About the Department
- The department of Chemical Engineering was established in the year 2019 and offers four year B.Tech Chemical Engineering course. The department has highly qualified faculty members and the state-of-art laboratories and chemical engineering softwares (Matlab, ChemCAD, Aspen Hysys, Aspen Plus).
- Chemical Engineering is the branch of engineering which deals with the large-scale production of chemicals. Chemical Engineers apply both the knowledge of science and the principles of engineering in the chemical industry. They are involved in a wide variety of activities like equipment designing, process development, planning and testing various ways of production and treatment of by-products as well as the supervision of manufacturing activities.
- The curriculum of the chemical engineer includes a strong sequence of chemistry courses in addition to mathematics, physics, and engineering sciences. Chemical Engineering curriculum consists of the following core courses: Fluid Mechanics, Process Calculation, Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, Mechanical Operations, Heat Transfer, Mass Transfer, Chemical Reaction Engineering, Transport Phenomena, Process Dynamics and Control, Process Economics Engineering and Management, Process Equipment design.
- The department periodically organizes technical programs through Webinars, Workshops, IIT/NIT Lecture Series in many emerging areas. Industrial visits are arranged for the students to improve their technical skills. Students are also encouraged to undergo In-plant training/Internship/ project activities. Personality development training programs are conducted in third and final year of study so as to equip the students for placement.
Programmes offered
- B.Tech. - Chemical Engineering - 4 Years
Vision & Mission
- To become a nationally and internationally acclaimed department of higher studies and to prepare the students to meet new challenges faced by chemical and related industries through green technology.
- To impart strong fundamental knowledge to the students to face the new world in a rapidly changing technological environment.
- To carry out interdisciplinary research so as to address the needs of chemical engineering in particular and society at large.
- To develop leadership qualities among the students to solve chemical engineering problems keeping in mind the safety and environmental concerns.
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
The Graduates of Chemical Engineering will:
- PEO1: Apply knowledge to formulate, analyze, design and solve engineering problems and pursue higher learning, research and industrial practice.
- PEO2: : Develop innovative and sustainable solutions in chemical engineering industry system for required engineering applications.
- PEO3: Have opportunities to work as teams in multidisciplinary environment, communicate ideas effectively with diverse audiences, entrepreneur with ethical values and engage in long-term learning.
Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
The students will demonstrate the abilities
- PSO 1:Graduates will apply knowledge in physics, chemistry and biology in the field of transfer processes for effective separation and purification of chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceuticals and health care products.
- PSO 2:Graduates will automate and control processes by applying mathematics, process control, instrumentation, simulation and process modeling.
- PSO 3: Graduates exhibit integrity and ethical values so that they become responsible Engineers.
Program Outcomes (POs)
Chemical Engineering Graduates will be able to:
S.NO | Graduate Attributes | Program Outcomes |
1 | Engineering Knowledge | Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems. |
2 | Problem Analysis | Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences. |
3 | Design and Development of Solutions | Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations. |
4 | Investigation of Problems | Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions. |
5 | Modern Tool Usage | Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations. |
6 | The engineer and society | Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice. |
7 | Environment and Sustainability | Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development. |
8 | Ethics | Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice. |
9 | Individual & Team work | Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings. |
10 | Communication | Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions. |
11 | Project Management and Finance | Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments. |
12 | Lifelong Learning | Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change. |
Advisory Committee
Department Program Advisory Committee (DPAC)
S.No | Member | Designation |
1 | Dr. N.Vinothkumar | ASP & Head, Department of Chemical Engineering, Mahendra Engineering College. |
2 | Dr.V.Shanmugam | Dean, School of Mechanical Sciences, Mahendra Engineering College |
3 | Dr. Vidhya K | Professor & HOD, Department of Civil, Mahendra Engineering College |
4 | Dr. Ashokkumar A | ASP, Department of Bio Technology, Periyar Maniammai Institute of Science & Technology. |
5 | Dr. Jeyajothi K | Professor & Head, Department of Petro Chemical Engineering, Mahendra Institute of Engineering and Technology |
6 | Mr. Gopalakrishnan V | Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Mahendra Engineering College |
7 | Ms. Nadachi K | Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Mahendra Engineering College |
Board of Studies
Members of the Board of Studies
S.No. | Name of the Member | Designation |
1 | Dr.Vinothkumar N, Associate Professor & Head Department of Chemical Engineering Mahendra Engineering College |
Chair Person |
2 | Dr. Shanmugam V, Dean School of Mechanical Sciences Mahendra Engineering College |
Academic Expert |
3 | Dr. Vidhya K, Professor & HOD Department of Civil Mahendra Engineering College |
Academic Expert |
4 | Dr. Prabhakaran D, Professor Department of Chemical Engineering Coimbatore Institute of Technology,Coimbatore – 641014 |
University Nominee |
5 | Dr.V.Chitra Devi Professor and Head Department of Food Technology Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai |
Academic Expert |
6 | Mr.D.Radhakrishnan Manager – Pulpmill Seshasayee Paper and Boards limited, Pallipalayam |
Industry Expert |
The course covers the hands on experience of working by conducting experiments on most of the basic unit operations like orifice meter, venturimeter, flow through notches, friction in a pipe, filtration equipment.
Major Equipments:
- Orifice meter setup
- Venturimeter setup
- V-Notch
- Pipes and Fittings setup
- Annulus Setup
- Packed Column
- Fluidized bed
- Centrifugal pump setup
- Viscometer
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The objective of the strength of materials lab is to demonstrate the basic principles in the area of strength and mechanics of materials and structural analysis to the undergraduate students through a series of experiments.
Major Equipments:
- Universal Tensile Testing machine with double shear attachment – 40 Ton Capacity
- Torsion Testing Machine (60 NM Capacity)
- Impact Testing Machine (300 J Capacity)
- Brinell Hardness Testing Machine
- Beam Deflection Testing Apparatus
- Rockwell Hardness Testing Machine
- Spring Testing Machine for tensile and compressive loads (2500 N)
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The course covers the hands-on experience of working by conducting experiments on most of the basic unit operations like hydraulic classifier, sedimentation, ball mill, jaw crusher, cyclone separator, filtration equipment, sieve analysis etc.
Major Equipments:
- Sieve Shaker
- Leaf Filter
- Plate and Frame filter press
- Sedimentation jar
- Jaw Crusher
- Ball Mill
- Cyclone Separator
- Roll Crusher
- Elutriator
- Drop Weight Crusher
- Sieves
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The course provides the basic experimental analysis of major heat transfer operations and imparts the knowledge on designing heat transfer equipments and optimization of the cost of heat transfer operations used in process industries.
Major Equipments:
- Thermal Conductivity Apparatus
- Tray Dryer
- Open Pan Evaporator
- Boiler
- Packed Bed
- Double Pipe Heat Exchanger
- Bare and Finned Tube Heat Exchanger
- Vertical Horizontal Condenser
- Stefan-Boltzmann apparatus
- Helical Coils
- Agitated Vessels
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The course provides the understanding of mathematical correlations to solve chemical engineering problems through computer programming in real time applications.
Major Softwares:
- MS Office (EXCEL)
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The aim of the course is to provide a detail understanding of mass transfer operations and separation processes to accomplish knowledge and abilities to calculate mass transfer flux using diffusion coefficients / mass transfer coefficients in order to carry out the design of mass transfer equipments (Ex. Absorption, Distillation, etc.,).
Major Equipments:
- Simple distillation setup
- Steam distillation setup
- Diffusivity Measurement Apparatus
- Packed column
- Liquid-liquid extractor
- Forced draft dryer
- Rotating disc contactor
- Absorption column
- Cooling Tower
- Ion Exchange Column
- Wetted Wall Column
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The course provides fundamentals of chemical reaction kinetics and imparts the knowledge on reactors like batch reactor, continuous stirred tank reactor and plug flow reactor and their operations under different conditions like isothermal and non-isothermal conditions etc.
Major Equipments:
- Batch reactor
- Plug flow reactor
- Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor
- Sono chemical reactor
- Photo chemical reactor
- Packed bed reactor
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The course will provide the basics of temperature, pressure, flow, and level controls with the help of different control modes to verify the operations of control valve, I/P & P/I converters. It also stimulates the time domain specification for a second order system using PID controller.
Major Equipments:
- Thermometer and Thermo well setup
- U tube manometer (mercury and water)setup
- Non-interacting System
- Interacting System
- Closed loop Level system
- Closed loop flow system
- Closed loop thermal system
- Control valve setup
- Tuning of controller
- Control valve characteristic’s (linear, Equal percentage, On-Off controller)
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Faculty & Staff
1 | Dr. VINOTHKUMAR N | Associate Professor & HOD |
2 | Dr. MARIMUTHU C | Professor |
3 | Mr. ARUNNATHAN L | Assistant Professor |
4 | Mr. GOWTHAM A | Assistant Professor |
5 | Mr. KISHORE B | Assistant Professor |
6 | Mr. SRIDHARAN G | Assistant Professor |
7 | Mrs. RENUKA P | Assistant Professor |
8 | Ms. NADACHI K | Assistant Professor |
9 | Ms. SUMI R | Assistant Professor |
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Students participated and secured Ist prize in poster presentation in the National level technical symposium (JFINAGLES 2022) at JCT College of Engineering and Technology
Details of Papers/Posters Presented in Symposium/ Conference
S.No | Title of the Paper/Abstract | Conference Details | Name of the Student (s)/ Year | Name of the Staff (s) |
1 | Dehydration of Ethanol Water Solution Using Activated Starch | Recent Advances in Mechanical & Petrochemicals Engineering - 2022 | Barakathulla L / IVth | Renuka S Vinothkumar N |
2 | Extraction of Pectin from Goose Berry | Recent Advances in Mechanical & Petrochemicals Engineering - 2022 | Dhanuskodi P / IVth | Nadachi K Vinothkumar N |
3 | A Novel Synthesis Protocol for Copper Nano Catalyst and Their Catalyst Application | Recent Advances in Mechanical & Petrochemicals Engineering - 2022 | Dheenadhayalan M / IVth | Nadachi K Vinothkumar N |
4 | Desulphurization of Engine Oil byAdsorption Process | Recent Advances in Mechanical & Petrochemicals Engineering - 2022 | Dhinesh S / IVth | Renuka S Vinothkumar N |
5 | Extraction of Oil from Water by Using Nickel Sponge | Recent Advances in Mechanical & Petrochemicals Engineering - 2022 | Jawahar B / IVth | Nadachi K Vinothkumar N |
6 | Superhydrophobic and Superoleophilic Lotus Fiber Membrane for Highly Efficient Oil-Water Separation | Recent Advances in Mechanical & Petrochemicals Engineering - 2022 | Kavithenral S / IVth | Nadachi K Vinothkumar N |
7 | Extraction of Theobromine from Cocoa Powder | Recent Advances in Mechanical & Petrochemicals Engineering - 2022 | Muhammed Farhan V P / IVth | Renuka S Vinothkumar N |
8 | Effect of Biopesticide Preparation from Neem Seeds Kernels on White Mealy Bugs | Recent Advances in Mechanical & Petrochemicals Engineering - 2022 | Pragatheeswari M / IVth | Renuka S Vinothkumar N |
9 | Plant based Natural Coagulants for Removal of Turbidity, COD and TSS in Domestic Borewell Water | Recent Advances in Mechanical & Petrochemicals Engineering - 2022 | Rakesh P / IVth | Renuka S Vinothkumar N |
10 | A Prototype Microbial Fuel Cell for Sustainable Wastewater Treatment and Bio-Electricity Generation | Recent Advances in Mechanical & Petrochemicals Engineering - 2022 | Ruban S / IVth | Minar Mohamed Lebbai Vinothkumar N |
11 | Removal of Contaminants from Waste Water by Using Mint Nanoparticles | Recent Advances in Mechanical & Petrochemicals Engineering | Santhosh Kumar A / IVth | Nadachi K Vinothkumar N |
12 | Removal of Heavy Metal Ions from Wastewater Using Neem Seed Husk Ash as a Biosorbent | Recent Advances in Mechanical & Petrochemicals Engineering - 2022 | Vigneshwaran M / IVth | Nadachi K Vinothkumar N |
13 | Photocatalytic Membranes from Banana Stem Fibers for Oil Water Separation and Degradation of Textile Dye | Recent Advances in Mechanical & Petrochemicals Engineering - 2022 | Jawahar B / IVth | Nadachi K Vinothkumar N |
14 | Photocatalytic degradation of PET waste to produce hydrogen | Recent Advances in Mechanical & Petrochemicals Engineering - 2022 | Yuvasri K, Aruna P / IIIrd |
Renuka S Vinothkumar N |
15 | Energy recovery and COD reduction of textile waste water by Bio-electro chemical method | MEDINGERS – 2.0 (2022) | Gayathri K, Kowsalya N/ IInd |
Minar Mohamed Lebbai S Renuka S Vinothkumar N |
16 | Photocatalytic bio-membrane from banana stem for organic pollutants degradation | MEDINGERS – 2.0 (2022) | Balaji M, Sudhagar S /IInd |
Nadachi K Renuka S Vinothkumar N |
17 | Carbon Dots from Fruit Wastes for Microplastics Degradation | CHEMERSATZ’22 | Keerthivasan RD, Murali M, Shanmugarajan S / IInd | Nadachi K Renuka S Vinothkumar N |
18 | Plastic waste to Hydrogen Fuel under visible light irradiation | CHEMERSATZ’22 | Muhammed Rihath A Kishore R / IInd |
Minar Mohamed Lebbai S Gopalakrishnan V Vinothkumar N |
Short-Term Courses
S.NO | Name of the Short-Term Courses /Value-Added Courses | Number of students benefited |
1 | Design and Concepts of Zero Liquid Discharge System | 28 |
2 | Recent Advancement of integrated Membrane Technology | 14 |
3 | Plastic Waste Management | 14 |
4 | Waste Management and Energy Recovery | 14 |
Events Organized in the Academic Year 2022-2023 | ||||
S.No | Type of Events | Date | Events Name | Resource Person |
1 | IIC | 03.11.2022 | Overview of Petroleum and Petrochemical Processes | Dr. Brinda Lakshmi A ASP, Department of Chemical Engineering Anna University, Chennai-600025 |
2 | IIT-Lecture | 01.11.2022 | CO2 sequestration of sustainable Energy Solutions | Dr. Jitendra Sangwai Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering IIT Madras, Chennai-600036 |
3 | Guest Lecture | 18.10.2022 | Scope of Chemical Engineering based on 4.0 Industry | Dr. Ashokkumar Annadurai ASP & Head, Department of Bio Technology Periyar Maniammai Institute of Science & Technology,Thanjavur-613403 |
4 | Workshop | 17.10.2022 | “MS EXCEL” and “MATLAB” In-built tools to solve Chemical Engineering Problems | Dr. Monash P ASP, Department of Chemical Engineering, VIT,Vellore-632014 |
Events Organized in the Academic Year 2021-2022 | ||||
S.No | Type of Events | Date | Events Name | Resource Person |
1 | Guest Lecture | 29.07.2022 | Innovation and startup ECO-Systems enablers from the regional level | Mr. Ganeshkumar S Founder & Director Thayumanavar A2 Dairy Form Pvt.Ltd, Trichy-620013 |
2 | Workshop | 05.06.2022 | Enhanced remediation of toxic pollutant by electro kinetic methods | Dr.Krishna R Reddy, Professor & Head, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illionis, USA |
3 | Guest Lecture | 06.05.2022 | Critical thinking and creative thinking on modeling of process equipments | Dr. Chithra Devi V, Professor & Head,Department of Food Technology, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai-638060 |
Events Organized in the Academic Year 2020-2021 | ||||
S.No | Type of Events | Date | Events Name | Resource Person |
1 | Guest Lecture | 05.02.2020 | Innovation and design Industry opportunities for Chemical Engineering | Er. Subramanian S Principal Engineer Woodplc, Chennai-600113 |
2 | Seminar | 25.10.2021 | Chemical Engineering Challenges and opportunities | Dr. Anandalakshmi R ASP, Department of Chemical Engineering IIT Guwahati-781039 |
Research Papers to be submitted
S.No | Title of the paper | Name of the Student (s) | Name of the Staff (s) |
1 | Superhydrophobic and Superoleophilic Lotus Fiber Based Membrane for Highly Efficient Oil-Water Separation | Kavithenral S | Nadachi K Vinothkumar N |
2 | Two Spotted Spider Mites (Tetranychus Urticae) and their potential to develop pesticide resistance | Balakishore L, Jaffeer Ashraf A, Keerthana S | Minar Mohamed Lebbai S Vinothkumar N |
3 | Thermo-Chemical Conversion of Waste Plastics Into Commercial Fuel | - | Vinothkumar N, Minar Mohamed Lebbai S, Nadachi K, Renuka S, Gopalakrishnan V |
4 | Photocatalytic degradation of PET (Poly-) waste to produce hydrogen | Yuvasri K | Renuka S Vinothkumar N |
5 | Effect of Biopesticide Preparation from Neem Seeds Kernels on White Mealy Bugs | Pragatheeswari M | Renuka S Vinothkumar N |
Details of Grants/ Research funding proposals submitted
S.No | Funding Agency | Title of the project | Name of the Student | Name of the Staff |
1 | TNSCST | Removal of Per and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) from Water Source Using a Natural Coagulant (Okra Seeds) | Dheenadhayalan M Dhinesh S Rakesh P Vigneshwaran M |
Renuka S Vinothkumar N |
2 | TNSCST | Photocatalytic Membranes from Banana Stem Fibers for Oil Water Separation and Degradation of Textile Dye | Kavithenral S Pragatheeswari M Barakathulla L |
Nadachi K Vinothkumar N |
Department of Chemical Engineering
Mahendra Engineering College (Autonomous),
Salem - Thiruchengode Highway, Mahendhirapuri,