant Professor |
14 | Mr. KARIKALAN R | Assistant Professor |
15 | Mr. MAHENDRAN P | Assistant Professor |
16 | Mr. MURUGESAN C K | Assistant Professor |
17 | Mr. SENTHILKUMARAN PALANISAMY | Assistant Professor |
18 | Mr. SOUNDARARAJAN R | Assistant Professor |
19 | Mr. SRINIVASA PERUMAL K P | Assistant Professor |
20 | Mr. SUGAN V | Assistant Professor |
21 | Mr. VENKATRAMAN J | Assistant Professor |
22 | Mr. VIJAYAKUMAR S | Assistant Professor |
Last Five Years
S.No. | Faculty Name | International / National Journals, International / National Conferences, and Book chapter |
1 | Dr. V. Shanmugam | 4 |
2 | Dr. M. Srinivasan | 12 |
3 | Dr. R. Boopathi | 15 |
4 | Dr. R. Prabu | 8 |
5 | Dr. R. Sasikumar | 10 |
6 | Dr.V.Poonguzhali | 5 |
7 | Dr. D. Kalaimegam | 4 |
8 | Mr. L. Periyannan | 4 |
9 | Mr.K.P.Srinivasaperumal | 5 |
10 | Mr.J.R.Vinodkumar | 4 |
11 | Mr.R.Arulraj | 4 |
12 | Mr.P.Senthilkumaran | 2 |
14 | Mr.R.Soudararajan | 4 |
15 | Mr.A.Venkat Ramanan | 3 |
16 | Mr.S.Vijayakumar | 3 |
17 | Mr. I. Jeyakumar | 1 |
18 | Mr. R. Elayaraja | 14 |
S.No | Name of the Supporting Staff | Qualification |
1 | Mr. G. Muruganantham | ITI |
2 | Mr. C. Samiappan | ITI |
3 | Mr. P. Muthukrishnan | ITI |
4 | Mr. P. Manickam | - |
5 | Mr. T. Balasubramaniam | DME |
6 | Mr. V. Rajaduari | DME |
Credentials of the Department
- Autodesk Certification program on AUTOCAD enabled 70 Nos. of students to earn the International Certification.
- 1500 students obtained certification through Danfoss online exam.
- 3 faculty members have been approved as research supervisor for guiding Ph.D /M.S candidates. In the last three academic years 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17.
- 4 faculty members have completed Ph.D degree and 7 more faculty are pursuing in the last three academic years 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17.
- NPTEL Local Chapter is established for students and faculty members appearing for NPTEL courses online examinations
- Professors delivered guest lectures in various institutes such as SRM University and other institutions.
- Conducted Anna University Sponsored FDTP on “Manufacturing Technology” between 1st and 7th June 2017 which is held at department of mechanical engineering.
- Total no 55 NPTEL certificates is earned by the department including the students and faculty members
- Faculty Development Program on Research Methodology by Dr S Kanmani Subbu, Assistant Professor, IIT Palakkad which was conducted during from 22-2-2019 to 23-2-2019.
- Mr R.Arulraj, Asst. Prof. Attended 3 days TEQIP sponsored workshop on CFD for Engg application at Govt college of Technology Coimbatore.
- Interacted with Shri D Shriram, Research Scholar, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore for student’s project.
- Guest lecture on Topic “Thermodynamics” was delivered at SNS college of Technology, Coimbatore
- Conducted ANSYS and CFD Programme for 150 students from non Circuit branches from 11th December to 21st December 2018 which is held at department of mechanical engineering.
- 39 nos. of students has completed Industry readiness certification program on on Six Sigma course.
- Department, 25 students and a faculty enrolled membership in Indian Institute Production Engineers.
- Interacted with Metayage IP Strategy Consulting (PSG tech) to register patent for our student’s project.
- Students project has been published in Manufacturing Technology Today, CMTI, Bangalore on topic “Study on effect of evaporative cooled turning tool with water soaked banana fiber for machining Ti-6Al-4V Alloy, December 2018.
- Successfully completed ANSYS-FEA and CFD training for non circuit branches for the period of 3 weeks. Totally 85 students obtained online certificate exam in FEA and 42 students in CFD.
- Successfully completed TNSCST sponsored seminar on "Green Fuel for Future Automobile” during 7th and 8th Dec 2018.Totally 50 participants from various college attended the same.
- Successfully completed Anna University approved FDTP on subject “Thermal Engineering” during 10th Dec -22 Dec 2018.
- 76 students have completed the implant training at Neyveli Lignite corporation (NLC) JSW, Mettur Thermal Plant, Southern railways,SAIL- Salem and Precision Equipments.
- Chennai Organized Road Safety Awareness Activity at Vaiguntham Toll Plaza on 18.12.2018. The staff members Dr.K.Rajkumar Prof/MECH, Mr.R.Prabu AP/MECH, Mr.V.Sugan AP/MECH, Mr.R.Soundarajan AP/MECH and Mr.T.Arulkumar AP/MECH and students V.Natarajan, S.R.Manoj, A.Nataraj, V.K.Natarajan and A.Praveen jointly appreciated and issued 300 memorable gift (key chain) to pedestrians, cyclists, motorists, vehicle passengers and passengers of on-road public transport (mainly buses). The program was inaugurated by Mr. K.Saravanakumar alumni of 2008 batch.
- Toppers from third year were motivated to apply for internship at IIT Bombay and IIT Chennai and totally 9 students have applied for the internship.
- Total nos. of 87 students participated in various programs outside the college and obtained 25 prizes in events like CAD modeling, paper presentation and project display.
- Organized 3 days workshop for faculty members on “Autodesk Fusion 360” at our campus during 25.02.19 to 27.02.2019.Guest details
- Project models were identified and displayed in the ISTE student convection at Mahendra Polytechnic College on 08.03.2019
- Organized 2 days National level workshop on “Research problem formulation, analysis and technical paper writing” during 22.02.19 to 23.02.19 by Dr S Kanmani Subbu, Assistant Professor, IIT Palakkad.
- 4 Faculty members attended ICT Academy FDP on Autodesk AutoCAD during 11th to 15th March'19 and got trained, in continuation, five days workshop and International certification program has been conducted for 75 first year Mechanical streams students from 25th March to 1st April 2019.
- Invited M/S Zero Discharge Pvt Ltd and conducted placement drive at our Institutions.
- The final year students got 162 offers from 18 companies among 204 students.
- Project evaluation is done and following
projects were identified as a best projects:
Design and fabrication of vehicle 360º.
Hydro power generator cum inverter.
Fabrication of FRP using human hair.
Design and analysis of centrifugal pump impeller. - Through MTrace total 79 students applied for RRB and SSC.
- Mr.A.Krishnaraju and Dr.R.Sasikumar attended workshop on “Design of Experiments” at Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai during 15/03/19 to 16/03/19.
- DANFOSS: More than 1500 students appeared online certification courses our students and upon successful completion of training, certificates will be issued by Danfoss. Faculty members and students take up various courses offered and certified on successful completion of the courses.
- CATIA: In this training will depute the trainer for special training for our CATIA students for special training regularly. Training programs are conducted continuously to our students and upon successful completion of training. Carrier openings on CATIA designing system industry are created and many students are placed in designing system related industries by utilizing the resources available at the centre of excellence.
- AUTODESK: More than 75 students obtained international certification in AUTOCAD.
- ANSYS: More than 100 students obtained international certification in ANSYS Software.
Short-Term Courses
Short-Term & Value-Added Courses organized in the last three academic years 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17, and 2017-2018
S.No | Name of the Short-Term Courses /Value-Added Courses | Number of students benefited |
1 |
Danfoss |
50 |
2 |
MATLAB - Mechanical Sciences Perspectives |
40 |
3 |
Industrial Readiness Program on Logistics Management |
32 |
4 |
Insight of Mechanical Engineering. |
80 |
5 |
70 |
6 |
50 |
7 |
120 |
8 |
100 |
9 |
39 |
AY 2022-2023
S.No | Type of Events | Date | Name of the Events | Resource Person Name & Organization |
1 | Alumni Lecture (MAILS) | 22.08.2022 | Career opportunities in Mechanical Engineering Design | Er.B.Abiman, Dimensional Systems Engineer,TCS associated with General Motors, Banglore. |
2 | workshop | 17.10.2022 | Workshop on Space Research- India in Space | J.sivakumar, Group director,ISRO Propolsion Complex, Mahendragiri,Tirunelveli Dt.Tamil nadu- 627 133 |
3 | Webinar | 03.09.2022 | GD&T and its Significances in Automotive Design | Mr.S.Vivekanandan, Mechanical Engineer III, Johnsons control (india) P.Ltd,Bangalore, Email-sivavekm@yahoo.co.in |
4 | IIC workshop | 17.10.2022 | Entrepreneurship and innovation as Opportunity in Indian Space Research | J.sivakumar, Group director,ISRO Propolsion Complex, Department of Space,Mahendragiri,Tirunelveli Dt. Tamil nadu- 627 133 |
5 | Seminar | 18.11.2022 | Innovation and critical thinking in bio-medical and Photovoltaic applications | Prof.Dr.Bernhard Gluck, Professor/ Physics –electronics Engineering ,SES Expert university, Germany. |
6 | Webinar | 13.01.2023 | Innovation and Startup | M.K.Elango, Founder &CEO,Elan digital, Project coordinator, Salem Startup club. |
7 | Technical Webinar | 24.01.2023 | Assessment of thermal insulation Systems | Dr.Punitkumar, Senior Manager , R&D Center. PIBCO LTD, New delhi-110019 |
8 | Alumni Lecture (MAILS) | 10.2.2023 | Advanced Characterization Techniques in Product Development | Dr. G. Suganya Priyadharshini , Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering. Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore. |
9 | Workshop | 15.02.2023 | Design and analysis software used in Space and defense application | Dhanish Abdul khader, Space system Engineer , SS Technologies ,Bangalore |
10 | Alumni Lecture (MAILS) | 09.03.2023 | Unfurl your wings for Mechanistic Opportunities | M.Viswanathan SCM Specialist , Flextronics, Chennai-96 |
11 | Guest Lecture | 13.04.2023 | How do plan for start-up and Legal & Ethics | Mr.Sampathkumar Nandagopalan, Managing director , Lead2Leader, Greenways road ,Salem |
12 | IIT/NIT Lecture Serious | 27.04.2023 | Application of Heat transfer | Dr.S.Venkatachalapathy , Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering , National Institute of Technology,Trichy. |
13 | IIC Activity | 12.05.2023 | How effectively we can manage Start-ups | Mr. E. Jayakumar, Director – Delta Millet Products, Thanjavur. |
AY 2021-2022
S.No | Type of Events | Date | Name of the Events | Resource Person Name & Organization |
1 | IIC Activity | 19.01.2022 | Entrepreneurship skills,attitude and behaviours developments | Ms.Chandru Murugan ,Director , PMI Singapore Chapter ,Singapore |
2 | Alumni Lecture ( MAILS) | 05.02.2022 | career opportunities for mechanical design in engineering industries | Er. Dinesh Kumar A. Junior Design Engineer, Amphenol Omniconnect
India P Ltd, Chennai |
3 | International Lecture (MILES) | 25.02.2022 | Analysis of hybrid Renewable Energy Systems for Climate changes -Salalah,Oman | Dr. Paul Okonkwo, Assistant Professor, Dhofar University, OMAN |
4 | IIC Activity | 28.02.2022 | Budding Entrepreneurs opportunities and Challenges | Lion. Amal. Satlin Peter Babu Managing Director, |
5 | Guest Lecture | 04.03.2022 | Career opportunities for budding engineers in HVAC | Er.Daniel Jayapal, Project Manager, M/s Q-Tec Engineering WLL, State of Qatar |
6 | Webinar` | 12.03.2022 | Where I habe to be in next ten years as an Engineering Graduate | Mr.S.vivekanandan,Senoir Engineer ,Johnsons Control(India),P.Ltd,Bangalore |
7 | IIC Activity | 19.3.2022 | Entrepreneurship opportunities and skills required in petrochemical sectors | Mr.J.Balu.Assistant technical Officer,CIPET,Hydrabad |
8 | Seminar | 25.03.2022 | Research Opportunities smart materials/ Structures | Dr. M. Senthilkumar, Prof. & Head - Production, PSG Tech, Coimbatore. |
9 | IIT/NIT Lecture | 25.03.2022 | Research Scopes in MEMS- aMechanical Engineer;s Perception | Dr. T. Ramesh, Asso.Professor - Mechanical, NIT - Tiruchirappalli. |
10 | Seminar | 26.03.2022 | Nano Sensors in Automotive Applications | Dr.N.Nithyavathy, Associate Professor, Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Kongu Engineering College, Erode. |
11 | Alumni Lecture (MAILS) | 30.03.2022 | career opportunities for budding engineers in HVAC | Er.B.Abiman, Dimensional Systems Engineer,TCS associated with General Motors, Banglore. |
AY 2020-2021
S.No | Type of Events | Date | Name of the Events | Resource Person Name & Organization |
1 | Seminar | 26.04.2021 | Seminar on “ Intellectual Property Rights and Patent Implementation” | Dr.A.Murugesan, Research Director, Department of Mechanical Engineering K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology. Tiruchengode. |
2 | Seminar | 22.05.2021 | Seminar on “How to start a Startup for Fresh Engineers” | Dr. A Mahamani, Dean (R&D), Professor, Mechanical Engineering, VEMU Institute of Technology, Chittoor, (AP) |
3 | Guest Lecture | 10.06.2021 | Guest lecture on “To write a Quality Research Articles for Scopus Indexed Journal” | Dr.R.PARAMESHWARAN Professor and Head Department of Mechatronics Engineering, School of Building and Mechanical Sciences, Kongu Engineering College |
4 | Guest Lecture | 16.06.2021 | NIT/IIT Lecture serious on “Funding Opportunity for Early Stage Entrepreneurs “ | Dr.S.Vinodh Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical engg. NIT,Trichy |
5 | Workshop | 05.07.2021 | Workshop on “ Design Thinking and Prototype Modelling “ | Dr.R.Rajamurugan Associate Professor Department of Mechanical Engg VIT,vellore |
AY 2019-2020
S.No | Type of Events | Date | Name of the Events | Resource Person Name & Organization |
MILes | 18.06.2019 | Recent Trend in Computational Fluid Dynamics | Mr.S.P.Salaisargunan, Researcher CFD Laboratory, Energy Systems Design Division, Pusan national University, Genumjeong-Gu, Busa, Republic of Korea-609735 | |
Guest Lecture | 10.07.2019 | Application of Finite Elements Analysis in Various Mechanical Fields | Dr.N.Siva Shanmugam, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National institute of Rechnology,Trichy-620 015 | |
Technical Training | 09.07.2019-11.07.2019 | Reverse Engineering | Mr.A.Santhosh Kumar and Mr.K.Hariharan Design Engineers, Sastha Design Tech,Salem | |
Guest Lecture | 01.08.2019 | Space Vehicle Entry Ablation and heat Transfer | Dr.S. Periyasamy, Assistant Professor(SG),Department of Mechanical Engineering, Government College of Technology,Covai-641013 | |
MAILS | 02.08.2019 | Career aspects in Engineering | Mr.M.Viswanathan,Senior Analyst,Flex (Flextronics), RMZ Millenia Business Park,143,Kodandarama Nagar,Campus II, Channai-600096 | |
Workshop | 08.08.2019 | Basics of Composite materials and its Characterization | Dr.G.Rajamurugan,Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology,Vellore- 632014 | |
MAILS | 27.08.2019 | Role of Mechanical Engineers in Building Services | Er.K.A.Vivek, Assistant Construction Manager, L& T Construction, Ahmedabad,Gujarat. | |
Symposium | 30.08.2019 | MECHNOVA”2019 | Er.K.A.Vivek, Assistant Construction Manager, L& T Construction, Ahmedabad,Gujarat.Er. | |
Workshop | 04.09.2019-05.09.2019 | Manufacturing Technology /GD& T | Mr.S.Senniappan, Chief Executive officer, MECH TECH Engineering Centre, Covai-641402 | |
MAILS | 09.09.2019 | Design for Manufacturing Assembly | Mr.Shaik Riyaz, Design Engineer, Shanthi Gears Limited,Coimbatore-641005 | |
MAILS | 25.09.2019 | Product design | Mr.T.Velmurugan , Assistant professo, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore - 641022 |
IEEE Conference
- Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering-NCTEME will be held on during 07 April 2017
Research Centre Approval letter
Academic research activities
Department of Mechanical Engineering is approved as Research Centre by Anna University, Chennai (Code: 4260917) for carryout research activities in various domains
Number of research publications of the faculty members
- Academic Year 2014-2015 : 12
- Academic Year 2015-2016 : 16
- Academic Year 2016-2017 : 06
- Academic Year 2017-2018 : 12
- Academic Year 2018-2019 : 16
- Academic Year 2019-2020: 03
Faculty members guiding Ph.D. research scholars
S.No | Name | Area of Specialization | Number of Research scholars | |
Progress | Awarded | |||
1 |
Dr.V.Shanmugam |
Solar energy | 7 | 5 |
2 |
Dr.P.Saravanan |
Wind Turbines | 5 | - |
3 |
Dr.D.Subramaniam |
Alternative Fuel | - | - |
4. |
Dr.R.Boopathi |
Manufacturing Micro Machining Nanoparticles | - | - |
List of Faculty Members Pursuing Ph.D
S. No. | Name of the faculty | Specialization | University |
1 | Mr.R.Prabu | Nano Technology | Anna University |
2 | Mr.P.Senthilkumaran | Composite Material | Anna University |
3 | Mr.R.Arulraj | Solar Energy | Anna University |
4 | Mr.K.P.Srinivasaperumal | Composite Material | Anna University |
5 | Mr.L.Periyannan | Phase Change Material | Anna University |
6 | Mr.P.Annamalai | EDM | Anna University |
Faculty members to whom Ph.D. Degree awarded
- Dr.R.Boopathi - Academic year 2016-17
- Dr.R.SASIKUMAR - Academic year 2018-19
Sponsored Research in last three academic years 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-2017
S. No. |
Project Title | Funding Agency | Amount in Rupees (Rs.) |
1 | Fund for Improvement in S &T Infrastructure | (FIST) Department of Science and Technology (DST) | 19,21,000/- |
Total: | 19,21,000/- |
Product Developed during the last three academic years 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-2017,2017-2018,2019
S. No. |
Project Title | Status (Completed/ In progress) |
Number of faculty involved |
2018-19 | |||
1 | Fabrication And Testing of Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composites | Completed | 1 |
2 | Identification of Contact of Metal Pieces with the Automobile Tyres and to Lift the Vehicle Using Hydraulic Jack to Avoid the Blow out of Tyre. | Completed | 1 |
3 | Design And Analysis of Centrifugal Pump Impeller | Completed | 1 |
2017-18 | |||
1 | Fabrication of Parallel Powered Hybrid Vehicle | Completed | 1 |
2 | Fabrication of Rechargeable Motorized Suitcase | Completed | 1 |
3 | Fabrication of Hybrid Two Wheeler | Completed | 1 |
2016-17 | |||
1 | Fabrication of Dual Axis Solar Tracking System | Completed | 1 |
2 | Fabrication of Onion Plantation Machine | Completed | 1 |
3 | Design and Fabrication of Real Time Millage Indicator for Motorbikes. | Completed | 1 |
4 | Design and Fabrication of Effectual Car Parking System | Completed | 1 |
2015-16 | |||
1 | Design and Fabrication of Cone Type Continuously Variable Transmission for Automobiles | Completed | 1 |
2 | Feasibility study and simulation of Low and Torque Improvement in Heavy Duty Diesel Engine with Combined Turbocharger and Supercharger | Completed | 1 |
3 | Modification of hydraulic circuit in Z-mill. | Completed | 1 |
4 | Design of Submersible Stator Winding Insertion Process | Completed | 1 |
2014-15 | |||
1 | Axle Assembly Layout Modification And Quality Enhancement | Completed | 1 |
2 | Semi Automation Of Casing Head Assembly | Completed | 1 |
3 | Design And Fabrication Of Reverse Gear In Handicapped Two Wheeler | Completed | 1 |
Consultancy work completed in last three academic years 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-2017,2017-2018,2018-2019
S. No. | Project Title | Funding Agency / Industries | Amount received (in Rupees) |
1 | Industrial waste separation through pulsed power supply | Zero discharge Pvt Ltd,Coimbatore | 30,000 |
2 | Gap control system in Electro machining | Sivasakthi Industries,Salem | 20,000 |
3 | Solar Tracking System | Tony Engineering Pvt. Ltd., Tirupur. | 3,50,000 (On going) |
S.No. | Name of organization | Domain / Area of Activities | Contribution | Activities & Outcome |
1 | Haritha Tech serv(P)Ltd., Chennai | Design Engineering | Technical Training | The training program in full For the five (5) months period. Upon completion of the training, Harita may offer the selected students a placement opportunity. |
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Mahendra Engineering College (Autonomous),
Salem- Thiruchengode Highway, Mahendhirapuri,
E-Mail id: hodmech@mahendra.info