About the Department
- The Department of Computer Applications was established in 1998 with the sanctioned intake of 60 students for MCA Programme, which is affiliated to Anna University, Chennai.
- The Department provides excellent infrastructure with well furnished class rooms and laboratory with all required software.
- The Department seminar hall is well equipped with the audio visual facilities.
- Alumni strength of more than 1,000, many are working in top MNCs across the world.
- Conducted both National and International Level Conferences and Seminars.
- Faculty members have rich academic and research experience with Ph.D. qualification.
- Publications of Research papers in both National and International journals.
- Placement in IT companies (Tech Mahindra, Hexaware, WIPRO, TCS etc., )
- Specially designed skill development programmes with support of industrial experts.
Programmes offered
Vision & Mission
- To impart knowledge of Computer Applications to meet the global needs/challenges
- To achieve academic excellence in Computer Applications through innovative teaching and learning processes
- To enhance the students to be professionally competent to face the challenges in the industry
- To promote the research among the faculty and the students to create state of art research facilities
- To ensure that the students are groomed in the society as a true professional
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
Our Graduates of Computer Applications shall have:
- PEO1: Professional and technical career in computer applications
- PEO2: Programming skills in computing fields of IT industries
- PEO3: The life long learning and cultivate the research attitude
- PEO4: Professional ethics with societal responsibilities
Program Outcomes (POs)
Engineering Graduates will be able to:
- Computational Knowledge: Apply knowledge of computing fundamentals, computing specialization, mathematics, and domain knowledge appropriate for the computing specialization to the abstraction and conceptualization of computing models from defined problems and requirements.
- Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and solve complex computing problems reaching substantiated conclusions using fundamental principles of mathematics, computing sciences, and relevant domain disciplines.
- Design /Development of Solutions: Design and evaluate solutions for complex computing problems, and design and evaluate systems, components, or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
- Conduct investigations of complex Computing problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
- Modern Tool Usage: Create, select, adapt and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern computing tools to complex computing activities, with an understanding of the limitations.
- Professional Ethics: Understand and commit to professional ethics and cyber regulations, responsibilities, and norms of professional computing practices.
- Life-long Learning: Recognize the need, and have the ability, to engage in independent learning for continual development as a computing professional.
- Communication Efficacy: Communicate effectively with the computing community, and with society at large, about complex computing activities by being able to comprehend and write effective reports, design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and understand clear instructions.
- Societal and Environmental Concern: Understand and assess societal, environmental, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues within local and global contexts, and the consequential responsibilities relevant to professional computing practices.
- Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the computing and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
- Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multidisciplinary environments.
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Identify a timely opportunity and using innovation to pursue that opportunity to create value and wealth for the betterment of the individual and society at large
Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
Computer Applications Students will:
- Apply the theoretical foundations of computer system and design principles in building the software and hardware components.
- Design and develop the application software systems that meet the automation needs of society and industry.
- Ability to apply knowledge of layered network Models, their protocols and technologies in building network and Internet based applications
Advisory Committee
Department Program Advisory Committee (DPAC)
S. No. | Name of the Member | Designation |
1. | Dr. R. Jayakumar | Professor Head,Department of MCA |
2. | Dr.C.Senthil Kumar | Professor,Department of MCA |
3. | Dr.M. Kannan | Professor Head,Department of CSE |
4. | Dr.S. Raju | Professor Head,Department of IT |
5. | Dr. N. Viswanathan | Professor Head,Department of ECE |
6. | Dr.P.M.Shareef | CEO,QTEEM Techno Solutions Pvt. Ltd |
7. | Mr.M.Murali | Senior Program Manager,TechMahindra |
Board of Studies
Members of the Board of Studies
S.No. | Name of the Member | Communication Address of the members | BoS Designation |
1 | Dr. R. Jayakumar | Professor & HOD, Department of MCA, Mahendra Engineering College |
Chairman |
2 | Dr. B. Vinoth Kumar | Associate Professor, Department of Information Technology, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore |
University Nominee |
3 | Dr.B. Surendiran | Associate Professor Department of Computer Science and Engineering, NIT-Puducherry, Karaikal |
Subject Expert |
4 | Dr. P.M. Shareef | Chief Executive Officer QTEEM Techno Solutions Pvt. Ltd, Chennai – 600087. |
Industrial Expert |
5 | Mr. M. Murali | Senior Program Manager , TechMahindra, Hydrabad- 500081 |
Industrial Expert |
6 | Dr. K. Sasirekha | Research Associate, Department of Compute Science, Periyar University, Salem - 636011 |
MCA Alumni |
7 | Dr. M. Kannan | Professor & HOD, Department of CSE, Mahendra Engineering College |
Academic Expert |
8 | Prof. K. Shanmugam | Professor & HOD, Department of Mathematics, Mahendra Engineering College |
Academic Expert (Allied Department) |
9 | Dr. C. Senthil Kumar | Associate Professor , Department of MCA, Mahendra Engineering College |
Senior Faculty Member |
10 | Dr. K. Prakash | Assistant Professor , Department of MCA, Mahendra Engineering College |
Faculty Member |
Board of Studies Meeting
- Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms Laboratory
- Python Programming Laboratory
- Communication Skills Laboratory
- Full Stack Web Development Laboratory
- Advanced Database Technology Laboratory
- Data Analytics Laboratory
- Mobile Application Development Laboratory
- Machine Learning Laboratory
- Advance Java Programming Laboratory
- C#.Net Programming Laboratory
Faculty & Staff
S.No. | Name of the Faculty | Designation |
1 | Dr. JAYAKUMAR R | Professor & HOD |
2 | Dr. SENTHIL KUMAR C | Associate Professor |
3 | Dr. PRAKASH K | Assistant Professor |
4 | Mr. NAVEEN KUMAR B | Assistant Professor |
5 | Mr. SATHEESH KUMAR T C | Assistant Professor |
6 | Mr. SENTHIL KUMAR A V | Assistant Professor |
7 | Mr. VENKATESH V | Assistant Professor |
8 | Mr. VIJAY A | Assistant Professor |
9 | Mrs. KARTHIKA K | Assistant Professor |
10 | Mrs. SHREESHA R | Assistant Professor |
11 | Ms. GAYATHIRI S | Assistant Professor |
12 | Ms. SANKARIDEVI A | Assistant Professor |
Sl. No. | Name of the Faculty Member |
No. of Research Publications |
1 | Dr. R. Jayakumar | 8 |
2 | Dr. C. Senthil Kumar | 5 |
3 | A.V. Senthilkumar | - |
4 | T.C. Satheesh Kumar | - |
5 | K. Prakash | 3 |
6 | A. Sankari Devi | - |
7 | V. Joseph Emmanuvel | - |
8 | M. Arun Kumar | - |
9 | R. Silambarasan | - |
Journal/Conference Publications-National Level
- R. Jayakumar, “To Design Most Related & Recurrent Recommendation Algorithm for Relevant Information Retrieval with Content Rating Predations Accuracy for Similar Content E-Learner” , Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, Vol. 9, pp. 454-458, 2018.
- K.Prakash, Andrews Samraj ,
“Tool Wear
Condition Monitoring using Emitted Sound Signals
by Acoustic- Electro Conversion”, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research (JSIR), Volume : 78, pp: 499-503, 2019. (Annexure- I). Journal / Conference Publications - International Level
- R Jayakumar, “A Winning Strategies for Acing up Group Discussion” Anvesak, ISSN: 0378-4568, 2021.
- K Prakash, C Senthil Kumar, A Sankari
“High Peak to Low Peak Analysis using Emitted
Sound Signal
in Tool Wear Monitoring”, International Journal of
Sciences, Vol.13,
Issue 71, ISSN: 0976 – 0997, 2022. - K Prakash, A Sankari Devi “An Approach to Reduce Overloading in Distributed Clustering using VACC Approach”, International Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol.13,
Issue 71, 0976– ISSN: 0997, 2022 - Dr. R.Jayakumar, Ms.A.Sankari Devi, “A Holistic Redesign of Web Elements Using CATWOE Analysis”, International Journal of Information and Computing Science, Volume: 6, pp: 391-395, 2019.
- Dr. R. Jayakumar, R. Prasath “ Enhancing the Quality of Under Water Image using Lab on BSB Clahe”, International of Research of Analytical Reviews, Volume 6 Issue 2 , 2019.
- R Jayakumar, A. Sankaridevi, Dr. R.P. Ramkumar, Dr. R. Jayakumar “APriori based Frequent Symptom Set Association Mining in Medical Databases”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Volume 7 Issue 5 pp. 65-68, 2019.
- K.Prakash, Andrews Samraj, “Tool Flank Wear Estimation using Emitted Sound Signal Analysis by PCA-SER Based Peak to Peak Measurements” International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), Volume : 8,pp: 5212-5216, 2019.
(Scopus indexed) - Senthilkumar C &
Dr. Srinath M V, “Software process maturity and capability evaluation and its implementation in the areas of e-learning organizations”, Journal of Computer Science, Science Publications, Volume 10 , Issue 4, pp. 641-657, ISSN: 1549-3636. (Scopus Indexed) - Digital Contents
- PowerPoint Presentations
- Digital Library
- NPTEL Courses
- Industrial Visits
- Industry oriented certification courses
- Workshop and Short Term Training Programmes
- Employability Enhancement Courses (Technical Seminar, Mini Project Work etc.)
Credentials of the Department
- Three faculty members have completed Ph.D. degree
- NPTEL Local Chapter is established for students and faculty members appearing for NPTEL courses online examinations.
- Faculties are members in CSI Chapters and other Professional Bodies.
S.No. Year and Level Name of the Faculty Name of the Award Organization in which award received 1 (2016-2017) / National Level Dr. R. Jayakumar Best Faculty of Computer Applications Integrated Intelligent Research (IIR) 2. (2021-2022) / National Level Dr. C. Senthil Kumar NPTEL Discipline Star NPTEL and IIT, Madras 3 (2021-2022) / National Level Dr. K. Prakash NPTEL Discipline Star NPTEL and IIT, Madras 4 (2021-2022) / National Level Ms. A. Sankaridevi NPTEL Discipline Star NPTEL and IIT, Madras CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE
Wipro Mission10x Programme
- Wipro Mission10X is an industry-academia collaboration program to align engineering student competencies with industrial needs
- Wipro Mission10X enhances the Engineering attributes of the Engineering graduates through Project based learning. The initiative was aimed at deepening the industry-academia bonds and building a strong foundation for the future needs of both academia and the growing embedded industry
- Various training programs are conducted for members of faculty members and students in WIPRO Mission 10X Technology Learning Centre (WIPRO MTLC).
ICT Academy Initiatives
- ICT Academy has evolved a framework for course development, faculty training and student training with focus in making the transmission of knowledge from the faculty to students highly effective with all the tools associated with the same.
- Having awarded ICT Academy Innovation and Best Practices academy award for the year 2016, in association with ICT Academy, various skill development training is organized.
Short-Term Courses
Short-Term & Value-Added Courses organized in the last three academic years 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17
S. No. Name of the Short-Term Courses / Value-Added Courses Number of students benefited 1 NPTEL Online Certification Courses 18 2 Infosys Campus Connect - Foundation Programme 36 3 VMware IT Academy 27 4 Salesforce Platform App Builder 25 5 Uipath RPA - GUVI 43 6 Next Generation Wireless Networks 25 Events
Seminars, Conferences & Workshops conducted through Professional Societies
Events organized in last three academic years:
S. No. Type of Events Date Name of the Events Resource Person Name and Organization 1 NIT Guest Lecture 16.05.2023 Artificial Intelligence of Things DR. P. KUMARAN,
Associate Professor,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
NIT-Puducherry, Karaikal..2 MAILS -Guest Lecture 12.05.2023 Full Stack Web Development MR. E. KULANTHYSAMY,
Marketing technology specialist,
Verticurl Marketing Pvt. Ltd.
Coimbatore.3 Webinar 17.03.2023 Introduction to Microservice Architecture and Design Patterns Mr. ABHISHEK KUMAR,
Senior Engineering Lead,
Bengaluru.4 Guest Lecture 11.01.2023 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Mr. N. PRABHAKAR NAIDU,
Chief Operations Officer,
Mercy Group of Companies,
Chennai.5 Webinar 26.12.2022 Cloud Computing Technologies Dr.M.SUGHASINY,
Project Manager,
Chennai Softech,
Chennai.6 MAILS -Guest Lecture 12.12.2022 Introduction to AWS DEVOPS Ms. BAYYA JOSHNA,
DevOps Engineer,
Wipro Ltd.
Bangalore.7 NIT Guest Lecture 19.05.2022 Big Image Data Processing Using Deep Learning Dr. U. S. N. RAJU,
Associate Professor,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
NIT, Warangal.8 Webinar 05.03.2022 Perspectives and prospects of Design Thinking Dr. P. SHANMUGAVADIVU,
Department of Computer Science and Applications,
Gandhigram Rural Institute(Deemed University),
Dindigul.9 Guest Lecture 26.02.2022 Creative Inspiration and Incubation Mr. GANESG GOPALAN,
Chennai.10 MAILS – Guest Lecture 16.02.2022 Job Opportunities in SAP Mrs. T. ISWARYA,
UI Developer,
SAP Labs India Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru.11 Guest Lecture 15.12.2021 E- Learning Technologies Dr. M. SURIYA NARAYANA MOORTHY,
Vice President,
uLektz Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd.,
Chennai.12 MAILS – Guest Lecture 11.12.2021 Software Testing Tools Mrs. R. VANITHA,
Senior Testing Analyst,
Wipro Private Limited.,
Chennai13 NIT Guest Lecture 24.11.2021 Machine Learning Technologies Dr. S. R. BALASUNDARAM,
Department of Computer Applications,
National Institute of Technology,
Trichy.14 Webinar 06.09.2021 Big Data Analytics Er. B. RAJA,
Project Manager,
Chennai15 Webinar 25.06.2020 Data Analytics Er. G. NETHAJI NIRMAL,
ResPro Labs,
Chennai.16 Webinar 23.05.2020 Automation in Cyber Security Mr. V. SIVAKUMAR,
Senior Consultant.
Wipro Technologies.17 Virtual Seminar 16.05.2020 Blockless Blockchain with IoT Mr. GOPALAKRISHNAN RAJARAM
Senior Professional Technology Analyst
( Leading MNC, Chennai )18 Guest Lecture 24.02.2020 Future Trends and Challenges in IT - Industries Er. S. KIRUBA,
Design Engineer,
GE Healthcare,
Bangalore.19 NIT Guest Lecture 26.09.2019 Machine Learning Dr. S. R. BALASUNDARAM,
Department of Computer Applications,
National Institute of Technology,
Trichy.20 Seminar 23.09.2019 Networks - Deep Dive Mr. G. RAVICHANDRAN,
Senior Network Engineer,
Netscape India,
Bangalore.21 Workshop 20.09.2019 Data Analytics using R Programming Dr. K. SASIREKHA,
Research Associate,
Department of Computer Science,
Periyar University,
Salem.22 Workshop 05.04.2019 Python for Data Science Er. B. RAJA,
Project Manager,
Chennai Softech,
Chennai.23 Workshop 20.03.2019 Power BI Analytics Dr. B. MEENAKSHI SUNDARAM,
Associate Professor / CSE,
New Horizon College of Engineering,
Bangalore.24 Seminar 06.03.2019 Information Security Dr. S. MALLIGA,
Department of CSE,
Kongu Engineering College, Erode.25 Symposium 21.02.2019 Xtantia'19 Mr. M. MURALI ,
Tech Mahindra Ltd.,
Hyderabad.26 Workshop 24.10.2018 to 25.10.2018 Programming with Python Er. KARTHIK KANNAN,
Technical Consultant,
Standard Engineering Associates,Chennai.27 Seminar 26.09.2018 Recent Trends in Web Development Mr. S. SURENDAR,
Co Founder & Tech Lead,
Webchirpy, Coimbatore.
Co Founder & Design Lead,
Webchirpy, Coimbatore.28 Seminar 18.09.2018 Machine Learning Dr. S. V. KOGILAVANI,
Associate Professor,
Department of CSE,
Kongu Engineering College,
Erode.29 Guest Lecture 31.08.2018 Software Testing with Selenium Tool Dr. A. CARMEL PRABHA,
Technical Test Lead,
Infosys Ltd.,
Chennai.30 FDLP 30.05.2018 Design and Analysis of Algorithms Dr.C.SENTHIL KUMAR,
MEC31 Guest Lecture 23.02.2018 .NET Framework Architecture Mr. R ANANDHARAJ,
Senior Software Engineer,
Vxceed Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd,
Bangalore.32 Workshop 21.02.2018 to 22.02.2018 Programming in PHP with MYSQL Mr. KARTHIK KANNAN,
Technical Consultant,
Standard Engineering Associates,
Chennai.33 MAILS 19.02.2018 Opportunities in IT Industries Mr. CHITRANJAN KUMAR ,
Software Developer,
Incred Management and Technology Services,
Bangalore34 Workshop 14.02.2018 to 15.02.2018 Web Application Development Er. G. NETHAJI NIRMAL,
Senior Tech Lead,
ResPro Labs,
Chennai35 Guest Lecture 15.09.2017 Recent Trends in IT Industries Mr. M. MURALI ,
Service Operations Manager,
Tech Mahindra Ltd.,
Hyderabad36 Workshop 08.08.2017
09.08.2017Android Application Development Mr. S. NETHAJI NIRMAL,
Senior Tech Lead,
ResPro Labs,
Chennai.37 Workshop 28.07.2017 Introduction to PHP Programming Mr. S. MOHANKUMAR ,
Senior Software Engineer,
Accel Frontline Ltd,
Chennai.38 Seminar 11.07.2017 Mobile Computing Dr. D. S. THENMOZHI,
Professor / MCA,
Institute of Road and Transport Technology,
Faculty members to whom Ph.D. Degree awarded during the last five academic years:
S.No. Name of the Faculty Academic Year 1 Dr.C.Senthil Kumar 2015-2016 2 Dr.R.Jayakumar 2016-2017 3 Dr.K.Prakash 2020-2021 Number of research publications of the faculty members
- Academic Year 2014-2015 : 3
- Academic Year 2015-2016 : 3
- Academic Year 2016-2017 : 5
- Academic Year 2017-2018 : 3
- Academic Year 2018-2019 : 5
- Academic Year 2019-2020 : 3
- Academic Year 2020-2021 : 3
Memorandum of Understanding signed during last three academic years 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-2017
- Memorandum of Understanding on Research Knowledge between Department of Computer Applications (MCA) of Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal and Dept. of Computing Research, Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom on 2nd September 2016.
ICT Academy
ICT Academy is an initiative of the Government of India in collaboration with the state Governments and Industries. ICT Academy is a not-for-profit society, the first of its kind pioneer venture under the Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) model that endeavours to train the higher education teachers and students thereby exercises on developing the next generation teachers and industry ready students.
Sheffield Hallam University ,UK
Memorandum of Understanding on Research Knowledge between Department of Computer Applications (MCA) of Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal and Department of Computing Research, Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom on 2nd September 2016.
AWS Educate
Our Department has registered with AWS Educate membership which enables us to use Amazon Web Services in their courses and projects. It initiative to provide students and educators with the resources needed to greatly accelerate cloud-related learning and help students prepare for a cloud-enabled workplace. It collaboration tools such as an events page and credits to access AWS services for free and discount for AWS training resources
Red Hat Academy
Under the Program, Red Hat provides Partner an Internet deployed and managed Curriculum, Software, and Services and Partner provides the facilities and Teachers and delivers the Courses to Students as set forth in this Appendix. Capitalized terms not defined in this Appendix shall have the meaning given to them in the Partner Agreement between the parties, including the Partner Terms and Conditions.
Ui Path
Under the program, UiPath enters into partnerships with universities, educational institutes, high schools or governmental educational authorities for the purpose of raising awareness, promoting and providing resources for enabling robotic process automation software courses, trainings and any other educational programs.
The Head of the Department,
- Department of Computer Applications (MCA),
- Mahendra Engineering College (Autonomous),
- Mahendhirapuri,
- Mallasamudram (West),
- Salem-Tiruchengode Highway,
- Tiruchengode(Tk),
- Namakkal 637 503.
- Phone:04288-288500 Ext. 585
- Mail id: hodmca@mahendra.info
- K Prakash, A Sankari Devi “An Approach to Reduce Overloading in Distributed Clustering using VACC Approach”, International Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol.13,