Statutory Committee
S.No |
Name |
Position |
Designation and Address |
1 | Thirumigu M.G.Bharath Kumar | Chairman | Founder and Chairman Mahendra Engineering College |
2 | Thirumathi Valliammal Bharath Kumar | Management Nominee | Secretary, Mahendra Educational Trust |
3 | Er. Ba. Mahendran | Management Nominee | Managing Director, Mahendra Engineering College |
4 | Er. B.Maha Ajay Prasath | Management Nominee | Managing Director, Mahendra Engineering College |
5 | Dr.S.Rajamanickam | Management Nominee | Hon.Director, Mahendra Engineering College |
6 | Prof.Jaspal Singh | UGC Nominee | Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Punjab Agriculture University, Ludiana, Punjab |
7 | Dr.P.Varalakshmi | University Nominee | Professor, Department of Computer Technology, MIT Campus, Anna University, Chennai. |
8 | Dr. G.Arunkumar | State Government Nominee | Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Government College of Engineering, Salem. |
9 | Dr. Sridhar Mitta | Industrialist | Founder and Managing Director, Next Wealth, Bangalore |
10 | Dr. R. Samson Ravindran | Institution member | Executive Director, Mahendra Engineering College |
11 | Dr.V.Shanmugam | Principal | Principal, Mahendra Engineering College |
12 | Dr. C.T. Sivakumar | Special invitee | Executive Officer, Mahendra Engineering College |
13 | Dr. N. Viswanathan | Special invitee | Controller of Examinations, Mahendra Engineering College |
S.No |
Name |
Position |
Address |
1 | Dr. V. Shanmugam | Chairman of the Academic Council |
Principal, Mahendra Engineering College |
2 | Dr. S.Shanmugam | Anna University Nominee | Professor , Department of Civil Engineering, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore. |
3 | Dr. V.Prabhuraja | Anna University Nominee | Professor , Department of Mechanical Engineering, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore. |
4 | Dr. S.Srinivasan | Anna University Nominee | Professor &Head, Department of Instrumentation Engineering, MIT Campus, Anna University, Chennai. |
5 | DR. J. M. Chandra Kishen | Academic Expert | Professor, Department of Civil Engineering Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore |
6 | Dr.-Ing. M. Duraiselvam |
Academic Expert | Professor, Department of Production Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli |
7 | Dr. S. Sricharan | Industry Expert | Senior Manager Wipro Technologies ,Chennai |
8 | Shri.Rajesh R Nambiyar | Director UiPath – Academic Alliance, Bangalore | |
9 | Dr. R. Samson Ravindran | Senior Faculty members | Executive Director Mahendra Engineering College |
10 | Dr.D.Subramaniam, |
Dean and Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mahendra Engineering College |
11 | Dr. C.T. Sivakumar | Professor, Department of Civil Engg., Mahendra Engineering College |
12 | Dr.N.Viswanathan | Member Secretary | COE & Professor, Department of ECE, Mahendra Engineering College |
13 | All Heads of Departments | Chairmen of Board of Studies | HoDs, Mahendra Engineering College |
Name |
Designation in Committee |
Dr. V. Shanmugam Principal |
Chairman |
Dr.P.S.Velmani Deputy Registrar, Anna University, Chennai |
University Nominee |
Dr.C.T.Sivakumar Senior Faculty member, Department of Civil Engineering |
Member (Nominated by the Principal) |
Mr.B.R.Ramesh Finance Officer |
Member (Nominated by Governing Council) |